Well folks POTUS has returned to political earth after the death of OBL, the latest Gallup tracking poll has President Obama on 47% Approval, while 44% disapprove of the job performance of POTUS. As Gallup is Average voters, it is always good to look at likely voters, in this case its Rasmussen, it has Obama on 51% Disapproval, while 48% approve. Next year is going to about the economy folks, at present the unemployment rate is at 9%, its double that if you take in to account those in part time jobs or have just given up. Also should the economy turn around in 2012, this might be a negative for POTUS, this will make people return to the job market, that could push unemployment over 10%. The one thing that POTUS has going for him is the dire state of the Republican race, this is the first time that this blog will not have a horse in the race, come on Jeb Bush run for God’s sake.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Obama and 2012
Well folks POTUS has returned to political earth after the death of OBL, the latest Gallup tracking poll has President Obama on 47% Approval, while 44% disapprove of the job performance of POTUS. As Gallup is Average voters, it is always good to look at likely voters, in this case its Rasmussen, it has Obama on 51% Disapproval, while 48% approve. Next year is going to about the economy folks, at present the unemployment rate is at 9%, its double that if you take in to account those in part time jobs or have just given up. Also should the economy turn around in 2012, this might be a negative for POTUS, this will make people return to the job market, that could push unemployment over 10%. The one thing that POTUS has going for him is the dire state of the Republican race, this is the first time that this blog will not have a horse in the race, come on Jeb Bush run for God’s sake.
Irish Immigration = Bailouts
Guardian: Reports on Féilim Mac An Iomaire an Irish Graduate who was fed up with being unemployed, he put himself on a advertisement board, asking for a job as not to leave Ireland. Lets face it folks, there are hundred of thousands of graduates in the PIG countries who are in the same position, what is the point of degree if you cant even get a job, there is student debt to deal with, the requirements of basic living, seeing your years of hard work ending up in the bin, yes folks, the Western model of education is not gong to work in the future folks, at its most basic, you got a degree, got a job, sooner or later got married and started a family. In these days, your jobless, stuck at home, and any chance of a romantic relationship is based on your “ Liberal ” parents seeing you as a grown up, thus not the need to sneak your girlfriend or boyfriend in, for a romantic night, the good days are over folks.
The Hess Trip
Telegraph: Reports on new evidence that the arrival of Rudolf Hess in the UK during World War Two was with the approval of Hitler. As the article notes the new information was given by an Aide to Rudolf Hess, he was a prisoner of Soviet Russia, thus the story with its impression of double dealing by the West would go down well with Stalin. As historians have noted Hitler stated that Hess must have gone mad to carry out such a trip, thus it can be argued this new evidence is somewhat suspect given the source and the destination of the information.
Huhne in the Frame ? - Election Expenses
BBC News: Reports that the Election Commission will have another look at the election expenses of Energy Secretary Chris Huhne. One has to wonder how much political capital the Lib Dems are willing to pay to keep Mr Huhne in the Cabinet, from the perspective of the Deputy PM Nick Clegg its great news, a political opponent is wounded and is still in office due to the political grace of Cameron and Clegg. Does Mr Clegg want Mr Huhne back on the green backbenches where he can cause problems, or a wounded Cabinet Minister who still has the red boxes due to his leader. Thus a threat to the Coalition has been removed, a win for Clegg in many respects.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Bunker Busters = Libyan Front
BBC News: Reports that the RAF has added bunker busters to its weapons arsenal in the Libyan War. The message should be getting through to Colonel Gaddafi, the Allies of the UK, France and US want Gaddafi either out of Libya or DEAD, since the RAF will start ot use bunker busters it can be argued that they want Gaddafi dead. Its been two months since the War started in Libya and the Eastern Rebels are still stuck in the East, the sanctions by the West do not seem to have bought Gaddafi to his knees yet, but without the ability to sell oil or re - supply his military Gaddafi does not have that much time. One can postulate that he will go in to exile and try to fight the new government from abroad, the question is who will take him, even Russia at the G8 has thrown him overboard, so who is Gaddafi’s best friend going to be in the future.
Afghanistan Front News
MOD: Has announced the names of the two Marines that were killed on Friday in Afghanistan, the Marines were, “ Lieutenant Oliver Richard Augustin and Marine Samuel Giles William Alexander MC, both from Juliet Company 42 Commando Royal Marines ”. Our thoughts are with the families of Lieutenant Augustin and Marine Alexander.
Huhne Case
Mail on Sunday: Reports that the Energy Secretary Chris Huhne refused to answer questions by Police on the allegation that he transferred driving penalty points to his wife, but also his separated wife also refused to answer questions. In less the police have more evidence the case should be dropped, the Energy Secretary has the same rights as one else, it does not sound great in US terms that he took the 5th but that is his right. Thus with election expenses allegation dropped against Mr Huhne, there is the chance due to the nature of the case that this case will be also dropped. As to the political consequences one can postulate that since Mr Huhne is a Lib Dem, he just might keep his place at the Cabinet, but a lot like the Business Secretary Vince Cable, he is no longer a threat to Nick Clegg.
Snub to Gordon Brown - IMF POST
Guardian: Reports that former Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer under PM Gordon Brown, Alistair Darling has supported the French candidacy of Christine Lagarde, this is seen as a snub to his former boss Brown. If you read all the diaries and biographies from the New Labour period it is very hard to find any thing positive to say about Gordon Brown, working as part of a group is not his bag, in fact making Gordon Brown Managing Director of the IMF could lead it to disaster, diplomacy and getting on with people does not seem part of the character of Gordon Brown. Also lets not forget the fact that Brown left this Country bankrupt. Do you really want a Bank Manager you could not control his bank’s own money. Only the extreme left would give Brown any job, that shows how out of touch they are at the present.
Yemen and Al Qaeda
Telegraph: Reports that Al Qaeda has taken over the Southern Yemen City of Zinjibar. The Al Qaeda of Yemen are becoming a major threat to the West, due to the break down of law and order within the Country and the Civil War this allows for the possibility that Al Qaeda could take over the Country. The worst case would be that POTUS would have to send troops in to Yemen to bring law and order and prevent Al Qaeda from turning Yemen in to another Afghanistan.
Doctor Who = The Almost People
The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that “ The Almost People ” was the top Drama of the day for the BBC, excluding football and reality shows, in the overnight figures the good Doctor had five million viewers. This was a show that required double viewing ( pun intended ) it was complicated, it showed how the Doctor can be very manipulative , he tells lies as River once said. It was interesting both Rory and Amy were conned by people they trusted! Rory should have smelled a rat, he was once a fake himself, poor Amy, the one man she though she could trust, and he played her and then killed her in way. As to the doubles, I guess it shows if you copy your self to do the dirty work then you are as much as a monster as the doubles. One could see why Jennifer wanted to kill off the humans, those poor rejects, just thrown away because they are not perfect, is that a shot at modern practices. As to the end, is Amy even carrying the baby of Rory the Roman or the Doctor, are the Time Lords back! The child at the start of the series did regenerate, thus Time Lord. The last episode before the season break better have some answers, this blog is confused, and this blog has two degrees. See below for Trailer for mid season break:
Saturday, May 28, 2011
President Obama’s European Trip

Courtesy of the White House, left to right, President Obama, Duke of Cambridge, First Lady Michelle Obama and the Duchess of Cambridge.
Of all the images of President Obama’s trip to Europe, the one above it can be postulated that will be the one shown most often, the most glamour’s couples on the Planet. Also the picture will be good for re-election ads next year.
PM Cameron and President Sarkozy = Libya
Guardian: Reports that Coalition PM David Cameron and the President of France Nicolas Sarkozy are to visit Libya. This will show Colonel Gaddafi that the Allies of the UK, France and the US mean business, the leaders could hardly visit the Eastern rebels if they thought they would have to do a deal with the Colonel down the line. The visit will be great PR for the Eastern Rebels, it will show that the real government of Libya is now in the East, the pictures of Cameron in the East will be a great counter the old pictures of former Labour PM Tony Blair when he visited the Mad Colonel. The UK, France and even the US have to much political capital to lose if they allow Colonel Gaddafi to stay in power, thus the Mad Dog has two options, leave Libya or be buried in Libya.
Deaths in Afghanistan
MOD: Reports that two UK Soldiers were killed on Friday in Afghanistan, the Soldiers were from “ 42 Commando Royal Marines ”. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 368 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 324 in combat operations and 44 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Greece NO Bailout ? - IMF
Telegraph: Reports that Greece might not get part of the IMF bailout due to it not meeting the IMF regulations for a bailout. Folks its time that the Money markets put Greece out its misery, time for the Markets to make Greece see the realities, the price for Greece selling its bonds should be make to expensive for the Greek Government. Greece is a basket case, the EU and IMF should take direct control of the Greek economy, but folks Greece should be forced to leave the Euro. The shock of a Greek Sovereign debt will hit German banks, but that is the price for getting EU and some of the Euro countries back in to shape, otherwise folks the bailout is toilet paper but with numbers on. Greece is the Trojan Horse that could destroy the EU and the Euro.
