Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Diplomacy and Syria

BBC News: Reports that the UK, US and other EU Countries have thrown out Syrian Diplomats due to the massacre in Houla, the UN has stated that 49 children were murdered, while 34 women were also killed.

Lets Get Real:

As a gesture this is good folks, but does it help the poor Syrian people, no really, this does recall Bosnia in the 1990's, the lack of action by the the US and International Community over years lead to thousands being killed. At the end of the day NATO had to be used after one massacre to many in Bosnia. How many deaths will it take before the US takes action, with UN approval or not, how many children have to die before the UN grows a backbone, at what point in pure political terms does it cost less to act than not to act. At what point does President Obama earn that Nobel Peace Prize, at what point does the Oval put its election chances on the line to save people. As LBJ stated what is the point of the Presidency if you don't take political risks if its the right thing to do, so we are waiting POTUS, when will you ACT, or are you all rhetoric not cattle.

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