Friday, May 18, 2012

Romney leads Obama - Polls

Thus its Friday folks, and this blog's favourite thing, political polls. Here are the Daily tracking polls on the match up between President Obama and Governor Romney.

In both Gallup ( Registered voters ) and Rasmussen ( likely voters ) Governor Romney is on 46% support, while in Gallup POTUS has 45%, in Rasmussen its 44%.

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks its a even fight, what should worry the Chicago Re-Elect Committee is the blow back from POTUS stating he supports same sex marriage, while the liberal main stream media supports same sex marriage that might not be the same view as held by a majority of US voters in the swing states. As noted in this blog over 30 States have bought in laws that state that marriage is between only men and women, not between people of the same gender, while social conservatives had doubts about Romney those now have gone, Romney just said that he supports only traditional marriage, its not a radical statement in less your from the liberal New York Times. Thus the Oval if it wants to get re-elected has to make it clear that it will not support radical laws to change Federal in law in support of gay marriage, in less Obama does this he is toast in November folks, that simple.

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