Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Greek Banking Collapse ?

Daily Mail: Reports that Greeks have withdraw 1.4 billion euros from their banks over the last two days.

Lets Get Real:

It can be argued that Greece does not have in till June 17th to decide its fate, at this rate the Greek banking system will need a separate bailout just to keep it going, the good people of Greece are not fools, they might not want to see the truth, that they have only two choices, thus this move to take their money out, either to hide under the bed because they want hard currency or out of the Country. If Greece chooses to leave the Euro, a lot of people are going to get hurt folks, lot of old people with pensions, those in the public sector, even less jobs for young people. In fact there is a chance that the Military could take over in Greece it would not be the first time, they could do a deal with Russia, could Greece even leave NATO, and in return Russia bails out Greece, or even China folks, they have the cash. When a Country is on the floor folks nothing is out as a solution, troubling days and weeks ahead for Greece and the EU folks.

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