Apaches to Strike = Libyan Front
BBC News: Reports that the Coalition PM David Cameron has given the green light for the use of Apache helicopters in the Libyan Theatre. This comes with risks folks; although it allows for closer combat with the Gaddafi security forces; helicopters can be shot down, thus this is mission creep folks, sooner or later, it can be postulated it will be sooner there will be ground troops in Libya, neither the UK, France or the US can afford in political, economic and military terms for this operation to be going on next year, NATO would leak weak if it could not take out Colonel Gaddafi, thus expect more heaving bombing, more close combat, also MI6 will be trying to cause discord in the Gaddafi regime, get Gaddafi out or dead, as long as he is out of power.
Echoes of the Past
The White House has a statement on the arrest of Ratko Mladic, a Bosnian Serb War Criminal, POTUS states the following, “ Fifteen years ago, Ratko Mladic ordered the systematic execution of some 8,000 unarmed men and boys in Srebrencia. Today, he is behind bars. I applaud President Tadic and the Government of Serbia on their determined efforts to ensure that Mladic was found and that he faces justice. We look forward to his expeditious transfer to The Hague. Today is an important day for the families of Mladic’s many victims, for Serbia, for Bosnia, for the United States, and for international justice. While we will never be able to bring back those who were murdered, Mladic will now have to answer to his victims, and the world, in a court of law. From Nuremberg to the present, the United States has long viewed justice for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide as both a moral imperative and an essential element of stability and peace. In Bosnia, the United States – our troops and our diplomats – led the international effort to end ethnic cleansing and bring a lasting peace. On this important day, we recommit ourselves to supporting ongoing reconciliation efforts in the Balkans and to working to prevent future atrocities. Those who have committed crimes against humanity and genocide will not escape judgment. May the families of Mladic’s victims find some solace in today’s arrest, and may this deepen the ties among the people of the region. ”. The suspicion has come with the arrest, the theory is that Serbia is seeking to become part of the EU, but this was not going to happen while it had a major War Criminal walking free in Serbia, thus the arrest. One can hear the shouts from the liberal left, how come Serbia could take Mladic but Obama could not take OBL in to custody, and you know folks they just might have point. One whole folks the good guys won this time, the West should be grateful to Serbia, perhaps its time for Serbian to be in the EU.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
The Man could have been POTUS = John Edwards
Daily Mail: Reports that former US Senator and a candidate for the Democratic nomination in 2008 John Edwards will be prosecuted for campaign violations. If ever there was creepy politician it has to be John Edwards, while his gallant wife was fighting illness that killed her in the end, Edwards was having an affair. The allegation is that the Edwards Campaign used money raised to keep the affair secret. If the allegation is TRUE, lets hope they throw the creep in jail for a very long time, shows how even the mighty can fall.
Another Tet ? = Afghanistan
Telegraph: Reports that Al Qaeda is massing foreign fighters in the badlands of the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan as to hit NATO forces in Afghanistan. One gets that feeling that Al Qaeda is thinking about the PR success of the Tet offensive in 1968 in Southern Vietnam. Although the military offensive was a failure that didn’t help LBJ, the war was seen as a defeat for the US, and thus the election of Richard Nixon in 1968. Both the US and the UK want out of Afghanistan by 2014, but that gives the Afghanistan Taliban and Al Qaeda the incentive to wait out the West, both Obama and Cameron want to talk to the Taliban as to allow a honourable exit for the West, but its not going to happen. When the West does leave, and they will leave folks, both the Afghanistan Taliban & Al Qaeda will claim victory, thus they will argue that they have seen off the USSR and now the US & UK under NATO. The result could be that a nuclear armed Pakistan falls in the hands of the Pakistan of Taliban, then expect India to hit hard and the West to be in Pakistan.
2014 UK Exit of Afghanistan,
Coalition Gov ( UK ),
David Cameron,
Obama Administration,
Obama Re-Elect 2012,
Richard Nixon,
Vietnam Lessons
Gaddafi = G0 = Obama and Cameron
BBC News: Reports on a press conference held by President Obama and UK PM David Cameron, both leaders stated that Colonel Gaddafi had to go at end of the day and the Libyan people would decide their future. The NATO bombing of Libya has gone on for over two months NOW, and Colonel Gaddafi is still in power, thus far NATO under the Allies of the US, UK and France have bombed the security forces of Colonel Gaddafi, sent in “ military advisors”, hit the command centres of Colonel Gaddafi, and it has been reported that the UK and France will start to use Apache Helicopters, as this allows closer combat. Folks at end of the day the Allies will have to use ground troops, the Blitz of Nazi Germany didn’t break the sprit of the British during World War Two, the US bombing of North Vietnam didn’t bring victory for the US in the Vietnam War, an air power war by itself cant win, there needs to be grounds forces, the Eastern Rebels will take years to train as to allow them to take the West of the Country, the US, France and the UK don’t have years folks, time for ground troops.
Afghanistan Front News
MOD: Has announced the name of the UK Soldier that was killed on Monday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was “ Colour Serjeant Kevin Charles Fortuna from A Company, 1st Battalion The Rifles ”. Our thoughts are with the family of Colour Sergeant Fortuna.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
The Non Friends = If Pictures could Talk!
Lets READ Lips or TRY: As overhead by an American Eagle !!
Obama: But I said 1967 borders, Nobel Winner HERE
Netanyahu: I don’t CARE, NO
O: But I am POTUS
N: Try winning Florida in 2012!
O: But I am Obama
N: So was Jimmy Carter
O: I am no Carter, OBL remember, more than Bush Got!!
N: What about Gaddafi, OR Assad ?
O: They must not have heard ME!!
N: Freud would have loved YOU, I don’t !!
O: But the Nobel?
N: They cant give you it TWICE!! Come back Bill Clinton!
Huhne and the Police
BBC News: Reports that Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has been interviewed by Essex Police over the allegation that he transferred driving penalty points. There are some interesting questions, was the Secretary of State interviewed under caution? Did he change his story from previous events of the story? Did he have back up for his story? The press will have a field day with this folks, still 6/10 that that Huhne will be forced out.
No to Hamas Talks - Israeli PM
The New York Times: Reports that the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has stated to the US Congress that Israel will not talk to the Palestinians if Hamas is part of the Deal. At the end of the day folks, it does not matter what President Obama wants, the US Congress, Republicans and Democrats will support the State of Israel. The Middle East Peace Process at the moment is not going anywhere while a terrorist Hamas is part of the process. Thus Israel should just wait Obama out, he will come to them, he will need them to bomb Iran at the end of the day. Well that kind of request in the future should come at a price, thus just wait POTUS out and make sure Israeli voters know that Israel does not have a friend in the Oval, that will be worth a few electoral votes to Republicans.
Greece will Default = Business Secretary Cable
Guardian: Reports on remarks by the Coalition Business Secretary Vince Cable that Greece will default on its sovereign debt. The Germans will go bonkers over this idea, as they hold a great deal of Greek debt as the article notes. If this is the solution then the Euro is heading the same away as the USSR, the shockwaves will make the 2008 bank bailout look like happy hour. It can be postulated that nearly all European banks have some of the Greek debt, if Greece goes bust then these banks will be heading back to their own Government for another bailout. One can say with some justification that the Euro is the banking versions of AIDS, you have HIV first, the banking collapse, you throw money to prevent near fatal banking collapse, e.g drugs to prevent AIDS, but then after all the drugs at the end of the day you get AIDS and death in the short or long term. Graphic language folks but that is the TRUTH.
2008 Banks,
Coalition Gov ( UK ),
Drastic CUTS = NOW
Telegraph: Reports that the Coalition Government borrowed over nine billion in April, last year it was seven billion. Folks one has to ask is the UK going through enough pain, look at Greece, Ireland, and Spain, these countries are going through massive cuts in public spending, it might be time for the Coalition to think the unthinkable, does the Government need to bring in more severe cuts, really painful cuts, that might be the only answer folks. Does the UK at the end of the day want to seek a second IMF bailout as it did in the 1970s under a Labour Government. If that humiliation is to be avoided then welfare has to be cut to the bone, why should those just out of College or University get any welfare, they have not paid in a cent in to the system. Lets think outside the box folks, before the debt box crushes the UK.
Apache Helicopters for Libya = No Decision
BBC News: Reports that the UK Coalition Government has stated in the House of Commons that no decision has been taken to send Apache Helicopters to Libya. One gets the impression that France was trying to bounce the UK in further escalation of the War in Libya. An interesting article in the Times ( pay wall ) noted that France has a kind of War Power Resolution Act that was force the President to seek a vote of approval from the French Parliament for further operations in Libya after July. Thus both France and the US have a political need for this War to be over fast, while in the UK the Coalition will face a growing opposition from the Conservative backbenches over any escalation in the War. There are Presidential Elections in France and the US in 2012, thus Gaddafi has to go before then, Obama would look like a one trick pony if Gaddafi was still in power, and Assad of Syria was still repressing his people. Thus folks expect movement on the Libyan front, more do with the political than military reasons, everything is political folks.
