Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Greek Exit and the EU - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian Live - Greece: Reports that President Hollande of France has stated that he is not aware of any back up plans by the EU in the event of Greece leaving the Euro, the 1.56pm post states the following on the planning, " ..eurozone officials agreed on Monday to work on contingency planning for a Greek exit. ".

Lets Get Real:

Either the new French President is clueless or is being economic with the truth, the problem with Hollande is that he is still in election mode, the French are going to vote in their Parliamentary elections soon, the new left wing President does not want to find himself sharing power with a extreme right wing PM, that would be a perfect nightmare. The post notes that Hollande wants Euro Bonds as to bailout the PIIGS, the Germans have made it clear that is a firm NO. If the French want to bailout the Greeks, that's their problem. One can shout about growth in till one is horse, but its not a quick solution, just ask the Obama White House, their shovel ready projects were not that ready, and they didn't work, US unemployment went over 8%. The left has to get the fact that Government does not create jobs, its spends money it does not have, and different Parties have different interests, for the left its the Unions. Thus in a age of austerity the Unions want to spend, that's one way to become a modern Weimar Germany. Thus will we get June 17th with the Greeks still in the Euro, its a open question folks.

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