CNN: Reports that the Cain Campaign has responded to the allegations of sexual misconduct by stating that the media is using unnamed sources. Folks it has to be asked is the major SIN for the main stream media the fact that Mr Cain is a African - American who happens to be a Conservative, if this was a Democrat who supported abortion rights would the left wing media be so interested, would they bother to get more information, Senator Edwards was given hell lot more breathing room by his friends in the media. Lets see if the allegations stand up folks, if not the Cain Campaign will understand what Nixon knew, the main stream media see it as their duty to destroy Republicans. This blog will only report if there are names and dates to these allegations folks, otherwise its left wing hit job on a Conservative, and quite frankly the Liberal Left can take a running jump of a big cliff, GROW UP.
A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Cain and Sexual Allegations of Misconduct
The Hill: Reports on allegations that the Republican front runner Herman Cain committed sexual misconduct while in charge of a trade group. The left wing media are going to be all over this folks, they will forget Bill Clinton, they always do if it’s a Democrat, so far the Cain Campaign has rejected the allegation, but the Candidate has to come out with a straight refusal. Lets look at the PR of this folks, it always hurts Republicans, either Cain has to say its not true at all and he cant be proven not to be telling the truth, or if there are any embers in the story he has to get it all out and hope the US voter is following the Clinton example of 1997, its what the politicians does on the job that counts not her personal life. Lets be honest JFK would not have gotten close to the Oval in 1960 if his personal life had come out, even now JFK would have a hard time, the press of yesterday might have covered for him, not today, go ask former Senator Edwards about sex scandals. The winner will be Governor Romney folks, so straight as to be boring, this might give a chance for Perry to come back, we shall see folks, Iowa is getting close, nearly eight weeks to go folks.
Italian Bonds - Eurozone Crisis
Guardian Live: Reports that the cost of 10 year Italian bonds have gone up 6.1% . At this rate the Italy is heading the same way as Greece, the cost of Italian bonds heading higher there is a chance that Italy might call on the stability fund, the fund that has no money it yet, not enough for Italy. Watch Italy folks, next GREECE but WORSE.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
Italy in the Spotlight Part Two
Telegraph Live: Reports that the rate of Italian Unemployment has risen from 8% to 8.3% and cost for Italy to raise on the bond markets has gone up. Italy could be the soft spot of Europe folks, ( Yes from World War Two ), the Italian Government has promised reforms but its weak, a likely General Election next year, one can postulate that none of the political parties in Italy are going to run on cutting the public sector, more banker bashing, while this is going on Italy will stagnate under the lack of public sector reform and the cost of Italian bonds going up, Italy really could poison the well folks.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks,
World War Two
Those Greeks Again - Eurozone Crisis
Guardian: Reports that the Greek Government is expecting, “ ..a broader campaign of civil disobedience…EU made clear that monitors would be relocated to Athens to supervise the economy. ”. In other words folks the Greek economy is in the hands of the EU/IMF/ECB, the Greek State is no longer Sovereign authority over its own economy, the raising of taxes through electric bills could be the FINAL straw for Greeks, peaceful protests is to be supported but not paying taxes should be seen as a threat to GREEK national security, thus people should be thrown in jail if they are will not pay or entire towns should lose their electricity should they refuse to pay, the public sectors such as Hospitals being the exception, the Greek Government has to be hard and ruthless, then one day it might earn the right to run its own economy.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
Sunday, October 30, 2011
The Syria Problem - Middle East
