Monday, December 19, 2011

No Payroll Tax Cut ?

BBC News: Reports that the Republican House Speaker John Boehner has stated that expects the House of Representatives to vote against the Payroll tax cut deal designed by the US Senate. This is hardball politics folks, the Republicans want a year extension of the payroll tax cut, the Democrats are slow rolling the cut, they want it as a political issue in 2012, they want to play their usual class warfare strategy. The deal on the whole sounds good, the middle class get their tax cut, no tax on the rich, but the Tea Party House Members were elected in 2010 to do real cuts, thus this could go down to the wire folks. There will be a tax cut, but it might need to be backdated if a deal cant be reached in till early 2012. In way the politics works for both Parties, the Tea Party Republicans can say they have worked system to get what they want, real cuts, while Democrats can argue that Republicans only care about the rich. Lets see what the voters think folks, lot of polls can be expected on this subject.

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