Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Spanish Banking Woes - Eurozone Crisis

Daily Mail: Reports that there are worries that other Spanish Banks beyond Bankia will need to be bailed out.

Lets Get Real:

The EU has to demand that Spain takes a bailout, that EU/IMF/ECB Inspectors are placed in Spanish Government Departments, that Regional Governments in Spain must have their budgets approved by the Centre. The reforms of the new Spanish Government have to be pushed through, the level of unemployment in Spain at the of the end of the day could lead to civic disorder, also we might see millions of Spanish and Greek youngsters leave their Countries head to France Germany or the UK, the aim to get a job. This would place extra burden on these Countries, from welfare to anger by local that EU Citizens are taking jobs at a cheaper rate. Thus the Spanish problem has to be solved and fast, Greece is a lot cause, the EU might not have the money to bailout out Spain, a sinking Spain might take Italy with it, then the Euro would be finished and the EU would not be far behind.

The Greek Election and Polls

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks we have a couple of weeks of this kind of up and downs in the stock and currency markets. As noted in my last post the big private sector companies seem to have taken the hint and getting out of any risks. IF the Greeks jump off a cliff this would be the best news for the Euro, at least then the EU can soften the blow for the Greeks, it can give them a bailout to help keep the civic order in Greece, also help Greece bring back its own currency. It will be a fresh start for the Greeks, they can develop a Greek economic system that will allow Greece in a few years time to come back in to the international market. If Greece does go it will be harsh folks, lets not sugar coat that fact, the alternative would have Greece suffering for years for nothing, is that fair to the Greek people, they did give the world Democracy.

The Real Market and Greece

Telegraph Live - Greece: Reports in its 2.04pm post the following, “ Euler Hermes, the world's biggest trade insurer, has suspended cover for exporters shipping to Greece ..”, on the fear that Greece will not be able to pay its debts should it either leave the Euro or be forced out.

Lets Get Real:

If the big private companies fear that Greece is going belly up its time for the banks to off load their Greek debt, also invoke their insurance policies. The June 17th election in Greece might not be that clear cut, as noted in its 3.30pm post recent Greek Polls indicate that “ it's probably split 50:50 over who will win - anti-bailout Syriza and New Democracy. ”. Thus if Greece is seen as goner in the private sector, one has to ask how fast that end will hit Spain. The French and the Spanish want Euro Bonds as to help with Euro debt, the Germans have said NO. Thus we might be seeing the start of the end of the Euro folks, the German taxpayer is not going to bailout Greece and Spain, it will not pay for French election promises, thus rough seas ahead folks for Euro and the EU.

Spanish Bonds vs. Germans Bonds = Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: Reports that EU Stock Markets have taken a dive of between 1% - 1.5% over the cost Spanish bonds heading up to 6.7%, while Germans bonds have fallen to 1.31%.

Lets Get Real:

If Spanish bonds head over 7% the Markets will expect Spain to ask for multi billion bailout, that would include Spanish Government debt, the debts of its banks, and the debts of its regional Governments. Yes folks we might be talking about a bailout of between half a trillion to 1 trillion in Euros. This is before Greece goes to the Polls on June 17th. The worry for the Germans is that the Greeks might be so spooked that they support austerity Parties for a time thus Germany and the EU would have to fund Greece, but down the line the Greeks just get fed up and refuse the pay. Thus more Euro billions down the toilet. One can expect the Germans to demand should the Greeks elect a Coalition Government that supports austerity to make legally binding deal, a deal that will make the Austro - Hungarian demand to the Serbs in 1914 look like a birthday card. In other words Athens would come under the control of Berlin, if they want the money from Berlin they would have to follow the demands of 4th economic Reich.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Romney as Extreme - Obama Attack Advert

Lets Get Real:

The Oval is attempting to tie Governor Romney to those on the extreme of the Republican Party, that doubt that President Obama was born in the US. Its an interesting trick but flawed, what this is really about is making ANY critical comments about Obama out of bounds, its like when the Obama Campaign of 08 used the race card of Bill Clinton. The Chicago Re-Elect Committee wants to paint Romney as both extreme and a Candidate that changes his viewpoints. Lets get something clear here, Obama is on very thin ice here, lets recall POTUS needed a racist Preacher to get him a green card in to Chicago politics, also he had the support of a urban terrorist, the UBER left wing media wont discuss Obama's political start or his U - turns since coming to Office. Thus using this argument shows how bad the internal polls must be for the Oval. The Oval cant run on its 1st Term, its been domestic disaster, trillions spent and the US unemployment is till at 8% and ObamaCare is still hated by the US voter. On the international front, Iran is heading for the bomb, Afghanistan will return to the control of the Taliban, there is mass murder in Syria, and Obama is playing about this kind of rubbish. Poor show Oval.

Obama's SPENDING YOUR MONEY - Down The Drain

Lets Get Real:

Great Advert from a Republican supporting Super Pac, how the Oval has spent US tax payers money on the car bailout, but closed down car dealerships, with US voters getting thrown on the DOLE. How this UBER Liberal President has thrown US Dollars at Green projects that don't work. President Obama attacks private business, but at least either way that's private money at risk, the Oval takes risks with YOUR MONEY, to keep keep the liberal base happy, who makes money Obama or Gekko ( Wall Street 1 and 2 ). Do you want to be Gordon Gekko and make money for yourself and others, or do you want to spend tax dollars to to keep some uber left wing academics happy. Simple choice folks.

Obama's Executive Action - Taking OUT Al Qaeda

Daily Mail: Reports from a NYT story that President Obama decides at the end of the day who is taken out in Al Qaeda by US Drones. As a summary the President has his White House Advisers to develop baseball cars with Al Qaeda operatives to be taken out on his order.

Lets Get Real:

Has the White House and the US Defence Department not heard of keeping secrets, thus the North Koreans have discovered that US has sent in US Special Forces in to the North, the terrorists after reading the NYT and the Daily Mail will learn that their leadership has been taking out by direct order of POTUS. In the past when a President gave the order for a hit it was done at arms length, now there are leaks, one can assume it is meant to help POTUS in a close Presidential race, in itself not a bad idea, what happens if something goes wrong, a target is wrong, bad intel, now the press will start to ask did POTUS direct the operation, did he check the operation all the way through, you get the idea folks. A President should be kept a some distance, so when the tea bags hit the fan the Oval does not get blow back, there is a old WW2 line folks, lose talk sink ships, or the Chicago version, the windy city can hit you in the backside, and its a hurricane, e.g the liberal NYT on the warpath sooner or later.

US/South Korean Special Forces in North Korea

Telegraph: Reports that the US Military has stated that the US and South Korean Special Forces have entered North Korea to check up the underground tunnels of North Korea.

Lets Get Real:

Have the US Military ever head of keeping secrets, its only needs for one of these trips to go wrong for the US to have another Korean War on its hands, one can see the North Korean Regime using this news as pretext for some kind of military action against South Korea. It is expected that that North Korea will test another nuclear bomb soon after the failure of its rocket, this news might make them think that they have a good reason create a bit of local strike in South Korea, they might bomb one of the towns close to the border ( again ), sink a South Korean Ship ( again ), expect some kind of action folks, the new North Korean leader will want to show that he is tough, and will not allow such US trips to happen without some action. Lets recall North Korea is a nuclear armed power, thus not a lot the South Koreans or the US could do if North Korea does take some kind of limited action, time for the US Military to SHUT UP.