BBC News: Reports that three thousand people have been killed in Syria since the unrest started in March, President Assad has stated that Syria could become another Afghanistan should the West take action over these deaths. It can be argued with some justification that Syria is in a state of low level civil war already, how many deaths will it take for the West to act, Syria is not Libya, it has a good defence structure, is supported by Iran, also it’s a Presidential Election next year in the US, the Libyan War was not popular, any US action in Syria would be costly, it would need more that Air power to get rid of the Assad Regime. The UN is frozen, after Libya and regime change Russia and China are not willing to give the US and the West a free hand, one can argue that they don’t want something to come back to bite them on the backside. Thus what will it take for the West to act, and by the West this blog means, US, UK and France, and Italy if it has a Government, it will more deaths folks, a armed revolt, blood on our TV screens, calls in the Guardian, New York Times, left wing papers for some kind of action, and even then it might not be enough folks, the Syrian people have to fight for their freedom, it wont be handed to them by the UN and the West.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
POTUS and Re-Election - Pre 2012 Race
Daily Caller: Reports on the dim prospects for a Obama re-elect held by political experts given the level of unemployment and the view that the Country is going in the wrong direction. In a few days folks it will be a YEAR to the Presidential Election, thus Oval has a major fight on its hands, if you look at the Gallup history of polls of successful 2nd term Presidents then the Oval should worry, Obama is below, Reagan, Clinton and Bush 43, the Oval needs some very good economic news, it has to get the level of unemployment down from 9.1%, also there is the problem of those that are working part time or have given up, that makes the rate around 16%. Its not that hard to see that Obama is using the Clinton playbook, problem folks, Clinton was a better politician, Obama needs to be loved, a lot like LBJ, when it looked like LBJ was heading for defeat in 68 he got out, Clinton loved the fight, he has lost a Governors race and he was not going to be a one term, Obama is using the small step by step approach, from helping people with houses needing an better financial deal, with student debts. But the problem is folks that is not what Obama sold on the campaign trail, all that Yes we can rubbish, as if Obama could walk on water, he cant and neither could the Titanic. Thus if the unemployment rate is still around 9% and the Country is still in mess expect either a Romney or Cain to be the next President of the US.
2004 Election,
Bill Clinton,
Bush Era and Beyond,
Gov Romney,
Obama Administration,
Obama Re-Elect 2012,
Obama/Biden 08,
Ronald Reagan,
Vietnam Lessons
Herman Cain and Money
The Hill: Reports that the Cain Campaign has raised two million dollars in a week. This shows how out of the box the Cain Campaign is, its recent political Ad had the Campaign Manager as the article notes “ pointedly takes a drag from a cigarette after extolling the presidential candidate's virtues ”, that is real folks, in any other Campaign the Campaign Chief would have to say SORRY for getting caught smoking and go in to rehab, but the voter has had the star power of Obama, and what has that gotten the US, 9.1% unemployment, a majority of the Country thinking that the US is going in the wrong direction, and ObamaCare is still hated by a majority of US voters. In many respects Cain is the real deal, charismatic, tells it as it is to the Country, is honest when he makes a mistake, that’s new people. The question that all political junkies are asking can Cain win, he as to win or do well in Iowa and run close to Romney in NH. Its not out there folks that Cain can win, but its not easy, its down to Iowa folks.
13 US Soldiers Killed - Afghanistan
BBC News: Reports that a suicide bomber has killed thirteen US Soldiers in Kabul, Afghanistan. The US and UK want out of Afghanistan by 2014 folks, you cant blame them, Afghanistan is a hell hole within a hell hole, in time the British Empire and the old Soviet Union have had their backsides kicked in Afghanistan. The problem for the US and the UK is that in many respects we have given the Taliban a free hand to kill our Soldiers, we have told them that we are leaving by 2015 at the latest, thus Obama faces being merged in to Presidents who have had Wars gone wrong on them, the Vietnam War become LBJ’s War, after the death of JFK, by 1973 Nixon had a deal on Vietnam, but then came Watergate, and Nixon and Ford could not prevent the liberal Congress from cutting funds to South Vietnam. Thus the humiliation of seeing that last helicopter leaving South Vietnam, the Taliban are going to win in the end folks, in less we change policy and say we are going to stay what is the point of us losing our brave Armed Forces Personnel.
