Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Euro Nightmare and the UK

Telegraph: Reports that the UK Treasury has created plans in the event of a Euro failure, the UK Coalition Government would place capitol controls on money in out of the UK. This is like something out of the UK in the aftermath of World War Two folks, limiting funds people can place and take out of the UK, lets hope the Eurozone Countries get their act together, this blog is going to start looking at buying gold. If the Euro fails folks the EU would come under threat, but the cost of keeping the Euro from going down the toilet could be years of harsh austerity, think the 1950s in black and white but worse, yes folks it could get that bad, at some point there will have to be a managed default of the PIIGS, but not yet, any rash actions could lead to a downfall, this blog would not be surprised if Spain placed capitol control at the end of the year, as the first step to a return to native currency, big economic news expected out of Spain on December 30th folks. Lets wait and see folks.

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