Diplomacy and Syria

BBC News: Reports that the UK, US and other EU Countries have thrown out Syrian Diplomats due to the massacre in Houla, the UN has stated that 49 children were murdered, while 34 women were also killed.

Lets Get Real:

As a gesture this is good folks, but does it help the poor Syrian people, no really, this does recall Bosnia in the 1990's, the lack of action by the the US and International Community over years lead to thousands being killed. At the end of the day NATO had to be used after one massacre to many in Bosnia. How many deaths will it take before the US takes action, with UN approval or not, how many children have to die before the UN grows a backbone, at what point in pure political terms does it cost less to act than not to act. At what point does President Obama earn that Nobel Peace Prize, at what point does the Oval put its election chances on the line to save people. As LBJ stated what is the point of the Presidency if you don't take political risks if its the right thing to do, so we are waiting POTUS, when will you ACT, or are you all rhetoric not cattle.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has announced the name of the UK Soldier that was killed on Saturday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was " Captain Stephen James Healey, from 1st Battalion, The Royal Welsh (The Royal Welch Fusiliers) ". Our thoughts are with the family of Captain Healey.

The failure of Obama's Rhetoric - Republican Attack Advert

Lets Get Real:

Great advert aimed at those voters that voted for President Obama in 2008, how young people cant find work, how debt has gone through the roof, the effects of OBAMACARE, how health costs have gone up under Obama. How Obama has turned out to be a tax and spend liberal.

Will the West Act ? - Syria

Telegraph: Reports that the Free Syrian Army, the main opposition group has called for the West to take Military action against the Assad Regime.

Lets Get Real:

The UN is blocked by the Russian Veto, the Coalition UK Government would have trouble staying together if there was no UN approval for action, the French have a new Government, do they want to get in to War that quick and President Obama does not want to inflame his liberal left wing Democratic base by starting another War in the Middle East. One suspects that those opposed to the Assad Regime are getting defence support from other States in the region, that are opposed to the Assad Regime. Thus what could the UN do, it could pass a no fly zone, or better a no drive zone for tanks, thus prevent the latest attacks. The problem folks is that the Assad Regime if it really feels under threat could cause problems for Israel and Lebanon. If Syria takes military action against either it could cause a regional War, thus don't expect the West to take action soon in Syria folks, its a can worms the West does not want to open.

The Massacre of the Innocent, Houla - Syria

BBC News: Reports that UK, US and France have condemned the Massacre in the Town of Houla in Syria, it is reported that 93 people were killed, of that total 32 were children.

Lets Get Real:

Folks this massacre and the death of innocent children should be a wake up call for President Putin of Russia, but Russia will still block any real action against its close ally, an ally that dates back to the Cold War folks. The Russians want to keep their warm water port, thus either the UK, US and France can push Russia or the Troika will have to take action outside the remit of the UN. Any action Syria is a three way war folks, Iran will not allow its last close ally to fall, it needs Syria to keep its power and presence in the area, thus should NATO take action, the Tehran Regime will not allow Assad Regime to go down without a good fight, Syria is not Libya folks, the Oval could not lead from behind, POTUS would place pressure from his left not to take on Syria, on the other hand he can not afford the image that he can be pushed around, that does not go down well with Independent or Conservative Democrat voters. President Obama does not want Israel to strike Iran before the November elections, the President might face the prospect that he gets in to a War with Tehran before that, so a Israeli strike might not be a bad idea, it would divert Iran from Syria, and in that context the US would have greater control of the outcome, context is all folks.

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier was killed on Saturday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was killed by an IED, the Soldier was from the " 1st Battalion, The Royal Welsh ".

Lets Get Real:

As 0f 2001 the UK has lost 415 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 375 in combat/hostile action, while another 40 have died due to illness, accidents or other incidents. How many more will be lost before the UK leaves Afghanistan in 2014, will the last to be killed, die for nothing, sorry to say this folks but if we are getting out, lets get out with the French, we have supported our ally the US since 2001, Obama wants out, the US voters wants out, lets not allow our Soldiers died to help Obama get re-elected, that his problem.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Iran vs. UN

Lets Get Real:

Folks with Spanish Banks heading for a run on them, Greece heading for the EXIT of the Euro, NOW we have this major worry, the UBER Liberal NYT states the development might be accident, nice try NYT, this blog would want James Bond 007 or Mossad to conform this development, and even then this blog would want Israel to take action. Lets get VERY real here folks, the Tehran Regime has been caught red handed, one would suspect there are other nuclear sites in Iran that the UN does not know about, lets hope the Intelligence networks of the US, UK and Israel has some idea. This development will give another reason to say that POTUS is weak on national security, while the UN talks to Iran in Iraq, the Tehran Regime is up to getting the bomb. The Israeli Government might have to take action well before the US Presidential Election, it cant risk a nuclear armed Iran, would you trust Obama to bomb Iran after his leadership from behind in Libya. It will be interesting to see if the uber liberal news networks report this story, they will not want to place pressure on Obama, but they might have no choice, events as a Israeli strike on Iran is something even the uber liberal main stream media cant hide for Obama.

Day One, Part Two - Romney Presidency - Advert

Lets Get Real:

This is a positive political advert folks, its stresses that Romney will deal with the US Budget Disaster of 16 Trillion, will stand up to China, will be business friendly. Its good because it is the reverse of the Obama record, without going negative. Also folks its short, that is always good.

Obama vs. Romney - The Polls

It is that time of the week folks, the tracking polls for the race between President Obama and Governor Romney.

Gallup ( Registered Voters ): In today's daily tracking poll we have President Obama ahead of Governor Romney by 47% to 46%.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks it is a tied race, on whole this good for both Obama and Romney, neither has fallen behind, but neither has managed to define the other Candidate. As to the Obama attack on Romney's business record he is heading in to blow back from fellow Democrats, lets get VERY real here, either way this IS Obama's last Campaign, if he wins he cant run for a 3rd term, if he losses its over for the Obama brand. The critical comments on the Obama attack is coming from Democrats who want to run for other offices, it does not help them to be seen as anti business, the business community wont fund them if they are attacked by candidates that take their money but then throw them under the bus, harsh but true folks. Thus the Chicago Re-Elect Committee should not expect but much support from Democrats who want run for public office in the future. On the Romney side he has to select his Vice - President quite fast, it would be great if it was a woman, from a any ethnic background, e.g not white, also very Conservative, that would keep the social conservatives in the Republican Party happy, if it cant be a woman then a VP that shares the above aspects. The Republicans have to broaden their support, get more of the female vote, attract conservatives in different ethnic areas, get the base yes but also get Conservative Democrats and Independents. That is the next stage for Romney, he VP choice might decide if he gets elected.

Spanish Debt - Regional and Banks

Guardian Live - Spain: Reports in its 5.47pm post the following on Regional Debt of Catalonia and other Spanish Regions, the articles notes the following, " ...It needs some €13bn and other regional governments in Spain need around €24bn more...".