2014 UK Exit of Afghanistan,
British Empire,
Obama Administration,
Obama Re-Elect 2012,
President Gerald R. Ford,
Richard Nixon,
Vietnam Lessons,
Obama’s Class warfare - Weekly Address
The White House: Transcript of President Obama Weekly Address to the Nation. The Obama re-elect is still going with its class warfare theme folks, in his address POTUS states the following, “ ..over the past three decades, the middle class has lost ground while the wealthiest few have become even wealthier. In fact, the average income for the top one percent of Americans has risen almost seven times faster than the income of the average middle class family. And this has happened during a period where the cost of everything from health care to college has skyrocketed. ”. What POTUS leaves out is the fact that under ObamaCare the costs in the health field have gone up and education costs have also gone up. The typical attack on the rich goes on, Obama echoes Walter Mondale, “ .But America is better off when everyone has had the chance to get ahead – not just those at the top of the income scale. The more Americans who prosper, the more America prospers. ”. The fact that the US voter is not baying this argument has not gotten through the Oval bubble yet, Obama still thinks if he says something then its true, or Americans are just thick! The failed Obama jobs plan would be paid for by taxing the rich, here is the most arrogant out of touch statement, “ These jobs proposals are also paid for by asking folks who are making more than a million dollars a year to contribute a little more in taxes. These are the same folks who have seen their incomes go up so much, and I believe this is a contribution they’re willing to make. One survey found that nearly 7 in 10 millionaires are willing to step up and pay a little more in order to help the economy. ”. That the problem when you have a President who thinks he is the most intelligent man in the room, everyone else is thick in his world view. Thus we come to the re-elect theme, “ The truth is, we can no longer wait for Congress to do its job. The middle-class families who’ve been struggling for years are tired of waiting. They need help now. So where Congress won’t act, I will. ”. The Republican House should keep an eye on the Oval, that kind of arrogance leads to Watergate, the Democrats never surprise this blog in their hubris.
Liberal Obsession with Reagan - 2012 Presidential Race
Bloomberg: Has a comment piece that blames the nasty Washington political atmosphere at the election of Ronald Reagan and his choice of Supreme Court Justices. What is it with liberals, Reagan was elected in 1980 and re-elected 1984, he left office in 1989. If you came from outer space you would think the Gipper was still alive and had just left office, either Liberals want to steal the political legacy of Reagan, of late you have President Obama saying Reagan would have supported tax hikes for the wealthy or all the political nastiness of today is down to Reagan being Reagan, what liberals tend to forget or want to forget is that the US voter could not wait to get rid of Jimmy Carter, he was a disaster as President, thus Reagan won 44 States in 1980. In 1984 Reagan was up against the Vice - President Walter Mondale, the VP to Jimmy Carter, at the Democratic National Convention the former Vice - President stated that he would raise taxes, the result was Reagan won 49 States, 59% of the vote and 525 electoral votes. Reagan with the help of President Gorbachev finished the Cold War without a shot being fired, within months of Reagan leaving office the Berlin Wall came down, within two years the USSR was gone on to the ash heap of history, the reason Reagan had called the USSR its real name, an Evil Empire and spent money on defence, can you really think Liberals would have finished the Cold War, H-LL NO, if Liberals had been in power the Cold War would still be ON and Eastern Europe would still be under Soviet control, thus thank God for Reagan.
Silvio Berlusconi and the Euro - Eurozone Crisis
Telegraph: Reports on the latest outburst from the colourful Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi, the PM has stated that the Euro is strange and has the confidence of no one. Lets recall the PM is in a hole of his own making from the political to the legal. The EU demanded a real reform programme from the PM, the PM gave them a paper, but it is worthless, the Coalition Government in Italy is split, thus a General Election is expected next year, the EU has its begging bowl out to China, or anyone with a few billion to spare, what next Moscow! The Italian trade unions have made it clear that there will be a fight if the Government tries to reform the age of retirement in Italy, in the case of Italy its going up to 67, unlike Greece, were its 50 odd. Think about this folks, the EU politicians will have to explain to the voter why they have to bow their heads to a Communist regime that does not allow Democracy, YES folks, Marx would in a way have a smile on his face. The Euro is not worth the humiliation folks, but EU politicians act like their in a cult, when will one of them be brave and say No its over for the Euro.
I.T and the Modern Web
Is Wikileaks still under attack, tried a few links either found page was not available or time ran out, something to do with the server, still had blank white page, have they gone out of business or is the CIA and MI6 doing an effective job for a change?.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Greeks Revolt - Who Cares ?