Death in Afghanistan
MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier was killed on Monday in Afghanistan by an IED, the Soldier was from the “ 1st Battalion The Rifles ”. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 366 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 322 in combat action and 44 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Apache Helicopters and Libya
Guardian: Has an exclusive, it is reporting on a escalation of the War in Libya, both the UK and France are going to send Apache helicopters in to the Libyan operational theatre. This is risky folks, helicopters can be shot down, this shows how both London and Paris are getting fed up with the lack of progress in Libya. The Eastern Rebels are still stuck in Libya, the Capitol Tripoli is still under control of the Colonel Gaddafi, and Misrata is still being fired on by Gaddafi security forces. At the end of the day folks the Allies of the UK, France and even the US will have to place ground troops in Libya to finish the job. In the US the Oval is coming under pressure for breaking the War Powers Resolution Act that states that US Presidents after sixty days have to get the green light from Congress to carry on military operations, Obama seems to think that the law does not apply to him. Thus Libya could be a serious political problem for the Allies if Gaddafi is still around at the end of the year.
No Debt Restructuring = Greece
Telegraph: Reports that Greece will not seek debt restructuring on its multi billion debt, but will get tougher on its austerity programme. What price the Euro folks, the political elite in Greece seem more interested in protecting tax payers of Germany and France than their own people. If the Greek people don’t want to spend the next decade on their knees in economic terms they have to get out of the Euro. The EU and Greek Government had a choice, it could start afresh with Greece out of the Euro or it could throw good money in the toilet or burn it, the same result folks. This wont work, why should the poor people of Greece made to pay for the lies of its Government. Time for peaceful protest folks, and that’s PEACEFUL, otherwise the riot police should be tough. The elite of Greece have betrayed their own people, SHAME on them.
POTUS in Republic of Ireland
BBC News: Reports on the arrival of President Obama in Ireland. Well folks there is an election next year, so far looking at the Republic side one has to say that if your in charge of the Chicago re-election committee you would have a smile on your face, most of the expected Republican runners have dropped out, and Governor Romney can be asked a very tough question by Obama, why should Massachusetts have RomneyCare, while Romney wants to repeal ObamaCare. The issue of health care and the debt is central to the Tea Party movement in the US, and on health Romney has not stated that he was wrong, thus the Irish trip is a good political move by POTUS, while the Republicans in fight the Oval can look Presidential.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Might have been driving = Chris Huhne
Mail on Sunday: Reports that the Energy Secretary Chris Huhne will tell Police he might have been driving but cant remember on the day of the penalty points offence. It seems the Mail on Sunday has the Secretary of State bang to rights, they have a photo of the penalty points as given to Vicky Price his estranged wife, since it seems highly unlikely that Ms Price was in the car due to distance on the day it is down to the Secretary of State to prove its was not him, the police just from reading general evidence just might have a case.
Second Driving Points Allegation = Chris Huhne
Telegraph: Reports that the separated Wife of the Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has alleged that the Secretary of State had another person take driving penalty points for him. At what point do Lib Dems cut bait, one can postulate that the separated wife, Vicky Pryce is out to destroy Mr Huhne, thus how much damage will PM David Cameron allow Mr Huhne to inflict on the Coalition Government before he tells his DPM Clegg to finish off his colleague, in other words sack him, the issues around the Secretary of State are becoming a real distraction. How much drip drip allegations does it take for Mr Huhne to go back ot the backbenches.
Another Scandal for Huhne ?
BBC News: Reports on the allegation that the Energy Secretary Chris Huhne overspent on his election expenses in 2010. If Mr Huhne was any other Minister he would have been shown the door a long time ago, but it suit’s the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg to have a wounded Mr Huhne still in the Cabinet, he cant be a problem on the backbenches and wont challenge Mr Huhne for the leadership of the Lib Dems. Lets see if the allegations around Mr Huhne have any legs, if the police find he transferred his driving points he will have to resign.
Rebel Flesh = Doctor Who
The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that Doctor Who was the top show for the BBC on Saturday, it was the top drama of the day, it gained 5.7 million viewers. Lets recall folks these are overnight numbers, the figures should go up if you add those that have recorded the show for later viewing, we are all Time Lords in some respects. As to Rebel Flesh, it was a show that made you concentrate on the details, and who was talking, having doubles around was interesting, as the 10th Doctor said, the biggest monsters are humans. It was nice to see Rory getting some female attention, Amy can be a bit of a monster, she expects Rory to be there while she worries about the Doctor in so many ways! ( As a bloke we all have had that, it’s a pain! ). The Lady with the patch turned up again! Who is she? The general opinion is she is the midwife to Amy’s baby/child, as in episode 1 that baby/child turned out to be Time Lord, one has to ask who is the father, is it Rory the Roman or an errant Time Lord and his Type 40 TARDIS. It was very interesting idea to deal with the issue of slavery and modern science, is a clone a person if they develop their own soul, the idea is not new, Star Trek Voyager and their own Doctor dealt with the issue, it will be interesting to see how this goes. Also one gets the idea that the doubles are an early version of one of the Doctor Who’s favourite enemies, have a guess, clue, a general brain working through synthetic material, work it out! Or see episode 1, series 1 of the new generation of Doctor Who, Rose. When IS River coming back, Mrs Robinson WOW.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Crooked ex Labour Minister Jailed = Elliot Morley
BBC News: Reports that ex Labour Minister Elliot Morley has been jailed for sixteen months for fiddling his expenses. One word folks, GOOD, you expect better from MPs and Ministers, when they turn out to be common criminals they should get a real hard time from the Courts. Democracy fails when you cant trust your elected representatives.
No Chance Gordon! = Brown and the IMF
Daily Mail: Reports that friends of former Labour PM Gordon Brown are angry that the PM Cameron wont support Mr Brown to be the new Managing Director of the IMF. Does Gordon Brown have any friends? So far from the numerous books on New Labour failed to find any context that is NICE about the former Labour PM. At the end of the day Labour LOST the election, elections have consequences, Gordon Brown must NOW understand why former PMs don’t hang around the House of Commons, one minute you’re the centre of world attention, the next in many respects you’re a yesterday man, that can be very hard to take, Mr Brown should have tried harder to make friends beyond Labour, he should have started with David Cameron.
Time of Pain for the UK = Business Secretary Cable
Guardian: Reports on its interview with the Business Secretary Vince Cable, Mr Cable has stated that the UK will have to go through pain to reform its economy. On this issue Mr Cable is correct, the cuts that the Coalition Government has bought in is due to the reckless spending under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, the public sector is not a business, it cant make a profit, after the near banking collapse of 2008 the UK is broke, it cant afford the drunken spending of Labour. The Labour Party under “ Red ” Ed Miliband is still in denial about its own responsibility for the failure of the UK economy, thus its failure in the Council Elections in Southern England, the UK voter is not thick, he or she knows the goods days are over, its hard and painful times, just look at Greece, Portugal and Ireland, that is a route the UK does not want to go down again, we have done that and got the t -shirt in the 1970s. On this Mr Cable is right, its hard time ahead folks.
Friday, May 20, 2011
The Fall of Greece
Telegraph: Reports that the Fitch Credit Agency has further downgraded the credit worthiness of Greece. Lets gets honest here folks, Portugal, Ireland and Greece don’t have any CREDIT, they are broke, without bailouts from the EU/IMF they would have gone over a cliff months ago. The problem is you have the political elite in EU want to keep the Euro at any cost, eve if that takes the EU over the cliff in the near future. These countries are in the toilet, they are floating in the basing but no has had the courage to flush them out of the system. The above is graphic because that is the truth, Greece, Portugal and Ireland should get out of the Euro, return to their native currencies, redraw their economic structure so its in the real world. At some point the system will break folks, good money or clean paper is being thrown in to the toilet, and its getting dirty folks. There is not enough money to clear the present debt problems folks, thus either the PIGS go or the Euro goes, that is the stark choice folks.
Truth to Power = Israel vs. President Obama
Some interesting remarks by POTUS in his meeting with Israeli PM Netanyahu:
POTUS on Syria: “ We also discussed the situation in Syria, which is obviously of acute concern to Israel, given its shared border. And I gave more details to the Prime Minister about the significant steps that we are taking to try to pressure Syria and the Assad regime to reform, including the sanctions that we placed directly on President Assad. ”. The Syrian Regime has got Obama’s number, they are still repressing their own people, they know that Obama wont do d-m thing, he rolls his friends not his enemies.
POTUS on Iran: “ We continue to share our deep concerns about Iran, not only the threat that it poses to Israel but also the threat that it poses to the region and the world if it were to develop a nuclear weapon. We updated our strategy to continue to apply pressure, both through sanctions and our other diplomatic work. And I reiterated my belief that it is unacceptable for Iran to possess a nuclear weapon. We also discussed the hypocrisy of Iran suggesting that it somehow supports democratization in the Middle East when, in fact, they first showed the repressive nature of that regime when they responded to the own peaceful protests that took place inside Iran almost two years ago. ”. As with Syria, Iran knows that Obama throws his friends under the bus while he bows to his enemies, just ask Poland and the Czech Republic. The only country in the end that will stop Iran is Israel, and that might come sooner than later, depends how good Mossad the Israeli Intelligence network is at preventing a Iran going nuclear.