Lets Get Real:

Thus the out of control Regional Governments of Spain and bleeding Spain dry, also the Spanish Government has to worry that it will have a run on its banks should Greece go out of the Euro. Thus to prevent total contagion the EU/IMF/ECB should force Spain to take a multi billion bailout, the Regional Governments of Spain should be stripped of their power to run the financial structure of the Spanish Regions. The IMF should place inspects as in Greece in Spanish Government Departments to make sure that any bailout is spent wisely, also any money spent by the Spanish Government would need the green light of the inspectors. Its better to take action NOW folks than wait for Spain to follow Greece after the Greek elections. It might be to late to save Spain in the Euro folks.

EU Summit and Greece

Telegraph Live - Greece: Reports in its 3.31pm post that leaders of Italy, France, Germany and Spain are to hold a EU Summit on the day of the Greek General Election.

Lets Get Real:

This sounds like it will be a all nighters folks as the leaders wait the results from Athens, the projections should tell the EU what path they will be on for the next few months, either Greek voters vote for austerity Parties or Greece is OUT of the Euro. The Germans are not going to support Euro bonds not matter what President Hollande of France wants, as Euro bonds will mean that Germany will be on the hook to bailout the PIIGS till the end of time. The German voter would throw Chancellor Merkel out of office if she tried to get the German Parliament to support such bonds. Also its against the basic law of Germany, no German Government can underwrite the debt of other Countries. Thus expect the Markets to go up and down over the next few weeks folks, even this blog can not understand the present mind set of the market, on no good news, well no news on Euro Bonds and the Markets go up, it seems the Market is going on hope, politics and reality are not the same thing folks.

Spanish Bank Bankia - Major Bailout

BBC News: Reports that one of Spain's biggest Banks ; its 4th; Bankia will ask for a major bailout by the Spanish Government. The article states that the Bank will ask for 15 billion Euros.

Lets Get Real:

The Greek exit from the Euro folks could be the spark that sees Spain having to ask EU for billions in bailout. It has been argued that there is a deep black hole of Spanish debt held by Spanish Banks. As the article notes the Banks have to deal with a busted property boom and of buying Spanish debt. Also as the article notes Spain's richest region, Catalonia also needs a bailout. Thus folks it can be argued that Spain is the next Greece, the contagion from Greece has already created a cancer in the weak body of the Spanish State. Thus IF Greece does exit the Euro expect the Markets to start attacking Spain, their bonds might hit the 7%. At present Spain is paying over 6% to sell its bonds, the new Spanish PM has stated that this cant go on forever, Spain can not afford to to loan at that rate. Thus the Greeks voters have the future of Greece and Spain in their hands when they vote on June 17th.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Greek Exit and the EU - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian Live - Greece: Reports that President Hollande of France has stated that he is not aware of any back up plans by the EU in the event of Greece leaving the Euro, the 1.56pm post states the following on the planning, " ..eurozone officials agreed on Monday to work on contingency planning for a Greek exit. ".

Lets Get Real:

Either the new French President is clueless or is being economic with the truth, the problem with Hollande is that he is still in election mode, the French are going to vote in their Parliamentary elections soon, the new left wing President does not want to find himself sharing power with a extreme right wing PM, that would be a perfect nightmare. The post notes that Hollande wants Euro Bonds as to bailout the PIIGS, the Germans have made it clear that is a firm NO. If the French want to bailout the Greeks, that's their problem. One can shout about growth in till one is horse, but its not a quick solution, just ask the Obama White House, their shovel ready projects were not that ready, and they didn't work, US unemployment went over 8%. The left has to get the fact that Government does not create jobs, its spends money it does not have, and different Parties have different interests, for the left its the Unions. Thus in a age of austerity the Unions want to spend, that's one way to become a modern Weimar Germany. Thus will we get June 17th with the Greeks still in the Euro, its a open question folks.

German Bundesbank and Greece

Telegraph Live - Greece: Reports in its 11.45am post of a warning from the German version of the Bank of England, the Bundersbank to Greece, the post notes the following, " is putting any future financial aid at risk by failing to elect a government which promises to stick to the bailout terms. ".

Lets Get Real:

The Germans folks are not going to pay for the election promises of the French or the Greeks. This is a brutal warning, either elect a Government that the Germans want or your on your OWN. It is about time that someone from the EU leadership was this plain. The last such comments got the UK PM David Cameron in hot water, but such comments show leadership, its telling the voter the hard truth, no spin, just the harsh fact of reality. The German Basic Law, the German Constitution states that Germany can not take on the debts of others, the Germans recall the disaster that was the Weimar Germany and the raise of Hitler. Thus Greece has a brutal choice, IN or OUT, no discussions, no revised agreement, tough austerity or Greece is out of the Euro. Is Athens sleeping walking over a cliff, or have the Greek people lost the plot so much they cant tell what is real any more, lets see what June 17th bring folks.

The Markets and Greece - Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: Reports on comments by former Greek PM Lucas Papademos, the former PM has stated that the Greek Government might be making plans to leave the Euro. This has sent EU Stock Markets tumbling.

Lets Get Real:

One can postulated folks that Greece might be out of the Euro before the June 17th Greek General Election, how long can the Markets take this constant up and down from Euro leaders when it comes to the Greece and the Euro. At the G8 the Leaders made it clear they wanted Greece to stay in the Euro but meet the terms of its agreement when it comes to austerity, Stock Markets for some reason went up, now they are heading down again, from between 1% t0 2%. At present the FTSE 100 in the UK at 1.40pm is down 2.9%. There is another EU leaders meeting tonight folks, as the article notes new French President, Francois Hollande wants Euro Bonds, the Germans have said NO, they fear that they will end up having to bailout the PIIGS till forever. Thus either the Markets or the Germans might decide before June 17th that's enough is enough and give Greece a RED CARD, this blog sees 4/10 chance of that happening, its not out there folks, time is not the side of the Euro or the Greeks.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Romney and Women Voters

Guardian Live - US Election: Reports in its 1pm posting on a new ABC News/ Washington Poll Poll, it shows that the big lead that President Obama had with women has narrowed, the articles notes the following, " Obama leads among female registered voters 51% to 44%, a substantial shrinkage from April when he led by 57% to 38%...". Also more worrying for the Obama Camp as the articles notes is the fact that married women support Romney by 17%.

Lets Get Real:

If the Chicago Re-Elect Committee can not extend the Obama lead with Women he is toast in November folks, male voters on the whole support Romney by big margins from polls this blog has seen, Obama only wins if he has a double digit lead over Romney on Election Day. I hope the Chicago Election Committee does not take this advice but drop the class warfare argument, female voters are not interested in what Romney did in 1994 when he was in business, they want to know will the next President get the economy moving, will the next President deal with the debt issue. As women that normally have to deal with the home finances they know you cant have a 16 trillion and not deal with it, just going on about class warfare might make the uber NYT happy but it make sure that Obama is a 1 term President. Thus male and female voters know when they are being conned, Obama has not mentioned his own record so far, four years and what, a 8% level of unemployment, forcing ObamaCare down the throat of US voters. The billion spent by the Oval on the promise that unemployment would not go over 8%, the President and the Congress cant work together, its May folks, if President Obama wants to get re-elected he needs to bring in new staff, otherwise big defeat in November folks.

