Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rebel Flesh = Doctor Who

The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that Doctor Who was the top show for the BBC on Saturday, it was the top drama of the day, it gained 5.7 million viewers. Lets recall folks these are overnight numbers, the figures should go up if you add those that have recorded the show for later viewing, we are all Time Lords in some respects. As to Rebel Flesh, it was a show that made you concentrate on the details, and who was talking, having doubles around was interesting, as the 10th Doctor said, the biggest monsters are humans. It was nice to see Rory getting some female attention, Amy can be a bit of a monster, she expects Rory to be there while she worries about the Doctor in so many ways! ( As a bloke we all have had that, it’s a pain! ). The Lady with the patch turned up again! Who is she? The general opinion is she is the midwife to Amy’s baby/child, as in episode 1 that baby/child turned out to be Time Lord, one has to ask who is the father, is it Rory the Roman or an errant Time Lord and his Type 40 TARDIS. It was very interesting idea to deal with the issue of slavery and modern science, is a clone a person if they develop their own soul, the idea is not new, Star Trek Voyager and their own Doctor dealt with the issue, it will be interesting to see how this goes. Also one gets the idea that the doubles are an early version of one of the Doctor Who’s favourite enemies, have a guess, clue, a general brain working through synthetic material, work it out! Or see episode 1, series 1 of the new generation of Doctor Who, Rose. When IS River coming back, Mrs Robinson WOW.

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