Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The New York Times: Reports that Mitt Romney the former Governor of Massachusetts will give a speech on his health care reform while Governor of Massachusetts, the reform is very much like ObamaCare. Thus Governor Romney has a problem, he has a simple choice, either say he was wrong and will if elected President repeal ObamaCare. If Romney tries to defend Romney Care but argue that the US Federal Government should not have the same policy he is a political dodo in the Republican field. The Tea Party movement in the Republican nominating process are not going to nominate a Obama light candidate, also it would be easy for POTUS to ask why Massachusetts should have the benefit of health care reform and not the rest of the nation. In politics sometimes you can run from your past, but one has to say Romney has a 4/10 chance of winning the Republican nomination, in less he can turn around the health issue, but that’s not the only problem. In his past Campaigns Romney has disavowed the Reagan/Bush years, that will not go down well with Republican voters, Romney in many respects has blown his chances even before he started, Romney wll not be the Republican nominee.

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