World War One Memoirs - Vera Brittain

Telegraph: Reports that a new film is being produced based on the memoirs of Vera Brittain. The film is being made by BBC Films.

Lets Get Real:

It's about time folks, Testament of Youth about the life of Vera Brittain before, during and after World War One is one of the most moving things this blog has even seen on big or small screen. A TV version was filmed in 1979, the articles states the following on the production, " ..The series has retained its place as one of the outstanding achievements in television drama of the golden age of British public service broadcasting. ". While readers of this blog might be surprised as the theme of the TV series and book is anti War, yes this blog still wants to bomb Iran, and Yes still supports the Iraq War, that does not mean one can not want to understand what Vera Britten went through during those deadly years, losing loved ones, the pain of memory. While this book supports diplomacy it does not support appeasement, and Iran is being appeased, so is North Korea, on the other hand before one supports a military action one should think about the results, Testament of Youth, the 79 series is a good place to start folks.

Threat from North Korea - Korean Front

BBC News: Reports on a threat from North Korea to increase its nuclear programme if the US and its Allies do not back off with their tough sanctions.

Lets Get Real:

This is a clear blackmail attempt by the Stalinist North Korean Regime, they have one ACE, they are nuclear armed power, every time the set off a nuclear test it brings Japan closer to going nuclear. There rocket attempts have been failures so far, one day one of their rockets might work. This would push Japan in to becoming a nuclear armed power, that would really scare North Korea and China, one of these days China will have to make a choice, does it support its close ally or does it switch off the lights. That decision could come faster than China expects, a new leader in North Korea will want to prove he is up to it on a military level, the rocket failed, so either a new nuclear test or some military threat to South Korea. The clock is ticking folks.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Obama Advert - Class Warfare

Lets Get Real:

Get out the violins folks, get ready for the sob stories, get the "FACT" from the OVAL that the RICH are BAD, that MAKING MONEY IS EVIL. If this is the rubbish that the Chicago Re-Elect is coming up with Obama is in real trouble.

New Obama Advert - Romney and Business

The Hill: Reports that the Obama Campaign has another attack advert out that attacks Governor Romney's business record, the articles notes the following, " ..attacking Mitt Romney's former company Bain Capital for killing jobs at an Indiana office supply company. ".

Lets Get Real:

Folks the Obama Campaign has to much time on its hands if can produce a six minute attack video, who in this day and age has the time to watch six minutes of slanted adverts. In today's market 15 to 30 seconds is the norm, as stated its the MTV Generation, if you told them the World was coming to an end they would want it in brief, and to the point. The Chicago operation has to get its act together, get some of their media friends to advice them, poor show Oval.

Blair/Bush 43 and the Iraq War - Telephone Transcript

Guardian: Reports that the UK Foreign Office has lost its appeal against the release of a transcript of a private telephone call between the then UK PM Tony Blair and President Bush before the Iraq War.

Lets Get Real:

Folks at the end of the day the UK Cabinet can veto this request under national security considerations. The Cabinet of late placed a veto on the release of review of the reforms of the NHS written by Civil Servants. Thus when it comes to documents that concern the Iraq War and the UK and US relationship it can be expected that a VETO will be used, no PM wants to annoy the US, no matter what President Obama thinks of Bush 43 he would not want his calls to UK leaders to be open to release under freedom of information. This will not happen folks.

Destruction of the Euro - Greek Exit

Telegraph Live - Euro Crisis: Reports in its 2.38pm post that the leader of the Greek Syriza bloc, Alexis Tsipras has stated that a Greek exit from the Euro would destroy the Euro.

Lets Get Real:

It is clear that Mr Tsipras is playing high stakes politics, his radical left bloc it can be assumed never expected to come 2nd in the May General Election, the bloc must know think it has the chance to come 1st in the General Election. The Party is playing Russian Roulette with the future of Greece, the UK PM David Cameron has made it clear that Greece has a choice, either vote for the Parties that support the austerity deal or accept that a vote for anti austerity Parties is a vote for Greece to leave the Euro. The Greeks are being blackmailed, its very direct, either the Greek voter accepts years of austerity or they are on their own. Thus Greece could fall apart, this is high stakes politics at its most brutal, either way Greece will suffer, its just the amount of pain it will suffer, there are no easy ways out for Greece, that's the sad part for the good people of Greece.

Criminal or Cad ? - John Edwards Trial

The New York Times: Reports that the Jury in the Trial of former Senator John Edwards are still discussing the verdict.

Lets Get Real:

This blog will vent a bit of Nixon, Edwards had it all, the looks, a successful trial lawyer, VP Nominee on the Kerry ticket in 2004 and a possible Attorney General in the 1st Obama Administration and it was not enough, he started an affair before running for President in 2008 and then tried to cover it up. The Trial will decide if donations to Senator Edwards were personal or part of the Campaign. One might as what is the difference would the donations have been given if Edwards was not running for President. Lets hope the Jury throw the book at Edwards, he is total cad without honour. But does that make him a criminal, lets see what the Jury decides.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

POTUS and Germany

As overhead by an American Eagle, Distance might have confused this conversation.

POTUS: Please AM gives me Euro Bonds, that will keep Greece in the Euro and get me re-elected.
Chancellor: Hows that 16 Trillion Debt going?
POTUS: If we spend we can get growth.
Chancellor: Weimar Germany, NO
POTUS: IF don't get re-elected you get a Conservative President.
Chancellor: Thanks I need a laugh, you bailout Greece after you get re-elected and I will say yes to Euro Bonds.
POTUS: Your not keen on me are YOU, my Staff and the NYT love me.
Chancellor: That's your problem!

Blackmailing the Greeks - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian: Reports on a backlash to the anti austerity Parties in Greece the articles notes the following, " polls indicated that fears of expulsion from the eurozone have helped consolidate support for parties backing the tough terms.. ".

Lets Get Real:

The Greeks are being blackmailed folks, either toe the line and suffer years of painful austerity or face banks runs, civic disorder, the police not be paid, the modern Greek state falling outside the EU. It if the article is picking up on a trend then Greece might vote for austerity Parties, thus no Greece out of the Euro but hardly in either. How many more billions will it cost the German tax payer, if Greece does not have the backbone to get out of the Euro then the Greek crisis will flare up every few weeks or months. It would throw the problem in to the long grass for a bit, and Germany could argue that the EU does not need Euro bonds. Thus the Greek Election on June 17th might only gave the a short breathing space, even if the Greek people are cowed this time, what happens in the days, weeks, months ahead when people are searching for food in bins, when the Middle Class are drive to take such action, kicking the ball in the long grass wont help Greece or the Euro folks.

Greece and the Euro

Telegraph: Reports that the G8 has called for Greece to remain in the Euro but for it to keep to its agreements.

Lets Get Real:

The above in a way is a threat to Greece, toe the line as to your agreement or your out, the political leaders might stress growth but only Germany has the money to bailout Greece and the rest of the PIIGS, and the German tax payer has had enough of its lose spending EU allies. Thus since the May election in Greece the Greeks banks have seen billions taken out by people afraid that their saving will be cut over night should Greece return to its original currency. The question that has to be asked can Greece get to June 17 and its General Election before the Greeks banks go under, will the EU/IMF/ECB bailout the Greek banks before the June election. If not Greece will be carried out of the Euro by events not the political process. Its down to Greek voters folks, they have to decide, austerity or OUT of the Euro. The fate of Greece and the Euro could be settled by the June election in Greece.