POTUS on Israel: “ And I reiterated and we discussed in depth the principles that I laid out yesterday -- the belief that our ultimate goal has to be a secure Israeli state, a Jewish state, living side by side in peace and security with a contiguous, functioning and effective Palestinian state. ”. Israel would not be a Jewish states if the old Palestinian refugees had the right of return. That’s Obama rhetoric not seeing the real world, the Israel PM stated the following on the speech yesterday by POTUS, “ I think for there to be peace, the Palestinians will have to accept some basic realities. The first is that while Israel is prepared to make generous compromises for peace, it cannot go back to the 1967 lines -- because these lines are indefensible; because they don’t take into account certain changes that have taken place on the ground, demographic changes that have taken place over the last 44 years….So we can't go back to those indefensible lines, and we're going to have to have a long-term military presence along the Jordan. I discussed this with the President and I think that we understand that Israel has certain security requirements that will have to come into place in any deal that we make….the Palestinian refugee problem will have to be resolved in the context of a Palestinian state, but certainly not in the borders of Israel….So it’s not going to happen. Everybody knows it’s not going to happen. And I think it’s time to tell the Palestinians forthrightly it’s not going to happen. The Palestinian refugee problem has to be resolved. It can be resolved, and it will be resolved if the Palestinians choose to do so in a Palestinian state. So that's a real possibility. But it’s not going to be resolved within the Jewish state. ”. In other words POTUS get your head out of the clouds or your own ego!
At the end of the day the US Congress will support Israel, they will back Israel over any Obama policy, and they have the purse strings. The Israeli Lobby is political terms is not feared for nothing, both Carter and Reagan asked about the Israeli lobby when they come to power.
POTUS on Syria: “ We also discussed the situation in Syria, which is obviously of acute concern to Israel, given its shared border. And I gave more details to the Prime Minister about the significant steps that we are taking to try to pressure Syria and the Assad regime to reform, including the sanctions that we placed directly on President Assad. ”. The Syrian Regime has got Obama’s number, they are still repressing their own people, they know that Obama wont do d-m thing, he rolls his friends not his enemies.
POTUS on Iran: “ We continue to share our deep concerns about Iran, not only the threat that it poses to Israel but also the threat that it poses to the region and the world if it were to develop a nuclear weapon. We updated our strategy to continue to apply pressure, both through sanctions and our other diplomatic work. And I reiterated my belief that it is unacceptable for Iran to possess a nuclear weapon. We also discussed the hypocrisy of Iran suggesting that it somehow supports democratization in the Middle East when, in fact, they first showed the repressive nature of that regime when they responded to the own peaceful protests that took place inside Iran almost two years ago. ”. As with Syria, Iran knows that Obama throws his friends under the bus while he bows to his enemies, just ask Poland and the Czech Republic. The only country in the end that will stop Iran is Israel, and that might come sooner than later, depends how good Mossad the Israeli Intelligence network is at preventing a Iran going nuclear.
POTUS on Israel: “ And I reiterated and we discussed in depth the principles that I laid out yesterday -- the belief that our ultimate goal has to be a secure Israeli state, a Jewish state, living side by side in peace and security with a contiguous, functioning and effective Palestinian state. ”. Israel would not be a Jewish states if the old Palestinian refugees had the right of return. That’s Obama rhetoric not seeing the real world, the Israel PM stated the following on the speech yesterday by POTUS, “ I think for there to be peace, the Palestinians will have to accept some basic realities. The first is that while Israel is prepared to make generous compromises for peace, it cannot go back to the 1967 lines -- because these lines are indefensible; because they don’t take into account certain changes that have taken place on the ground, demographic changes that have taken place over the last 44 years….So we can't go back to those indefensible lines, and we're going to have to have a long-term military presence along the Jordan. I discussed this with the President and I think that we understand that Israel has certain security requirements that will have to come into place in any deal that we make….the Palestinian refugee problem will have to be resolved in the context of a Palestinian state, but certainly not in the borders of Israel….So it’s not going to happen. Everybody knows it’s not going to happen. And I think it’s time to tell the Palestinians forthrightly it’s not going to happen. The Palestinian refugee problem has to be resolved. It can be resolved, and it will be resolved if the Palestinians choose to do so in a Palestinian state. So that's a real possibility. But it’s not going to be resolved within the Jewish state. ”. In other words POTUS get your head out of the clouds or your own ego!
At the end of the day the US Congress will support Israel, they will back Israel over any Obama policy, and they have the purse strings. The Israeli Lobby is political terms is not feared for nothing, both Carter and Reagan asked about the Israeli lobby when they come to power.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Dominique Strauss-Kahn on Bail
BBC News: Reports that DSK has been granted a one million dollar bail. Thus this case can be expected to last months folks, once the case starts this blog will not cover the case in till there is a verdict, this blog is rather old fashioned in that context.
Huhne on the Chopping Block ?
Guy Fawkes’ Blog: Reports that Lib Dems are moving to distance themselves from the Energy Secretary Chris Huhne over the allegation that he transferred his driving penalty points to his separated Wife. This blog would be surprised to see Mr Huhne survive this political scandal, if this allegation is true and there is evidence, then Mr Huhne will have to go, perverting the course of justice is jail time, what is it with Lib Dems, the Laws Case, this now, and two Lib Dems in the Welsh Assembly could face police investigation that they could not by law run for the Assembly due to their jobs. I guess if you out of power for over sixty years you don’t look that closely at your members, your grateful to have them.
Obama on the Middle East
The White House: The full text of President Obama’s Middle East Speech. This speech folks was a bore, this political geek almost feel asleep half way through it, yes typical of Obama’s speeches, it was okay, not that high on rhetoric, the most interesting aspect of the speech was the words of POTUS on Syria and Iran, “ The Syrian people have shown their courage in demanding a transition to democracy. President Assad now has a choice: he can lead that transition, or get out of the way. The Syrian government must stop shooting demonstrators and allow peaceful protests; release political prisoners and stop unjust arrests; allow human rights monitors to have access to cities like Dara’a; and start a serious dialogue to advance a democratic transition. Otherwise, President Assad and his regime will continue to be challenged from within and isolated abroad. Thus far, Syria has followed its Iranian ally, seeking assistance from Tehran in the tactics of suppression. This speaks to the hypocrisy of the Iranian regime, which says it stand for the rights of protesters abroad, yet suppresses its people at home. Let us remember that the first peaceful protests were in the streets of Tehran, where the government brutalized women and men, and threw innocent people into jail. We still hear the chants echo from the rooftops of Tehran. The image of a young woman dying in the streets is still seared in our memory. And we will continue to insist that the Iranian people deserve their universal rights, and a government that does not smother their aspirations. Our opposition to Iran’s intolerance – as well as its illicit nuclear program, and its sponsorship of terror – is well known…”. The line that Assad has to reform or get out the way is nice but what is POTUS going to do if Syria as Iran has done tells Obama to get lost. One can postulate not a lot, Obama will never take military action when it comes to Syria, his actions in Libya have been tepid. Obama stated the following on US action in Libya, “ Unfortunately, in too many countries, calls for change have been answered by violence. The most extreme example is Libya, where Moammar Gaddafi launched a war against his people, promising to hunt them down like rats. As I said when the United States joined an international coalition to intervene, we cannot prevent every injustice perpetrated by a regime against its people, and we have learned from our experience in Iraq just how costly and difficult it is to impose regime change by force – no matter how well-intended it may be. But in Libya, we saw the prospect of imminent massacre, had a mandate for action, and heard the Libyan people’s call for help. Had we not acted along with our NATO allies and regional coalition partners, thousands would have been killed. The message would have been clear: keep power by killing as many people as it takes. Now, time is working against Gaddafi. He does not have control over his country. The opposition has organized a legitimate and credible Interim Council. And when Gaddafi inevitably leaves or is forced from power, decades of provocation will come to an end, and the transition to a democratic Libya can proceed. ”. The US has withdrawn combat planes from the Libyan action, it been up to the UK and France to remove Gaddafi, one has to wonder does Obama share a bunker with Gaddafi, he has not mentioned Libya in weeks. The term has been coined as leading from behind, well Obama is so far back he is on Everest. Lets see what does Obama say about Peace process between Israel and Palestine, “ So while the core issues of the conflict must be negotiated, the basis of those negotiations is clear: a viable Palestine, and a secure Israel. ”. This blog lives in the real world, not in the pocket of the New York Times, this statement is just rubbish, no wonder this blog has called POTUS, the wisest fool in Christendom, before liberals start, this was an original political attack on King James 1. You can either have a secure Israel or a real Palestine State, you cant have both folks. Also what is Obama thinking with the above line, “ Two wrenching and emotional issues remain: the future of Jerusalem, and the fate of Palestinian refugees. ”, folks this is the real world, Jerusalem is going to stay Israeli, does not matter what Obama wants or thinks should happen, also the poor Palestinian refugees will never COME BACK, if Obama does not get that fact, then this blog is sorry for him. Poor man he has not grown in office, he still thinks he is Community Organizer in Chicago.
