Monday, May 14, 2012

Walking off a Cliff - Greece

BBC News: Reports that the Democratic Left, a moderate left wing Party in Greece has stated it wont go in to Coalition Government without the more left wing Syriza bloc.

Lets Get Real:

With the exception of the main Conservative and Socialist Parties in Greece why should the minor Parties place their necks on the chopping block, if they support the never ending austerity package of the agreed deal between the EU/IMF/ECB and the previous Greek Coalition Government they face being destroyed in the next election. Any new Coalition Government would be fragile and would fall sooner not later, thus fresh elections and Greece has a choice vote for the austerity Parities and stay in the Euro or not and leave the Euro, that is the only choice Greece has, its not fair folks but that is the choice that Greece has at this moment.

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