G8 and the Euro

BBC News: Reports that the US and French stress on growth won out in the debate at the G8 about the present crisis facing the US and Europe, the losers in the debate are seen as the UK and Germany and their austerity plans.

Lets Get Real:

It does not matter what the US and France want, its Germany that holds the money strings, the US has a near 16 trillion debt, POTUS is taking the class warfare attack at present to keep his uber liberal base happy. In the case of President Hollande he is still in Campaign mode, he has Parliamentary elections coming up, thus he cant fold, he needs to stress growth, as if this is some cure to all the economic ills facing Europe. The nightmare for Hollande after just winning the election would be to share power with the extreme right wing PM, that would be a political nightmare for him and the his left party. The Germans and the UK will of course stress growth but they are not going to drop their austerity plans to keep Hollande happy, as it was noted in Germany of late, the Germans are not going to pay for French election promises.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

NYT on Merkel of Germany

The New York Times: Has the following tough Editorial on German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her austerity policy on Greece and the EU, " This is no time to mince words: Her one-size-fits-all austerity program has been a failure.. ".

Lets Get Real:

This is the uber liberal and bloated NYT wanting to spend money, it does not get the fact that the US is heading for a debt of 16 trillion, that EU States minus Germany are broke, that their idea of policy is tax the rich, in other words its the typical left wing rubbish you expect from the NYT and Labour in the UK. The Welfare State created since 1945 in the US and the EU can not be afford folks, sooner or later and it will be sooner the US and the EU will get the fact that the idea that the State can look after you from birth to death will kill that States in economic terms. The very success of the welfare state means that people live longer, thus benefits never go down, they always go up, if you tax people at 100% then you don't get any money in, that simple folks. Why should someone create a business when the left wants to make people that make money hate figures, why go through such a critical review, why bother, that's the question that the left never have an answer, they just want to tax, it never works folks, just look at the UK in the 70s, it was the sick man of Europe, over taxed and no up and go to create business, the EU is heading in that direction folks, the left never has any real answers just slogans, ah for a leaders like Lady Thatcher or Ronald Reagan, the greats, but they don't come around that often folks.

Friday, May 18, 2012

A Romney Presidency - Romney Advert

Lets Get Real:

Its a good advert folks, Romney promises job creation, tax cuts and an end to ObamaCare. Very effective advert and short.

Romney leads Obama - Polls

Thus its Friday folks, and this blog's favourite thing, political polls. Here are the Daily tracking polls on the match up between President Obama and Governor Romney.

In both Gallup ( Registered voters ) and Rasmussen ( likely voters ) Governor Romney is on 46% support, while in Gallup POTUS has 45%, in Rasmussen its 44%.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks its a even fight, what should worry the Chicago Re-Elect Committee is the blow back from POTUS stating he supports same sex marriage, while the liberal main stream media supports same sex marriage that might not be the same view as held by a majority of US voters in the swing states. As noted in this blog over 30 States have bought in laws that state that marriage is between only men and women, not between people of the same gender, while social conservatives had doubts about Romney those now have gone, Romney just said that he supports only traditional marriage, its not a radical statement in less your from the liberal New York Times. Thus the Oval if it wants to get re-elected has to make it clear that it will not support radical laws to change Federal in law in support of gay marriage, in less Obama does this he is toast in November folks, that simple.

The UK and Greece - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian: Reports on the comments of Robert Chote of the Office of Budget Responsibility, Mr Chotes has warned that a Greek exit from the Euro " .. threatens to plunge Britain into a second recession equal in ferocity to the record postwar slump of 2008-09.. ".

Lets Get Real:

It has been stated by G8 sources that no solution can be expected from the G8 meeting or further EU meetings, it seems Eurozone leaders are waiting for Greece to make up its mind, the EU and the Euro does not have a month to wait, as we have seen over the past 48 hours Spanish Banks have started to come under threat, also it has been noted by Spanish economic experts that the Spanish Government does not have the money to bailout the entire Spanish banking system should that become an issue. The new Spanish PM has made it clear that while the Market might have 7% as the cliff point for Spanish bonds the present cost of 6% can not be held for long, thus if Greece is not solved in days the EU might find that its Spain that needs a major bailout, and this blog will promise that German tax payers will not agree to bailout either Spain or Italy. Also the Germans might have pushed the Greeks to far by the suggestion that they hold a referendum on the Euro, the Germans are playing Russian Roulette with the Euro, they think the Greek voters can be pushed around like the Irish voters, that might be a bluff to far folks. Either Germany gets its wallet out big time or Greece has to be thrown out of the Euro and then the money that would have been used to save Greece would be used to protect Spanish Banks. That simple and brutal folks.

2nd Irish Bailout - Eurozone Crisis

Telegraph: Reports that the Republic of Ireland might need a second bailout of four billion euros to support Irish Banks.

Lets Get Real:

As the article notes folks its down to Greece again, if Greece was not pushing the Euro to the edge of a big cliff then Ireland could go back to the bond markets to fund any 2nd bailout, but due to Irish bonds still at the 7% level this path is not open Dublin, thus bailout from the EU/IMF/ECB. This will go down well in Dublin, also does not help that the new EU Treaty is going to be voted upon in the next few days, will the Irish bow to their Masters in Berlin or be like Greece and say NO.

Stock Markets and the Euro

BBC News: Reports that US and EU Stock Markets had another bad day to the worry over Greece and Spain. In the UK the FTSE 100 was down 1.33%.

Lets Get Real:

It can be argued with some justification that Western political leaders are fiddling while Euro burns. The G8 in Washington D.C is not expected to come up with any solutions. The only solution coming from the G8 minus Germany is that German tax payers bailout the Euro, this would include the PIIGS. That will go down like a lead balloon in Germany. The old solution is for Euro bonds to be under written by Germany, the problem is that German Basic Law states that Germany can not take on the debts of others, the German High Court has made it clear that it wont allow the German Chancellor to under write such bonds. Thus no solution folks, Spanish Banks have come under the spotlight, if Spain and Italy goes so does the Euro , the EU would not be that far behind. It is that drastic folks.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Greek Banking Collapse ?

Daily Mail: Reports that Greeks have withdraw 1.4 billion euros from their banks over the last two days.

Lets Get Real:

It can be argued that Greece does not have in till June 17th to decide its fate, at this rate the Greek banking system will need a separate bailout just to keep it going, the good people of Greece are not fools, they might not want to see the truth, that they have only two choices, thus this move to take their money out, either to hide under the bed because they want hard currency or out of the Country. If Greece chooses to leave the Euro, a lot of people are going to get hurt folks, lot of old people with pensions, those in the public sector, even less jobs for young people. In fact there is a chance that the Military could take over in Greece it would not be the first time, they could do a deal with Russia, could Greece even leave NATO, and in return Russia bails out Greece, or even China folks, they have the cash. When a Country is on the floor folks nothing is out as a solution, troubling days and weeks ahead for Greece and the EU folks.

Euro Breakup and PM Cameron

Guardian: Reports on the following comments by the Coalition PM David Cameron, the PM " appeared to cast doubt on the future of the euro during prime minister's questions ".