Vice President Cheney SPEAKS
The Washington Post: Reviews the forthcoming memoirs of VP Cheney. It will be interesting to read the memoirs of the most powerful VP in American history. It will be interesting to see how his views of international relationship develop from his time as Chief of Staff to President Ford, seen as a moderate Republican when compared to Ronald Reagan by the Establishment of the Republican Party in the 1970s, to the dark hand behind of the Bush 43 Presidency from the prospective of the Liberal elite from 2001. Also what was his relationship like with Bush 43, did he feel as the Bush 43 Presidency went on after the re-election win of 2004 that he had less power, in views on the Libby Case and the well known stand off with Bush 43 over a pardon. Also lets get to the elephant in the room, that is Iraq, that should dominate the memoir, one can see LIBERALS reading every word looking, looking for an apology or that Bush 43 lied and knew he was laying about Iraq. It should be a bestseller folks, the Bush 43 book was New York Times bestseller.
Grow UP France = DSK Case
Guardian: Reports on the cultural differences between the US and France when it comes to the DSK case, the footage of DSK in handcuffs and in Court have been shown within limits in France. FRANCE GROW UP, this is a world wide event, get your head out of your backside, one gets the impression that French arrogance has no bounds, if the French don’t want to look foolish don’t try to do a 1984 and control the news, this shows how much the elite of France, the political and press share the same bed, well that bed needs to be de loused and a new bed bought, GROW UP FRANCE.
DSK HIRED Hookers = Ex IMF Chief
Telegraph: Reports on claims that the former head of the IMF, and now facing assault charges in the US, Dominique Strauss-Kahn has used hookers in the past. The dirt is coming out on DSK, one can postulate that DSK has a 60/40 chance of going down for this alleged assault. Lets be honest folks, this story has it all, crime, politics, the next President of France, of course the world wide press are going to dig deep for all the dirt, and that's even before the Trial. If there is a trial expect near total media coverage.
The Resignation Letter of Dominique Strauss-Kahn - IMF
IMF: Has released the resignation letter of DSK in full:
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board:
It is with infinite sadness that I feel compelled today to present to the Executive Board my resignation from my post of Managing Director of the IMF. I think at this time first of my wife—whom I love more than anything—of my children, of my family, of my friends. I think also of my colleagues at the Fund; together we have accomplished such great things over the last three years and more. To all, I want to say that I deny with the greatest possible firmness all of the allegations that have been made against me. I want to protect this institution which I have served with honor and devotion, and especially—especially—I want to devote all my strength, all my time, and all my energy to proving my innocence.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Thank goodness Coalition PM David Cameron made it clear before the arrest of DSK that he would veto the nomination of former Labour PM Gordon Brown as the next head of the IMF. One can argue that the present economic mess of the UK is down the time that Gordon Brown was Chancellor and Prime Minister. Also giving Mr Brown the job would give the Labour Party a weapon to beat the Coalition with, thus this is a no go area for Mr Brown.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn OUT = IMF
BBC News: Reports that DSK has resigned as the Managing Director of the IMF. This will come as a relief to the IMF, but could cause problems for DSK in his second attempt at bail, the New York prosecutor might argue that since DSK has resigned from the IMF there is more of a reason for him to do a runner back to France should he get bail. It can be argued that DSK must know his political career is over, does he want to risk spending decades in a American prison or internal exile in France. Lets see what the New York Court does folks, but have doubts they will release DSK on a one million bail with ankle alarm to make sure he stays in the US. Anyone who has seen modern films knows that if you have the money you can access to info that can get you out of ankle alarm and out of any country very fast.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Law and Order
Guardian: Reports that DSK has been sent to the “ notorious Rikers Island jail ” in New York. One has to admit sometimes when it comes to this case one thinks one is watching an episode of Law and Order. It was must watch TV when DSK was in the New York Court, it must have been on all the French TV channels. This case could take months, even years folks, it is time for DSK to resign as head of the IMF, it’s a humiliation for the IMF and for France. One has to wonder why he has not resigned, if it looks bad does he plan to use the diplomatic immunity argument, it would be interesting.
Arts and Books,
US Court System
Is Chris Huhne FINISHED ? - UK Coalition Government
Telegraph: Reports that the Liberal Democrat Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has denied asking his separated wife to take his driving penalty points in 2003. In the short statement that Mr Huhne gave to the press it looked like the game was up, the voice and body language showed a man waiting for the political guillotine, worse the press are sharks, they smell political blood in the water, and everyone it seems wants to give the Liberal Democrats a good kicking. This mess works well for the Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, Mr Huhne is his political rival, so if he stays he is damaged, if he resigns he will not be able to stand against Mr Clegg. No wonder Mr Clegg has been smiling of late.
Afghanistan Front News
MOD: Has announced the name of the Soldier that was killed on Sunday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was “ Marine Nigel Dean Mead from Lima Company, 42 Commando Royal Marines ”. Our thoughts are with the family of Marine Mead.
HM The Queen in Ireland
BBC News: Reports on the arrival of Queen Elizabeth 11 in Ireland, this is the first visit by a reigning Monarch since King George V arrived in Ireland in 1911. This really shows haw far the peace process has come, the Royal visit by the Queen should become a norm, the troubles with the exception of a few incidents is in the past, both the UK and Ireland have present problems to deal with, we are both broke in many respects, Ireland needed a EU/IMF bailout, the UK due to the close relationship between the UK and Ireland has given loans to Ireland. This is a great day in the relationship between the UK and Ireland.
Monday, May 16, 2011
68 Billion pounds Bailout for Portugal = Down the Toilet
BBC News: Reports that the EU/IMF has given Portugal a sixty eight billion pounds bailout. Folks, Greece has its hand out again, who wants to bet that Portugal will want another bailout after the 1st bailout. The EU/IMF are living in a dream world of the elite, the Western economic system is broke is both ways, the Sovereign Debts of the PIGS will take EU down, and there is no trust that the banks are still not hiding their debts. Think of the public sector jobs and institutions that could protected and flushed with more cash if the PIGS had no more bailouts. The arrogance of the political elite is taking the Europe over a cliff, one has to assume that the leaders will only wake up when they hit rock bottom.
DSK and the ASSAULT = Graphic Detail Warning
The New York Times: Reports in graphic detail on the alleged assault by DSK of a Maid at his hotel. It seems that the paper of record has decided to go for readers, the details of the case are very graphic, in one respect think Bill Clinton and the Oval Office Desk! and you get idea! One would think that the paper of record would be more restrained in its reporting, but DSK in French, not the most popular of people at the best of times, and this is not the best of times. One would have thought that the NYT would have gone more on the legal aspects, or the background to the case, not that actual detail, very detailed aspects of the case. The World Press in many respects will love this case, how the mighty have fallen.
Bill Clinton,
New York Times,
US Court System
No Bail for DSK
The Daily Mail: Reports that DSK has been refused bail by a New York Court, even after offering a bail of one million dollars. This case could last days, weeks even months, lets recall that Bill Clinton faced years of questions and trials over his case, and that lead to his Impeachment and the a hit in the bank balance. As stated this blog will not discuss the details of the case, even if everyone else is going in to graphic details, and the reader should always remember that a suspect is innocent before the verdict. But commentary on the press circus is interesting, and worth of comment, the French are still showing disdain for the process, GROW UP.
Bill Clinton,
US Court System
The deflation of the Obama Bounce
Thus folks the Obama bounce after the killing of OBL has gone away very fast, the latest Gallup Poll of average voters has President Obama on 46% Approval while 44% Disapprove of the job performance of POTUS. In the Rasmussen Poll of likely voters, POTUS is in negative field, in this poll POTUS has 50% Disapproval rating, while 49% approve of POTUS. The quick surge in the Obama polls has deflated faster than the failure of his economic stimulus, and that is the problem folks, once OBL was killed the Oval moved to talk about Immigration, one subject that does not bring people together, in fact on the border states between the US and Mexico it makes people very passionate one way or another. The blog will predict that within a few weeks Obama will be back to high negatives when it comes to average and likely voters, thus 2012 will not be like Reagan’s 1984 and winning 49 States and 525 Electoral College votes. Thus this blog is still predicting that President Obama will lose in 2012 and lose big folks. If the rate of unemployment is still at 9% in November 2012, Obama will join the following list, Hoover, Carter, Bush 41, one term Presidents who failed on the domestic front.
TRUMP Out - Republican Nomination Race
The Hill: Reports that Donald Trump has announced that he is not running for the 2012 Republican nomination for President. At the end of the day folks Mr Trump was all WIND, he might be a very good business man but he is a lousy politician, the Republican voters are looking for a new face, someone who is not a politician, they want another Ronald Reagan. It seems Mr Trump is afraid of POTUS.
Gaddafi ARREST Warrant = Libyan Front
Guardian: Reports that the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court has asked for an arrest warrant for Colonel Gaddafi and his son Saif al-Islam. This will worry those around Colonel Gaddafi and his family, at what point do the break free and get rid of the Colonel, either sending him in to exile or a bullet at the back of the head. The gradual destruction of the Gaddafi pillars of the state could take months, lets hope the CIA and MI6 have black op guys on the ground, who have orders to do what is necessary. The Libyan operation cant still be happening next year.
Second Assault CHARGE = DSK
Telegraph: Reports that Tristane Banon, a French female reports, wants to press charges against DSK over an assault that occurred nine years ago. What ever the court case or verdict in New York, it can be postulated that DSK is finished in French politics, it would be a PR disaster for France to have this kind of politician in power, all the world press would be looking for scandals or looking for past cases of illegal activity. It time that France grow up, its restrictive privacy laws in general protect the wealthy, time France knew who it was electing to be its President.
