Sunday, May 20, 2012

Blackmailing the Greeks - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian: Reports on a backlash to the anti austerity Parties in Greece the articles notes the following, " polls indicated that fears of expulsion from the eurozone have helped consolidate support for parties backing the tough terms.. ".

Lets Get Real:

The Greeks are being blackmailed folks, either toe the line and suffer years of painful austerity or face banks runs, civic disorder, the police not be paid, the modern Greek state falling outside the EU. It if the article is picking up on a trend then Greece might vote for austerity Parties, thus no Greece out of the Euro but hardly in either. How many more billions will it cost the German tax payer, if Greece does not have the backbone to get out of the Euro then the Greek crisis will flare up every few weeks or months. It would throw the problem in to the long grass for a bit, and Germany could argue that the EU does not need Euro bonds. Thus the Greek Election on June 17th might only gave the a short breathing space, even if the Greek people are cowed this time, what happens in the days, weeks, months ahead when people are searching for food in bins, when the Middle Class are drive to take such action, kicking the ball in the long grass wont help Greece or the Euro folks.

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