Lets Get Real:

Folks every EU Government has a plan in case the Euro goes belly up, one can be sure that the UK has plans to make sure there are no runs on UK Banks with the Greek debt, also those Banks holding Greek debt or UK Banks with links with EU banks with the Greek debt will have been told to have a firewall in place should Greece go out fast. In many ways its a matter of waiting folks, the 2nd Greek Election is on June 17th, thus its waiting in till the Greek voters make up their minds what they want, in our out of the Euro, if in they have to follow the agreed austerity plan, if not they are out. The EU cant spin folks, it has to tell the Greek voter the truth, the harsh truth, they are not getting that from their own politicians. It can be argued that PM Cameron is telling the truth, that's new in modern politics, the question that has to be asked does the EU voter want the truth or spin, that is the question folks.

UK Unemployment Down

Telegraph Live - Debt Crisis: Reports that between January and March of 2012, UK unemployment fell by forty five thousand and the rate fell from 8.3% to 8.2%.

Lets Get Real:

This is good news for the Coalition Government folks, lets hope this is a trend, this would really blow Labour out of the water if UK unemployment was falling while the of Europe has seen massive increases, the Labour Party has been very quiet about this, the story does not fit their spin, just spend more. They should have learned from a former Labour PM Harold Wilson, the former PM stated that a week is a long time in politics, if this blog was Ed Miliband he would not think yet he had a lock on No 10, its a long road to 2015 folks.

G Day - June 17th

BBC News: Reports that Greece will hold a 2nd General Election on 17th of June.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks the 17th in Greece Day, the day Greeks decide their future, in our out of the Euro. The Greek people should be under no illusion, if they vote for Political Parties that will not support the austerity deal then they are out of the Euro, also they not expect much help if this happens, the EU has spent billions on Greece and if Greece stabs EU in the back they will face a cold future. The Greek banking system is seeing a run on its banks NOW, as of the last election as noted my previous post over seven hundred million euros have been taken out of Greek banks, and it can be assumed sent outside Greece. Thus the Greek banking system will be on the floor, the Greek State will not have the money to pay its public sector, there will be civic disorder, people will starve, YES folks it will be that bad for Greece if it says No to the EU. Think carefully Greece, there will be no going back after this vote.

Obama's Rewriting of History - Narcissism Run Wild

Lets Get Real:

This level of rewriting of history has not been seen since the Soviet period, one has to be great full that Obama even thinks that past Presidents matter, someone before Obama, this shows what happens when you give a President a Noble Peace Prize for doing nothing, and is told by his fawning press that he is fantastic, sorry to tell the press but kissing Obama's backside does him no favours, the Oval is a very close bubble folks, the last think a US President needs a fawning staff that thinks he is close to divinity, he is not, a press that thinks he is best African - American that has ever walked the earth, he is not, if we are giving out those kind of awards that would go to Dr King. Also he is not the most cleverest man in the room, his Afghan mess shows he would be suited for post in the UK Foreign Office in the early 19th Century, they also did not understand Afghanistan. Lets hope the Oval has the grace to revise its web site, does Obama want to lose in November.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Poll - Romney Lead

The Hill: Reports on a new CBS/NYT poll of a match up between Romney vs. Obama. In the Poll Governor Romney leads President Obama by 46% to 43%, a lead of 3%.

Lets Get Real:

This is not good for the Chicago Re-Elect Committee, those in charge have to take the view that Obama's support for same sex marriage has really hurt him, thus they need to stress the point that Obama only supports the States passing different laws on the subject. The Oval has to make clear that it will not support any Federal Law that forces States to accept gay marriage. If the Oval does not do this fast it is heading for political disaster. Lets get direct here folks, the voter has had ObamaCare struck down its throat, even after poll after poll said that the US voter did not want ObamaCare, the Oval pushed it through anyway, well lets be honest here folks, the Oval is not trusted. The worry by those that think gay marriage is wrong and marriage should just be between a man and woman will raise the argument that Obama in 2nd term will push to enforce the liberal view of gay marriage, against the majority view, thus the Oval needs to get trust back, thus above, its not fair when it comes to the issue, but politics is not about fair, its about winning.

Obama and the Polls

Here is a look at President Obama's job performance Polls:

Gallup Tracking Poll: In today's poll President Obama has a negative rating, Obama is on 45% Approval, while 48% of adults Disapprove of the Obama record.

Rasmussen Reports: In today's poll President Obama also has a negative rating, Obama is on 47% Approval, while 52% of likely voters Disapprove of the Obama record.

Lets Get Real:

I think its a fair argument to make that President Obama's coming out in support of gay marriage is hurting him in the polls, it does not matter what side you support, this blog could care less, its how the process effects the politics on the ground. As noted by the Hill US Senate Democrats in Conservative States are keeping well out of the subject, it easy if your in a liberal State to come out in support, not so easy if you fancy getting re-elected, that's the problem when you have someone like VP Biden as your Vice President, the VP forced Obama to come out on the subject, the Oval didn't have the time to get his supporters ready and see what the reaction would be, this is why the Oval should consider dumping Biden and getting Hillary Clinton on the ticket, the Secretary would never get in to this kind of political mess, she is to smart. As to get off the issue the Chicago Re-Elect Committee has gone to attack the business record of Mitt Romney, but it has forget one thing, in the film Wall Street, the audience on the whole supported the villain of the piece, the venture capitalist not the hard working trade union worker, as played by the great Martin Sheen, people in the US want to make money, that's always the lesson Democrats fail to learn. Lets see the polls over the next few days, weeks, months folks.

Greek Cash and Greek Banks

Guardian Live - Greece: Reports that in its 6.18pm post from Bloomberg reporting that over seven hundred million have been taken out of Greek Banks since the May election.

Lets Get Real:

This is not new folks, various papers have reported that the good people of Greece have been stashing their cash outside Greece in the event of a Greece default and Greece returning to its original currency. Thus folks one can expect a run on Greeks Banks up to the next election, also expect people to leave taking their most previous belongings with them, if your Greek and can leave its time to get on your horse, Greece has dark days ahead folks, one can see Greece out of the Euro within a few months if not weeks. Also one would have to say one can see some kind civic disorder in Greece, also a negative one can see the Neo Nazi Greek Party getting more Seats in the Greek Parliament. Thus Democracy vs. the EU folks, will the Country that gave the world Democracy be a Democracy in a few months time, will the military take over, its not out there folks, difficult and hard times ahead for Greece, the tourist trade is going to fall over the pier, would you go to a Country that is falling apart, Athens could see civic disorder, armed gangs, lets hope not but one can not assume a peaceful way out for Greece, the Classic Greeks would weep folks.

IMF and Greece

Telegraph Live - Greece: Reports in its 4.34pm post that the head of the IMF Christine Lagarde has stated there are plans for a Greek Exit:

Lets Get Real:

Of course the IMF and the rest of the EU has plans for a Greek exit, one would not be shocked if these plans were created months ago just in case the Greeks came to this point. One can even postulate that the two bailouts given to Greece were a plan to delay this moment in till the EU was ready to take such a shocking event. The question is what will be the contagion to the rest of the EU banking system, will Spain with its own problems be in need of a bailout, the general view is that Spain is close to asking for such a bailout. A Greek default could just push Spain over the edge, it would depend how much Greek bonds are held by Spanish banks and can the Spanish Government cover their losses. Dark days ahead for Greece and Spain folks, and Italy is not out of the woods either, over 20 of their banks have seen their credit downgraded. Lets see who is next to fall of its perch, Spain, Italy?