DSK in Court
BBC News: Reports that Mr Strauss-Kahn, the head of the IMF, is in New York Court to face charges of an assault on a Maid at his Hotel. Although this blog will not discuss the details of the case, it is old fashioned in that way, it will report on the press circus around the case. The general opinion one gets from French reporters when asked about this case is shock , due to the strict privacy laws in France they don’t have these kind of scandals. Almost one gets the impression of French arrogance, how can this important men be held, it would not happen in France, yes that kind of disdain folks. The pivotal point in many respects is the fact that DSK is head of the IMF at the time of massive bailouts for Greece, Ireland and Portugal and that he was the likely next President of France, thus an attack and money, the press will be all over the case. The Americans to their credit will play this by the book, one thing this blog can state is that DSK will get a fair trial, it might not be short but fair.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Death in Afghanistan
MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier has been killed in Afghanistan today, the Soldier was from the “ 42 Commando Royal Marines ”. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 365 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 321 in combat action and 44 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.
IMF to Jail ? = Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Mail on Sunday: Reports on the events leading up Mr Strauss - Kahn being dragged off a plane at JFK Airport and arrested for an attack on Maid. The French press will have a field day with story folks, due to the privacy laws of France the private lives of their politicians are a no go area, this story happened in US, so French rules don’t apply, let me postulate that if there is any dirt on Mr Strauss - Kahn the French will run with it, it’s a very public arrest, even the French Courts would be hard pressed to say its not a story.
The End of the Dream ? Strauss - Kahn NO French Presidency
Guardian: Reports on the political implications of the arrest Dominique Strauss-Kahn, in essence he is finished as a Presidential candidate, not guilty or guilty. Even the French have limits, one has to wonder when Mr Strauss - Kahn will be given the push from the IMF, with Greece, Ireland and Portugal broke the IMF does not need this distraction. And no before you start on the Labour side, Gordon Brown still cant have the job.
Labour Party,
Post Gordon Brown
Dominique Strauss-Kahn = Arrested
Telegraph: Reports that Dominique Strauss-Kahn the head of the IMF has been arrested by New York Police. This news will shock France, Dominique Strauss-Kahn was expected to run in 2012 for the French Presidency. As the case is in the Courts this blog will not comment on the case in till there is a verdict. This might be old fashioned these days but this blog is conservative.
Liberal Bombing = Libyan Front
BBC News: Reports that the head of the British Army, General David Richards has stated that NATO needs less restrictions on its bombing in Libya, that Libyan state infrastructure needs to be hit. At the end of the day NATO can only win if it removes the pillars that are keeping Gaddafi in power, the state TV of Libyan should be off air by now, the electric gird should be out in the Capital Tripoli, the Bridges also out, you get the idea folks. Make the people get out on the streets, force them to overthrow Gaddafi, or this military operation could take months.
Doctor Who Top Drama on Saturday = The Doctor’s Wife
The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that Doctor Who was the top Drama on Saturday, this does not include reality shows! The good Doctor had 5.9 million viewers in the overnight rating, these always go up with recording. As to the Doctor’s Wife, it was fantastic, it will confirm the women’s suspicion that men think more about their mode of transport than them, but it’s the Tardis. Amy will have to stop the Doctor stroking the Tardis, even Captain Jack is not that liberal! Loved the line when the Tardis says “ I took you where you needed to go, not where you want to go ”, how many women have thought of that of their boyfriends or husbands. Ah to have a Tardis, and when it looks like the Tardis did last night in human form, even KITT the car was not that good! Lets have the Tardis back again in female form, that would give Amy a run for her money, even Rory the Roman, would get diverted.
51% Disapproval for POTUS = Rasmussen
Rasmussen Reports: Reports that President Obama has a 51% Disapproval rating, while 48% of likely voters approve of the job performance of POTUS. Well the bounce from the death of OBL seems to be on the decline folks, the problem is that President Obama went from the death of OBL to talk about immigration, an issue that rouses passion and can lose Obama moderate and independent voters. As noted by this blog and may commentators, a bounce can go quick, Bush 41 won a War and was out on his ear a year later. Also unemployment is still at 9%, while those first time jobless is still to high to bring the rate down. As the Clinton Election Campaign stated it’s the “ Economy Stupid ”.
Guilt = Ed Miliband
Mail on Sunday: Reports that Labour Leader Ed Miliband is still feels guilty over stabbing his brother in the back to take the Labour Leadership. Bloody right he should, something things are more important than politics, if you will stab your own brother in the back you cant be trusted, its shows arrogance and no loyalty. Mr Miliband you should FEEL GUILTY, it was wrong.
Bailouts AGAIN! Greece and Portugal
Telegraph: Reports that Portugal will receive around seventy billion pounds in a bailout and the UK will not be part of a second bailout for Greece. Folks it would be simpler to use the money as toilet paper, that will be it worth after the bailout, one can almost predict that both Portugal and Greece will need more money, they are lead by weak and stupid Governments, who don’t have the nerve to tell the people the sunny days are over, it will be years of hard times, the political elite of EU have bought in to the theory at the expense of their people, SHAME on them, they have sold the trust of the voter for 1 Euro.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
What’s the Truth = George J. Mitchell
The resignation letter of President Obama’s Middle East Peace Envoy George Mitchell is very brisk, Senator Mitchell states the following in his letter, “ When I accepted your request to serve as U.S. Special Envoy for Middle East Peace my intention was to serve for two years. More than two years having passed I hereby resign, effective May 20, 2011. I trust this will provide sufficient time for an effective transition. ”. Something tells this blogger that there is a story that we are not hearing about the resignation, is the Oval doing a PR spin, the reaction form the White House is more fuller in its praise than the letter, POTUS states the following on the resignation, “ Over the past two and a half years, George Mitchell has worked as a tireless advocate for peace as the U.S. Special Envoy for the Middle East. His deep commitment to resolving conflict and advancing democracy has contributed immeasurably to the goal of two states living side by side in peace and security….He is – by any measure – one of the finest public servants that our nation has ever had. Even though he already had an extraordinary legacy – serving the people of Maine, leading the Senate, and bringing peace to Northern Ireland – he took on the toughest job imaginable and worked grueling hours to advance the interests of the United States and the cause of peace. ”. At the end of the day Senator Mitchell failed, but to be fair, the Middle East in many respects is vastly more complicated than Northern Ireland, outside the Israel / Palestine Issue you have regional powers who have an interest in keeping the tensions going, but also Israel has the backing of the US, thus will never roll over, and any US President or Congress at the of the day will support Israel. Did Senator Mitchell feel at the end of the day that he didn’t have the Oval totally in his corner, without the Oval there is no peace process, and even with the Oval there might be no deal.
Friday, May 13, 2011
US on Alert over OBL Death
The Hill: Reports that US Intelligence Agencies are on alert for a revenge attack by Al Qaeda after the death of OBL. One can postulate that the real threat is to Pakistan, with the recent attacks it can be argued that the US might have weakened the Pakistan Government, the Government from internal Pakistan eyes will be seen as weak and corrupt, the US didn’t trust Pakistan and didn’t tell them that they had OBL as a target. The very fact that OBL was in Army town raises questions about competence or truthfulness of the Pakistan ISI, either way bad for the Government of Pakistan. Thus the Government of Pakistan has a mortal enemy in the Taliban of Pakistan and Al Qaeda. Always remember folks that Pakistan is a nuclear armed power, NUCLEAR ARMED!
The Middle East takes another SCALP = George Mitchell
The New York Times: Reports that former Senator and Obama's Middle East Envoy George Mitchell has thrown in the towel. This blog has a lot of time for Senator Mitchell, he helped bring peace to Northern Ireland but the Middle East was a big ask by President Obama. In Northern Ireland the Parties had reached the end of the battle, they wanted peace, in the Middle East they have been fighting each other since the dawn of time, and they are not going to give up any time soon. Also Middle East politics plays in to internal US politics, the Israeli Lobby is one of the most powerful pressure groups in the US, also there a lot of Jewish voters in Florida, a big electoral college State. Thus in practice US Presidents tend to get involved in the Middle East in there second terms when they are not running for Office. Obama cant walk on water and he needs Florida in 2012, thus in pure political terms one can see Obama throwing the Middle East Peace Process in to the long grass, that would be wise and political move.
Colonel Gaddafi wounded ? = Libyan Front
Daily Mail: Reports on remarks by the Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini that he thinks that Colonel Gaddafi has been wounded by NATO air strikes and has left the Tripoli. The remarks would fit with the evidence, although Colonel Gaddafi has been seen in a meeting, there have been none of his usual odd appearances in public, just staged PR by the Libyan Government. It would be good news for the Libyans and the West if Gaddafi did fall off his perch, the death of OBL followed by Gaddafi really would make it a good year for the World.