Daily Mail: Reports that Greeks on the day that Greece was commemorating its entry in to World War Two have burned German and EU flags in protest at the austerity packages demanded of the Greek Government by the troika. Shame on the protesters, there are days for protest but this was not one of them, Greece was remembering one of the most important periods in its history, its fight against Nazi Germany, there will be other days for protest folks, the Police should have come down hard on the protesters, also the point of the EU was to prevent another European War, what ever its faults, and there are many, it had done that, thus this should have been a day to honour Greek history, shame on those that protested, the Classic Greeks would turned their heads in shame.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
Classic Greece,
UK Banks,
World War Two
Italian Woes - Eurozone Crisis
Guardian: Has an interesting article on the structural reforms required by Italy and how the 6.06% cost of Italian debt is “ the worst interest rate of any eurozone member (apart from Greece, Portugal and Ireland) ”. Italy as the article notes is in a pre Thatcher Era when it comes to Unions and the professional classes, there is no Iron Lady in Rome, the reforms required would make the demonstrations in Athens look like happy hour, a new Italian Government as noted by two Italian Academics in the article would have to take on the Unions, the Unions in EU are a lot more powerful than in the UK, Lady Thatcher broke the Unions in the 1980s, even the threat of a General Strike in November is not seen as a real threat in the UK. The entire social contract between the people and the state has to be changed in the 21 Century folks, the welfare state has to be ripped away and redraw to deal with the modern problems as mentioned so many times on this blog. The longer Italy has its head in the sand, the more damage will be done in the long term, one can only guess what the Emperor Augustus would have said of the present Italian State, one word he would have used is SHAME, well he would say that of the Italian State for most of this Century. A might Empire that has to be bailed out by China, how low can you go and still be called a State.
Margaret Thatcher,
Roman History,
Welfare State
Italy CLOSE to Collapse ?
Telegraph Live: Reports that the Bond Markets see Italy being close to edge with having to pay 6.06% on its bonds, the live updates states the following on Italy “ if it has to pay 6pc interest on its loans, the Italian government will be in deep water. ”. The political sums are not hard to do folks, you have a weak PM, who has political and legal problems, the Coalition Government can not agree on structural reform, the welfare state of Italy needs reform, but due the above its not going to happen soon, the Trade Unions are using the argument of class warfare, why should their members suffer when the rich seem to get richer and the banks get a constant bailout. Thus any agreements for reform given by the Italian Government to the EU is not worth the paper its written on, a new government will be needed in Rome, thus Italy has taken over from Greece as the cancer of the Euro and the EU.
Italian Bonds - Eurozone Crisis
BBC News: Reports that the Italian Government has to pay 6.06% on their 10 year bonds, the highest since the creation of the Euro in 1999. The sticky plaster that was the EU deal on Thursday is showing its weakness folks, the Italian Government has promised structural reforms to its economy, that Government faces losing the expected General Election next year. Also its a total humiliation for the EU to go cap in hand to China, at this rate China will have the US and EU by the throat, but it cant be a tight hold folks, if China plays politics with the debt it holds it risks going under itself, thus China to keep its own books in balance needs the US and EU to grow, the welfare state is a problem folks, as stated many times on this blog, the welfare state cant cope with the age demographic of the West, few to younger workers and a lot more old people, also those that reach 65 don’t have to retire any more, thus less jobs for the young, it’s a vicious end game folks. The West faces years of economic decline folks.
Obama Administration,
Welfare State
Thursday, October 27, 2011
UK No Money for IMF - Eurozone Crisis
Telegraph Live: Reports that the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne has stated that the UK will not be putting money through the IMF as part of the EU bailout. This will go down well with the right wing Conservative backbench MPs, but as with all things EU, there is a catch, if a specific request for funds from the IMF for the Euro comes through the UK will say no, the answer is less clear if a call for general funds comes, funds that would end up in the Euro. The right wing MPs and the press will have to keep an eye on the IMF and the UK Treasury.
