Sunday, December 11, 2011

France and the Euro

Guardian: Reports that France faces a credit downgrade, the article states the following, “ A Reuters survey of 13 economists found 11 thought France would be downgraded. ”. Thus what was the point of France bullying the UK, the French President Nicolas Sarkozy faces re-election next year, if France gets hit with a downgrade the Government will have to have further tax hikes, as the article notes France has gone for tax hikes over real austerity,..France has focused chiefly on tax rises rather than sweeping spending cuts..”, also it should be noted that Germany faces elections next year folks, lets look at the record folks, in between election losses and forced resignations it has not been good for those that have supported the Euro and the EU. This should be a warning to the Lib Dems, don’t push PM Cameron to far, he just might call your bluff.

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