Pro Cuts Rally in London = Saturday
Guardian: Reports on Saturday that there will be a pro cuts rally in London, the anti cuts lobby will also turn up. This is good news folks, the elite press have given to much time to the Labour argument that the cuts should be slower and shallow. The Coalition Government of the Conservatives and the Lib Dems faced going over the economic cliff last year if they didn’t form a Coalition Government, the Government has introduced drastic cuts to get the UK out of the red. The Labour Party has given nothing to the debate, one gets the impression that the Labour Party under Ed Miliband would like the UK to go the way of the PIGS of the EU. This recalls the mess of Labour’s economic policy in the 1970s. The only time Labour has told the truth was after the 2010 UK General Election, when it told the new Government and there was no more money, after that the Labour Party has been in denial. That is why the 2011 elections in Scotland and Southern England was a washout for Labour, people can smell denial, people can tell when politicians are being economical with the truth.
Labour After David Laws = Coalition Front
Telegraph: Reports that Thomas Docherty a Labour MP has asked the Police to have a look at the expenses of David Laws. This on the whole seems quite petty by the Labour Party, one can postulate that since they have a few ex MPs in the big house they want to send a Lib Dem to jail. On the other hand Mr Laws did break the rules of the House of Commons and ex Labour MPs have been thrown in jail, so Labour is out for payback. But Labour has to be careful, Mr Laws stated that he hid his gay relationship as his family didn’t know, Labour can not afford the impression that is has a problem with gays, they vote also, liked everyone else, and they can make a lot of noise if they think that its their relationship status that is coming under question, not the main issue in the Laws Case, that being fiddling expenses.
The Question of War - Iraq War
BBC News: Reports that evidence given by Tony Blair’s Chief Spin Doctor, Alastair Campbell concerning the UK’s dossier on the threat from Iraq has been challenged by an Intelligence Chief. In the view of Mr Campbell the 2002 dossier was seen as the UK’s concern about the threat from Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, the new evidence states that the dossier was a case for War. Lets be blunt someone is not telling the truth, its either or, so it will be up to the Iraq Inquiry to tell the voter who is being economic with the truth. Lets hope the Iraq Inquiry has the spine to say who has lied to the Parliament and the voter.
Wednesday Post - No Links
Misrata Airport = Libyan Front
Reports that Rebels in Misrata have taken over the Misrata Airport from Gaddafi Security Forces. This is some good news out of the Libyan Front, the rebels can now bring in reinforcements by sea and air. As noted a few days ago the Gaddafi Forces had destroyed the petrol supply of Misrata, with the help of NATO the rebels can now make sure that Misrata has enough supplies to keep on the fight. The interesting question that has been noted by journalists is Where is Colonel Gaddafi, is the old mad dog really grieving for his lost family members or has he been injured or killed in the NATO bombing. The lack of him on the news could be the regime deciding who should take over if he is dead. Lets hope NATO had a lucky shot, with Gaddafi gone this War could be over in days.
David Laws OUT of House = 7 Days!
Reports that former Liberal Democrat Cabinet Minister David Laws will be suspended from the House of Commons for seven days and made to make an apology to the House for breaching the expenses rules. Folks this is a slap on the wrist, a light slap at that, if it was you or me folks and this was welfare we would be up in Court, it would even mean prison time. But in the House of Commons if you fiddle your expenses you get thrown out for seven days, big punishment, both David Cameron and Nick Clegg have stated that they want Laws back in the Cabinet, this would be a big mistake, perhaps in a few yeas but not NOW, and not next year, this mild slap will not go down well with the voter.
Greeks Protests over Austerity
Has a picture article on the protests in Greece over the Austerity measures that the Greek Government have been forced to introduce to get money out of the EU. The political elites in Athens have to tell the TRUTH to the Greek people, if Greece does not want the pain of austerity it has get out of the Euro, the Euro is killing Greece. The Greek and Irish Government should return to their original currencies, default on the their Sovereign Debt and start afresh. The misery to get Euro to work for Athens and Dublin is to much of a price to keep the political elites happy, the politicians are looking to towards a lifeboat of job with the EU, while the people suffer, well the EU should be told to take running jump over a cliff, time to finish the Euro and return common sense to the markets, throwing good money after bad debt is a big mistake. Time for peaceful protest folks, PEACEFUL or the riot police are right to break up violet crowds, this is about preserving Democracy folks.
On the Bookshelf
At the moment folks having a great time reading, A View from the Foothills, The Diaries of Chris Mullin ( paperback ), they really take you in to the heart that was the political monster that was New Labour. What makes it interesting is that Mr Mullin is self aware, by his own ambition and how that can be the reverse of his political principals, how much he is a fan of Tony Blair, but considered from the left of the Party. Also for those interested in political history it is interesting to see how Labour MPs dealt with the Iraq War, how unreality of the House of Commons was not matched by the protests outside. On whole if your travelling in public transport and this blog does you can read the Diaries with a smile on your face, and thank God you didn’t vote for New Labour, even in 1997, could never quite understand why Labour and the UK become obsessed by Blair, to this blog he was always a small c Conservative but in Labour clothes, how that it left wing is beyond this blog. Well as the new Labour Leader has stated, the Party is now beyond New Labour, is beyond Old! Tony Blair must be glad he is in Israel.
Reports that Rebels in Misrata have taken over the Misrata Airport from Gaddafi Security Forces. This is some good news out of the Libyan Front, the rebels can now bring in reinforcements by sea and air. As noted a few days ago the Gaddafi Forces had destroyed the petrol supply of Misrata, with the help of NATO the rebels can now make sure that Misrata has enough supplies to keep on the fight. The interesting question that has been noted by journalists is Where is Colonel Gaddafi, is the old mad dog really grieving for his lost family members or has he been injured or killed in the NATO bombing. The lack of him on the news could be the regime deciding who should take over if he is dead. Lets hope NATO had a lucky shot, with Gaddafi gone this War could be over in days.
David Laws OUT of House = 7 Days!
Reports that former Liberal Democrat Cabinet Minister David Laws will be suspended from the House of Commons for seven days and made to make an apology to the House for breaching the expenses rules. Folks this is a slap on the wrist, a light slap at that, if it was you or me folks and this was welfare we would be up in Court, it would even mean prison time. But in the House of Commons if you fiddle your expenses you get thrown out for seven days, big punishment, both David Cameron and Nick Clegg have stated that they want Laws back in the Cabinet, this would be a big mistake, perhaps in a few yeas but not NOW, and not next year, this mild slap will not go down well with the voter.
Greeks Protests over Austerity
Has a picture article on the protests in Greece over the Austerity measures that the Greek Government have been forced to introduce to get money out of the EU. The political elites in Athens have to tell the TRUTH to the Greek people, if Greece does not want the pain of austerity it has get out of the Euro, the Euro is killing Greece. The Greek and Irish Government should return to their original currencies, default on the their Sovereign Debt and start afresh. The misery to get Euro to work for Athens and Dublin is to much of a price to keep the political elites happy, the politicians are looking to towards a lifeboat of job with the EU, while the people suffer, well the EU should be told to take running jump over a cliff, time to finish the Euro and return common sense to the markets, throwing good money after bad debt is a big mistake. Time for peaceful protest folks, PEACEFUL or the riot police are right to break up violet crowds, this is about preserving Democracy folks.
On the Bookshelf
At the moment folks having a great time reading, A View from the Foothills, The Diaries of Chris Mullin ( paperback ), they really take you in to the heart that was the political monster that was New Labour. What makes it interesting is that Mr Mullin is self aware, by his own ambition and how that can be the reverse of his political principals, how much he is a fan of Tony Blair, but considered from the left of the Party. Also for those interested in political history it is interesting to see how Labour MPs dealt with the Iraq War, how unreality of the House of Commons was not matched by the protests outside. On whole if your travelling in public transport and this blog does you can read the Diaries with a smile on your face, and thank God you didn’t vote for New Labour, even in 1997, could never quite understand why Labour and the UK become obsessed by Blair, to this blog he was always a small c Conservative but in Labour clothes, how that it left wing is beyond this blog. Well as the new Labour Leader has stated, the Party is now beyond New Labour, is beyond Old! Tony Blair must be glad he is in Israel.
Where are my Wednesday Posts = Blogger
Well Blogger is back folks, but all my blog posts from Wednesday are gone, this is not on, lucky I have a back up, so will print them again without the links. If this happens again this blog is off to another blog site. As this blog deals with current events it cant wait for Google to fix the problem. Thus Blogger is notice from this blog.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
On the Bookshelf
At the moment folks having a great time reading, A View from the Foothills, The Diaries of Chris Mullin ( paperback ), they really take you in to the heart that was the political monster that was New Labour. What makes it interesting is that Mr Mullin is self aware, by his own ambition and how that can be the reverse of his political principals, how much he is a fan of Tony Blair, but considered from the left of the Party. Also for those interested in political history it is interesting to see how Labour MPs dealt with the Iraq War, how unreality of the House of Commons was not matched by the protests outside. On whole if your travelling in public transport and this blog does you can read the Diaries with a smile on your face, and thank God you didn’t vote for New Labour, even in 1997, could never quite understand why Labour and the UK become obsessed by Blair, to this blog he was always a small c Conservative but in Labour clothes, how that it left wing is beyond this blog. Well as the new Labour Leader has stated, the Party is now beyond New Labour, is beyond Old! Tony Blair must be glad he is in Israel.
