Friday, May 11, 2012

Obama vs. Romney - 2012 Match Up

RCP: Reports on its average of the match up polls of President Obama vs. Governor Mitt Romney, today the average has President Obama leading Governor Romney by 46.7% to 45.4%, a lead of 1.3% for POTUS.

Lets Get Real:

Its May folks, thus very VERY early for polls, but its good way to see the field, on the whole it can be argued that it was not a good week for President Obama, having his hand forced by VP Biden must have gone down like a lead balloon at the Chicago Re-Elect Committee. The RCP is a average of the polls, thus you have likely voters and registered voters. This blog has a lot of faith in Rasmussen Polls, as they ask likely voters, in today's tracking poll Romney leads POTUS by 7%, thus Romney on 50% and President Obama on 43%. It is still early folks, long road ahead.

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