Friday, December 30, 2011

Latest Iowa Poll

The Hill: Reports on a new NBC/Marist Poll for Iowa, at the top is Governor Romney at 23%, Congressman Paul at 21% and former US Senator Rick Santorum at 15%. As stated many times in this blog, if Romney can take Iowa and then win big in NH this race is in effect over, but and also stated the big BUT is that Paul could take Iowa, then Romney NH, if Gingrich is finished again this could allow Santorum a chance in South Carolina, thus a long race for the Republican nomination. As kind readers of this blog has found, this blog has latched on to any Conservative candidate who can beat Romney but more important President Obama, thus far we have seen Perry, Cain, Gingrich self explode, of the three Perry is gaining ground, but his disaster at the Republican debates means Obama would eat him alive, thus folks we come back to Romney, yes this blog has never been a fan, quite the reverse, but the Republican Party cant have a long race, this would allow the Obama Campaign to define the winner before he or she could define who they are, thus folks of Iowa, VOTE FOR ROMNEY, he can win the Republican nomination quickly and can defeat POTUS. Yes we have to keep an eye on him, make sure he follows the Conservative line, but at least he knows that, thus FOLKS, VOTE for Romney on January 3rd.

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