Friday, May 11, 2012

Greece and the EU

Telegraph Live - Greece: Reports in its 5.31pm post that EC President Jose Manuel Barroso has stated that Greece should leave the Euro if it cant follow the agreed austerity deal of the previous Government.

Lets Get Real:

Folks this looks like Greece is heading to the end game one way or another, will the EU wait for another Month before Greek elections or will it make clear that Greece has broken its agreement and its time for Greece to EXIT the Euro. This humble blog could not believe its ears when it heard last night that out of the previous five billions euros that the EU had agreed to give to Greece it had in fact given four billion euros, so EU has thrown billions down the toilet when the Greek people have told the Greek political Elite to tell the EU and in this case Germany to get lost. Think about this folks, that is about two and half billion pounds, how many Schools, Hospitals could that build in the EU Countries, how many young people could be hired for job training. The EU is on LSD folks, its started to believe its own press statements, reality and the EU is are different, its the people of the EU that will suffer the flashbacks folks, not the elite, they never get hurt.

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