Greeks Protests over Austerity
Guardian: Has a picture article on the protests in Greece over the Austerity measures that the Greek Government have been forced to introduce to get money out of the EU. The political elites in Athens have to tell the TRUTH to the Greek people, if Greece does not want the pain of austerity it has get out of the Euro, the Euro is killing Greece. The Greek and Irish Government should return to their original currencies, default on the their Sovereign Debt and start afresh. The misery to get Euro to work for Athens and Dublin is to much of a price to keep the political elites happy, the politicians are looking to towards a lifeboat of job with the EU, while the people suffer, well the EU should be told to take running jump over a cliff, time to finish the Euro and return common sense to the markets, throwing good money after bad debt is a big mistake. Time for peaceful protest folks, PEACEFUL or the riot police are right to break up violet crowds, this is about preserving Democracy folks.
David Laws OUT of House = 7 Days!
Telegraph: Reports that former Liberal Democrat Cabinet Minister David Laws will be suspended from the House of Commons for seven days and made to make an apology to the House for breaching the expenses rules. Folks this is a slap on the wrist, a light slap at that, if it was you or me folks and this was welfare we would be up in Court, it would even mean prison time. But in the House of Commons if you fiddle your expenses you get thrown out for seven days, big punishment, both David Cameron and Nick Clegg have stated that they want Laws back in the Cabinet, this would be a big mistake, perhaps in a few yeas but not NOW, and not next year, this mild slap will not go down well with the voter.
Misrata Airport = Libyan Front
BBC News: Reports that Rebels in Misrata have taken over the Misrata Airport from Gaddafi Security Forces. This is some good news out of the Libyan Front, the rebels can now bring in reinforcements by sea and air. As noted a few days ago the Gaddafi Forces had destroyed the petrol supply of Misrata, with the help of NATO the rebels can now make sure that Misrata has enough supplies to keep on the fight. The interesting question that has been noted by journalists is Where is Colonel Gaddafi ?, is the old mad dog really grieving for his lost family members or has he been injured or killed in the NATO bombing. The lack of him on the news could be the regime deciding who should take over if he is dead. Lets hope NATO had a lucky shot, with Gaddafi gone this War could be over in days.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Good Advice from Alastair Campbell on Coalition
Alastair Campbell Blog: Never thought this blog would agree with AC but he is right on the money when it comes to the future of the Coalition, AC states the following on the Coalition , “ .. should be warned that the public will tire of the soap operatic emotionalism very quickly..”. Thus my previous argument that the Lib Dems should embrace the Conservative Agenda, the North of England is over for them, but they have to keep their power base in the South, so far Ed Miliband has failed to get the same support in the South that Tony Blair gained pre the 1997 election. Also without Scottish MPs the Labour Party will never form a majority Government in England, thus Ed Miliband has a War on two fronts, he has break in to Southern England and build up the Labour Party in Scotland, also form alliances with the Lib Dems and the Conservative Party to smash the hoped SNP win in a Independence Referendum. Thus if the Coalition is united it can destroy Labour while it is trying to rebuild, any political games will work for Labour. The Coalition PM David Cameron has to enforce Cabinet responsibility on Lib Dems, its for the good of the Coalition and the Lib Dems.
The New York Times: Reports that Mitt Romney the former Governor of Massachusetts will give a speech on his health care reform while Governor of Massachusetts, the reform is very much like ObamaCare. Thus Governor Romney has a problem, he has a simple choice, either say he was wrong and will if elected President repeal ObamaCare. If Romney tries to defend Romney Care but argue that the US Federal Government should not have the same policy he is a political dodo in the Republican field. The Tea Party movement in the Republican nominating process are not going to nominate a Obama light candidate, also it would be easy for POTUS to ask why Massachusetts should have the benefit of health care reform and not the rest of the nation. In politics sometimes you can run from your past, but one has to say Romney has a 4/10 chance of winning the Republican nomination, in less he can turn around the health issue, but that’s not the only problem. In his past Campaigns Romney has disavowed the Reagan/Bush years, that will not go down well with Republican voters, Romney in many respects has blown his chances even before he started, Romney wll not be the Republican nominee.
Anniversary of the UK Coalition Government
Guardian: Reports that Coalition PM David Cameron has stated that he expects the political parties in the Coalition to become more defined and for more arguments, but wants to keep the Coalition in till the expected next General Election in 2015. As the President Obama said to the Republicans, elections have consequences, the failure of the AV referendum and the loss of hundreds of local Councillors was a major political shock for the Liberal Democrat Leadership. Thus the argument by the left of the Party that it has to define itself as counter the Conservative Party, this lobby group wants the Lib Dems to be lap dogs for Labour, it is also bad political advice, the Lib Dems would look like they want to be in Government but also in Opposition, this kind of posture is loathed by the UK voter. The great leaders, stood their ground and fought their battles, from David Lloyd George as UK PM in World War One, Winston Churchill as the symbol of the nation during World War Two, and Lady Thatcher over retaking the Falklands Islands. The Liberal Democrats if they want to prosper should want to own the Coalition Government as much as the Conservative Party, take a stand and fight, if Lib Dems look weak and posturing for the sake of posturing they will be destroyed in 2015.
One RULE for the Establishment = The Voter Jail Time
BBC News: Reports that the ex Liberal Democrat Cabinet Minister David Laws has been found guilty of breaking six House of Commons rules when it comes to his expenses, but the Coalition hopes he will return to Government. Lets be clear Mr Laws is one of the most ablest men in the House of Commons, and he was a great lost to the Coalition Government when he was forced to resign due to his expenses. But if he does return to Government it should shame the Coalition, if any one of the general public was found to have broken such rules when it comes to welfare claims would be a suspended sentence at the Crown Court time. The Coalition Government should send a clear message, there is not one rule for the well connected and another for the great unwashed. This is a matter for right and wrong folks, politicians are not different from US.
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Obama’s Bounce in the Polls
RCP: Reports on its Average of the polls, President Obama has a 51.6% Approval Rating, while 42.3% disapprove of the job performance of President Obama. The death of OBL has given President Obama a 9% bounce in the polls, lets recall the unemployed rate has gone back up to 9%. Lets look at leaders who have a good War but are seen as a failure at home, the great Winston Churchill who lead Great Britain to victory in World War Two was thrown out of office in 1945 in a massive landslide to Labour under not a very charismatic leader. In 1992 President George H.W. Bush, or Bush 41 who had lead the Allies in victory in Kuwait was thrown out of office due to the perception that he didn’t understand the needs of main street. Thus the election of President Bill Clinton. Lets see how the polls are in a month, this blog will be surprised to see Obama still over the 50%. The problem for President Obama is that if he does not deal with Colonel Gaddafi of Libya or the suppression of the protesters in Syria the operation to kill OBL will make Obama look like a one trick pony, therefore if the Oval wants to carry on with high poll numbers it needs a very tough Foreign Policy, so far this has been lacking from the Obama's Oval.
Misrata FUEL Destroyed - Gaddafi Forces
Guardian: Reports that Gaddafi Forces have destroyed the fuel supplies for Misrata, even after the rebels informed NATO of the threat. At some point folks in the name of humanity, never mind the UN, the Allies will have to get boots on the ground, there have been threats that the Gaddafi Forces will use chemical weapons on Misrata, the Gaddafi Forces have tried to mine the Port, they have bombed medical rescue ships, at what point do the Allies say this is enough, send in Troops and finish this humanitarian disaster, Libya is turning in to another Bosnia.
No MORE Cash for Greece = Conservatives MPs
Telegraph: Reports that Coalition PM David Cameron is coming under pressure not to give another bailout to Greece. Its time to cut bait folks, Greece is a goner, its heading to default on its Sovereign Debt, any more bailouts would be good money down the toilet. It time to let the PIGS, Portugal, Ireland, Greece and even Spain hit the rocks, otherwise its just building debt on debt. The tax payers of Germany and the UK will sooner or later say NO. Why should they pay for the bad management of Lisbon, Dublin, Athens etc. These Countries except others to pay for their welfare state or their faulty economic policy. Lets clean house, let them go broke, lets start anew, lets get it right this time.
Coalition Gov ( UK ),
David Cameron,
Syria, Iran, and US Foreign Policy
After the death of OBL, the Oval is getting tough with Syria and Iran, the latest White House statement condemns the Syrian reaction to protests within Syria, but what is interesting is that Syria and Iran are placed in the same boat, the Statement states the following, “ The Syrian government continues to follow the lead of its Iranian ally in resorting to brute force and flagrant violations of human rights in suppressing peaceful protests… On April 29, the President signed an Executive Order imposing sanctions against senior Syrian officials and other Syrian and Iranian government entities responsible for human rights abuses, including the use of violence against civilians and the commission of other abuses. ”. Thus the Obama that wanted to talk to Iran is out of the window, its time to get tough, lets recall there is an election next year, POTUS can no afford to have unemployment at 9%, and those working in part time jobs or jobs that are well below the qualifications of the individual. Or even worse those that have given up on seeking a job. That rate is at around 16%. An American President can be liberal at home but has to be tough abroad, LBJ and Vietnam, or Conservative on the domestic front but liberal abroad, in this case Jimmy Carter. What a President cant be and have any chance of re-election is liberal at home and abroad, it one or the other, it seems that POTUS is going for the LBJ route, lets see if works over the long term.
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