New Greek Elections

BBC News: Reports on the failure by the Greek Political Parties to form a Coalition Government, there will be new elections either on the 10th or 17th of June.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks it will be down to the birth place of Democracy to decide the fate of Greece in the Euro and in the EU. The Greeks have two simple choices, either follow through with the agreed deal between the Greece and EU/IMF/ECB when it comes to austerity or leave the Euro. The EU should not fudge, it should make clear to the Greek people that it does not matter what their local politicians say that is the choice they have, there is no way that Germany will blink and say they will just give more money for Greece and Athens does not have to pay its debts, the German Coalition Government would fall, also it might be against German Basic Law, the Germans recall the fate of the Weimar Republic, that fell due printing money and high inflation.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Greece and the Markets

Telegraph Live - Greece: Reports that European Markets have nosedived due to the failure to form a Coalition Government in Greece, in its 2.18pm post the articles notes that there has been a fall of between 2%/3% around Europe.

Lets Get Real:

The Markets have to get ready for a Greece to exit the Euro faster than expected, there has been general comment that it could take a year and half for this happen, this blog has its doubts, Greece might not have that much time, if Germany turns off the money then Greece is on its own. The expected elections in a Month's time will settle the issue, if Greece goes out of the Euro expect the UK to pay, the good Greek people can be allowed to starve or for there to be civil disorder in Athens, thus the EU will have bailout Greece again whiles it sets up its own currency. It will cost billions of pounds folks, but the UK would have no choice, if the people are left out in the cold they might move to other European Counties, that would include the UK, thus more people on the dole, so its going to cost folks, it wont be popular, but nothing the UK Government does these days is popular, that is Democracy folks, and the Greeks did give the world that gift.

Walking off a Cliff - Greece

BBC News: Reports that the Democratic Left, a moderate left wing Party in Greece has stated it wont go in to Coalition Government without the more left wing Syriza bloc.

Lets Get Real:

With the exception of the main Conservative and Socialist Parties in Greece why should the minor Parties place their necks on the chopping block, if they support the never ending austerity package of the agreed deal between the EU/IMF/ECB and the previous Greek Coalition Government they face being destroyed in the next election. Any new Coalition Government would be fragile and would fall sooner not later, thus fresh elections and Greece has a choice vote for the austerity Parities and stay in the Euro or not and leave the Euro, that is the only choice Greece has, its not fair folks but that is the choice that Greece has at this moment.

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has announced the names of the two UK Armed Forces Servicemen that were killed in Afghanistan on Saturday by Afghan Police, the Servicemen were " Corporal Brent John McCarthy, Royal Air Force, and Lance Corporal Lee Thomas Davies, 1st Battalion Welsh Guards ". Our thoughts are with the families of Corporal McCarthy and Lance Corporal Davies.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Politics of Gay Marriage - 2012 Races

The Hill: Reports that vulnerable Senate Democrats up for re-election are keeping their distance from President Obama when it comes to his support for gay marriage.

Lets Get Real:

As this blog has noted folks, the Oval just might have handed the Oval over to Mitt Romney with its support for gay marriage. This what comes when you don't have a RFK or Nancy Reagan by your side who can tell your the unvarnished truth, someone you cant sack or use the race card against. It also helps if your not narcissist, does not help if you get the Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing, yes that is President Obama. To be fair, POTUS was pushed in to the move by VP Biden, that is another good reason for Obama to dump Biden. Only a uber liberal would think that this support of gay marriage would go down well in fly over States, not every State is New York or some elite liberal College. Also there is major flaw in the theory that young people are out there liberals, who follow the line of the editorial page of the uber NYT, in fact they can be even less tolerant, more fly over states than Harvard. Dumb move Mr President, at least if you lose in November you can polish your Nobel Prize till the end of time, that might be some solace, not a lot, but arrogance goes before a fall, and November might just be that fall POTUS.

Greece ON a CLIFF- Euro

Lets Get Real:

In essence as stated by this blog many other sources the Greek people have reached a point of No Return, either they follow through with the agreed deal on austerity or they get out of the Euro. The fallout for Greece leaving the Euro would be harsh folks, but it would be for a limited period, if the Greeks obey the Germans demands they will have years of austerity and even then it might not work. On the other hand harsh pain NOW but down the line the Greek people can restart, have a Greek currency that they can control, that allows for growth. All the fudge deals by the EU and Greece has not helped Greece or the EU, the EU has spent billions and for what, at the end of the day it will be money down the toilet, or to the banks, not much difference, while Greece has gone to sleep, does not see the real world, and expects the Germans to bailout them out, War Guilt only goes so far folks. At least with Greece out of the Euro they wont be taking any more EU drugs, they will be in a cold turkey phase, harsh and painful but least the real world, that would be good for Greece and the EU.

No More Money - Greece

Telegraph: Reports that the Deputy Greek PM Theodoros Pangalos has stated that Greece will run out of money in six weeks.

Lets Get Real:

The Greek Elite is playing hard ball, its scaring its own voters and the general Greek people. It is fair to postulate that even if Greece does leave the Euro the EU wont allow Greece to starve, these kind of scare tactics will only push the Greek voters to the extremes of the right and left. The EU would make sure that Greek civic order did not fall apart, it would give it money to keep the system going while Greece reforms its own currency. Thus expect sometime in the near future for Greece to close its banks, impose border controls for currency, prevent the transfer of Greek money out of the Country, that might be to late, there have been various reports that Greeks have been moving their money out for months. In the long term the Greeks might be better off, at least they can press the restart button and start anew, make the Classic Greeks proud of modern Greece, its been a long time since that has happened to Greece.

Last Hope for Greece - Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: Reports that the Leaders of the Greek Conservatives, Socialists and far left Syriza bloc Party are meeting the Greek President Karolos Papoulias in attempt to see if they can form a Coalition Government.

Lets Get Real:

The omens are not good folks, why should the Syriza Bloc agree to a political suicidal deal when fresh polls show that they would be the largest Party after new elections in Greece. The combined vote of the Anti Austerity Parties would show that Greece had in essence finished with the Euro. The article notes the Leader of the Syriza Party, Alexis Tsipras thinks the Germans are bluffing and that they will fold and just give Greece ALL the money it needs, he is wrong, the Germans recall Weimar Germany, they are not going to print money just to save Greece, the Greek people have simple choice, austerity and Euro or no austerity and out of the Euro. Time for the Greeks to wake up from their mad sleep.

Deaths in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that two UK Armed Forces Personnel have been killed in Afghanistan by a Afghan Policeman, the Servicemen came from the " 1st Battalion Welsh Guards and the Royal Air Force ". Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 414 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 374 in combat/hostile action, while another 40 have been lost to illness, accidents or other incidents.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Obama vs. Romney - 2012 Match Up

RCP: Reports on its average of the match up polls of President Obama vs. Governor Mitt Romney, today the average has President Obama leading Governor Romney by 46.7% to 45.4%, a lead of 1.3% for POTUS.

