Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Euro Breakup and PM Cameron

Guardian: Reports on the following comments by the Coalition PM David Cameron, the PM " appeared to cast doubt on the future of the euro during prime minister's questions ".

Lets Get Real:

Folks every EU Government has a plan in case the Euro goes belly up, one can be sure that the UK has plans to make sure there are no runs on UK Banks with the Greek debt, also those Banks holding Greek debt or UK Banks with links with EU banks with the Greek debt will have been told to have a firewall in place should Greece go out fast. In many ways its a matter of waiting folks, the 2nd Greek Election is on June 17th, thus its waiting in till the Greek voters make up their minds what they want, in our out of the Euro, if in they have to follow the agreed austerity plan, if not they are out. The EU cant spin folks, it has to tell the Greek voter the truth, the harsh truth, they are not getting that from their own politicians. It can be argued that PM Cameron is telling the truth, that's new in modern politics, the question that has to be asked does the EU voter want the truth or spin, that is the question folks.

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