Thursday, December 08, 2011

Obama on the Euro

Guardian Live - Euro: Reports from the AP that President Obama has stated that the EU can solve the Euro crisis if it has the political will, but what is interesting is the reaction Guardian, “ So that's it then, Obama says it'll be OK. We can all rest easy. ”. The left wing Guardian sending up POTUS, it seems on the financial side that even the PC Guardian does not trust the judgement of Obama. Also lets get real folks, the US has a 15 trillion debt, the Super Committee failed to develop a plan for trillions of cuts, the US under Obama has lost its AAA rating with S&P, the Republican House wont pass a thing that Obama wants, and here is Obama lecturing the EU on its problems, get a grip Oval. Your no JFK or Reagan, solve your own problems first, the STAR has not had box office hit in a while, grow up POTUS.

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