Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Romney as Extreme - Obama Attack Advert

Lets Get Real:

The Oval is attempting to tie Governor Romney to those on the extreme of the Republican Party, that doubt that President Obama was born in the US. Its an interesting trick but flawed, what this is really about is making ANY critical comments about Obama out of bounds, its like when the Obama Campaign of 08 used the race card of Bill Clinton. The Chicago Re-Elect Committee wants to paint Romney as both extreme and a Candidate that changes his viewpoints. Lets get something clear here, Obama is on very thin ice here, lets recall POTUS needed a racist Preacher to get him a green card in to Chicago politics, also he had the support of a urban terrorist, the UBER left wing media wont discuss Obama's political start or his U - turns since coming to Office. Thus using this argument shows how bad the internal polls must be for the Oval. The Oval cant run on its 1st Term, its been domestic disaster, trillions spent and the US unemployment is till at 8% and ObamaCare is still hated by the US voter. On the international front, Iran is heading for the bomb, Afghanistan will return to the control of the Taliban, there is mass murder in Syria, and Obama is playing about this kind of rubbish. Poor show Oval.

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