Lets Get Real:

Its May folks, thus very VERY early for polls, but its good way to see the field, on the whole it can be argued that it was not a good week for President Obama, having his hand forced by VP Biden must have gone down like a lead balloon at the Chicago Re-Elect Committee. The RCP is a average of the polls, thus you have likely voters and registered voters. This blog has a lot of faith in Rasmussen Polls, as they ask likely voters, in today's tracking poll Romney leads POTUS by 7%, thus Romney on 50% and President Obama on 43%. It is still early folks, long road ahead.

Biden apology and Gay Marriage

CNN Politics: Reports that on Wednesday US Vice - President Biden said sorry to President Obama for forcing his hand on gay marriage.

Lets Get Real:

If your POTUS you have to wonder can you put up with this four another four years, what if Biden wants to run for the Presidency himself in 2016, would you want Biden to be holding the Obama flag in 2016. This blog has its problems with the Oval but even this blog would not dump Biden on Obama in 2016 as the his flag carrier, this is the best reason for President Obama to dump Biden and get Hillary Clinton on as VP. This will allow Hillary Clinton to run in 2016 and in part represent Obama, she could be his Bush 41. Thus Obama would be the liberal Reagan, his successor would have been his VP. President Obama does not want another VP Gore, that never looks good for the President. Thus folks watch the Democratic Convention with care, don't be shocked if its VP Clinton.

Governor Romney = Richard Nixon ?

The New York Times: Reports how Governor Romney broke bread with Conservative Media at the start of May, following in the path of Richard Nixon in 1968.

Lets Get Real:

In essence the article is saying that Governor Romney like Richard Nixon before him has to get the Conservative base of the Republican Party on board, how Romney is not trusted now, the very same position that Nixon had to deal with when he ran in 1968. This being uber liberal NYT it sees a Obama problem as a Romney problem, it has the following line on gay marriage " ..When Obama declared his support for marriage equality on Wednesday, he forced Romney into a precarious position... ", Governor Romney has stated that he supports only marriage between a man and woman, its not radical, only the uber bloated NYT would see Romney with the political problem, lets look at the facts, 31 States have passed laws that say no to gay marriage, not 31 YES for gay marriage. Also the Oval does not want it to become a Federal issue, in his interview President Obama stated that it was up to the States to decide, lets be honest Obama was forced in the move when Vice President Biden stated he supported gay marriage. Also Obama affirmed his support, its something you would say in Court if you don't want to plead. LETS BE CLEAR, this blog supports gay marriage, and gay adoption, but this blog is about political reality, not what goes down as NORMAL for the UBER LIBERAL ELITE OF THE NYT. This move could very well cost Obama the Presidency, no everyone is young and at a liberal College, some people believe in God's law, when it comes to marriage, not the UBER VIEW OF THE NYT.

President Hillary Clinton ?

Daily Mail: Reports on a new book on President Obama that claims that ex President Bill Clinton wanted his wife; Hillary Clinton the US Secretary of State; to quite State and run against President Obama for the Democratic Nomination.

Lets Get Real:

It should be noted folks that the Clinton Camp has denied the story, so is it true, one could see why it could be true, this blog will never be convinced that Bill Clinton will ever forgive the Obama Campaign of 2008 of using the race card on him, think about this folks, before Obama the first black President was seen as Bill Clinton, so to have the racist tag thrown by the Obama Camp on him would have hurt the former President. In pure politics terms not great odds that Secretary Clinton would have won, as the articles notes Reagan failed against President Ford in 1976 by about hundred votes, while the last of the Kennedy brothers, Senator Edward Kennedy went down to defeat to Jimmy Carter. One can postulate that if the story is true then Bill Clinton was looking at the 1976 race, that went down to the Convention and Reagan only lost as stated above by hundred votes, what it did allow was for Reagan to win the 1980 election. If President Obama is defeated this year then Secretary Clinton will carry the baggage of the Obama Administration, then it would be hard to get the nomination in 2016. On the other hand the Secretary has made it clear that she is a no show show for a 2nd Obama term, thus if like most 2nd terms the Obama star falls it might allow the Secretary win the nomination in 2016. Also lets not forget the chance that Obama will dump Biden and place the Secretary on the ticket, that would be a smart move, if that happens his re-election chances go up, his only problem will be having Bill and Hillary Clinton breathing down his neck for four years.

Greek General Election - 2nd

Guardian Live - Greece: Reports in its 3.57pm post that the 2nd Greek General Election is expected to be held on June 17.

Lets Get Real:

Thus the Greek voters will have a choice folks, Greece has come to a crossroads, the voters can either conform their last vote which gave a clear message that the Greek people had finished with the EU imposed austerity package, or the voters can say that the last vote was a protest vote and return to the main Conservative and Socialist Parties that support keeping Greece within the Euro and thus want Greece to follow the agreed deal between the Troika and Greece. If Greek voters support extreme right and left wing Parties that want to dump the deal then Greece will have made a choice, the Germans will not back off the terms of the deal, any movement and President Hollande will try to dissolve the new agreed EU Treaty. Thus the Germans cant move on any new Greek deal, the Greeks in a odd way might be paying the price of a Socialist wining in France. That is irony folks.

Greece and the EU

Telegraph Live - Greece: Reports in its 5.31pm post that EC President Jose Manuel Barroso has stated that Greece should leave the Euro if it cant follow the agreed austerity deal of the previous Government.

Lets Get Real:

Folks this looks like Greece is heading to the end game one way or another, will the EU wait for another Month before Greek elections or will it make clear that Greece has broken its agreement and its time for Greece to EXIT the Euro. This humble blog could not believe its ears when it heard last night that out of the previous five billions euros that the EU had agreed to give to Greece it had in fact given four billion euros, so EU has thrown billions down the toilet when the Greek people have told the Greek political Elite to tell the EU and in this case Germany to get lost. Think about this folks, that is about two and half billion pounds, how many Schools, Hospitals could that build in the EU Countries, how many young people could be hired for job training. The EU is on LSD folks, its started to believe its own press statements, reality and the EU is are different, its the people of the EU that will suffer the flashbacks folks, not the elite, they never get hurt.

Greek Deadlock - Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: Reports that political talks in Greece between the main and minor Parties has failed to produce a Coalition Government.

Lets Get Real:

The Greek elite of the right and left has taken Greece down the toilet, they can not be trusted with the mandate to run Greece for the next couple of years. When it comes down to it, the Greek people have a choice, its about time the Greek political elite told them the truth, either they follow the austerity plan agreed by the previous Greek Coalition Government or they get out of the Euro. Those are the only choices that Greece has, what should Greece do? That is a hard question, in near future it should close its borders once night, freeze Capital transfers from banks and introduce a new currency, that currency should be local and backed by the Greek Government. One can postulate that before Greece would start such a policy it would get agreement from the EU/IMF/ECB to support the new Greek currency as the Greek Government could not go the money markets to raise cash, thus it is dependent on the Troika above. If Greece does not want austerity but is willing to accept tough times for a limited time period it should get out of the Euro and rebuild its economic structure, then the EU/IMF/ECB can have a firewall for the rest of the EU and its banks. Lets see if the Greek politicians have the will to make the tough decisions, it going to be tough in Greece folks.