Sunday, May 15, 2011

Doctor Who Top Drama on Saturday = The Doctor’s Wife

The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that Doctor Who was the top Drama on Saturday, this does not include reality shows! The good Doctor had 5.9 million viewers in the overnight rating, these always go up with recording. As to the Doctor’s Wife, it was fantastic, it will confirm the women’s suspicion that men think more about their mode of transport than them, but it’s the Tardis. Amy will have to stop the Doctor stroking the Tardis, even Captain Jack is not that liberal! Loved the line when the Tardis says “ I took you where you needed to go, not where you want to go ”, how many women have thought of that of their boyfriends or husbands. Ah to have a Tardis, and when it looks like the Tardis did last night in human form, even KITT the car was not that good! Lets have the Tardis back again in female form, that would give Amy a run for her money, even Rory the Roman, would get diverted.

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