Sunday, December 11, 2011

UK Coalition Government and the Liberal Democrats

BBC News: Reports on the U - turn by Liberal Democrat Leader and DPM Nick Clegg on the UK’s VETO of a new EU Treaty, Mr Clegg has stated that the veto was bad for Britain, but blamed Germany/France and the right wing of the Conservative Party. This is typical of the Liberal Democrats folks, once the extreme left wing Guardian shouts, the LibDems ask how high they should jump. After the Summit Nick Clegg stated that the demands by the PM were moderate and he supported the action, once the pressure started by the likes of the BBC and Guardian, Clegg changed his mind, this blog did warn you folks that the Clegg was the weak link. The PM should read the riot act at the next Cabinet. PM Cameron should state that he will hold a Referendum on his decision, also should the UK hold a vote on in or out for the EU. The BBC and even Sky have bough out the old EU fanatics, most in the House of Lords, what was noticeable that there were no Conservative MPs who opposed the PM, and they matter folks, not extreme Lib Dems who want to run by the EU and failed politicians in the House of Lords. Lets start the fight back folks, lets blog, tweet, lets show the PM was right.

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