EU Deal - Eurozone Crisis
BBC News: Reports that the EU agreed a three point plan to secure the EU and the Euro, 1. 50% write off of Greek Debts by Banks, 2. A Trillion stability fund, 3. 106 Billion to refund the banks after the Greek write off. The problem is folks it’s a load of bad tea bags, Greece will still have a debt of 120% to its Gross Domestic Product, the various Greek austerity packages have not kicked in yet folks, the Greek Government still has not sold assets its has, the Greek people are in revolt over new taxes. Thus one can postulate that the Greek economy will retract further, thus more welfare spending, thus more debt. How long will the Germans and it’s the Germans folks bailout Greece, this is a bad deal for the Germans, the Greeks will never reform as they can blackmail the Germans. Then we come to Italy, promised reforms by a Government that might not last that long. The stability fund which has 220 billion left after the bailout is to be enhanced to one trillion, one idea is to ask China to give to the Euro, the Government of China already owns trillion of US debt, there comes a point that even China has to balance its books, also one has to state that it gives China far to much power over the US and the EU. This is another bad French idea. Then to the banks folks, the EU Governments want the banks to keep around 9% of their assets in house, in the even of a crisis, but this means that the EU is asking for 1, Banks to keep a reserve, 2, Lend to small business, its asking for different things, thus more problems down the line. The Markets have risen with this news folks, they are easily bought folks.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
Obama Administration,
UK Banks,
Welfare State
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Italy NOW - Eurozone Crisis
Guardian Live: Reports how Italy has moved to the centre of the Eurozone storm, the article notes the following on the Italian PM, “ And the man in charge of the country is someone people wouldn't trust with their daughters let alone their economy. ”. Thus Italy has presented reforms for the future, such as raising the age as to when people retire, but when you have future promises you have the great chance they will never happen or they will be scaled by back future leaders. Thus what to make of the EU Summit, well the banks will get a bailout, but the stability fund is interesting, its already been used to bailout Portugal, Ireland and Greece, thus Germany might fund its underwritten a deal that could last years and that the German taxpayer will be asked to back, can you really see Italy or Greece really reforming, why should they, they are going to blackmail Germany, either bailout us our or your precious Euro goes down the toilet and takes the EU with it, it has been commented on the markets have on the whole been quite calm, WHY, there is still a debt problem, Greece will default sometime, Italy will need the ECB to keep it going, the PM well see above comment from the Guardian. When something smells folks it takes time to get beyond the spin to see the bad tea bags, and there are bad tea bags here folks.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
The Greek Write Off = 70%-75% ?
Telegraph Live: Reports that the IMF wants the Banks to write off 70% to 75% of Greek debt. Thus the news from the EU Summit that French and German leaders themselves will have direct discussions with the banks, good luck with that folks. The level of write will invoke insurance against that kind of write off, that will bring in US banks, and Greece will be frozen out of the market for years, in other words they will need more bailouts. On the three legs of saving the Euro, the EU leaders have agreed a 100 billion bank bailout, the stability fund of around one trillion, lets see the details folks. On Greece so far not a lot, but lets see the details.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
UK and the IMF
Daily Mail: Reports if the Germans fail to bailout the Eurozone the IMF has stated it will come to the rescue, as the UK is part of the IMF it could cost billions, as the article notes through the IMF the UK has already given 12 billion. The Coalition PM David Cameron has to draw a line in the sand folks, what is the point of UK austerity if all the savings are sent to the PIIGS, the UK didn’t joint the Euro, so why should the UK taxpayer give the Euro a penny, and a penny would be to much, the Conservative Party have to make it clear to the PM there are limits and that will not support giving more money to the IMF, to save the PIIGS from their wasteful spending, time for the Conservatives to be Conservative folks, Cameron should not allowed to become another Heath.
Italy and the EU - Eurozone Crisis
Guardian: Reports that the Italian Government is trying to come up with an austerity package that get approved by the Coalition Government, the EU has not helped by stating the following, “ saying the aim was not to humiliate Italy or punish it. ”. Folks can you think of a time when a modern EU Country has seen its PM given a dressing down by Germany and France and sent home like a naughty schoolboy to redo his homework, the French and Germans don’t trust the Italian PM to follow through with any agreement, lets face it PM Berlusconi has many political and legal reason to stay in power, thus when it comes to the crunch, it might be his political life that is more important than the Euro, why should the PM cut his base to keep French President happy or the Germans for that matter, it might be in his interest to bluff them, make them stop buying Italian bonds, then see the Euro and the EU go over a cliff. Then Italy can default and restart, otherwise its must more debt and being owned by the European Central Bank.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
Germany, Italy NO to Deal - Eurozone Crisis
Telegraph: Reports that both Germany and Italy have raised objections to the proposed Eurozone Crisis deal, the Germans don’t want the ECB to buy bonds and Italy does not want austerity as proposed by the Germany and France. This is a train wreck folks, the small matter of domestic politics is coming in to play, the Italian PM is fighting for his political life, the Germans don’t want to risk another Weimar Germany. As the article notes if the Germans wobble the IMF might come in, that would mean that the UK taxpayer would pay for the Euro, that would go down like a lead balloon in the UK and cause more problem for Coalition PM David Cameron, thus the Euro might sink the EU and a long list of EU Governments. What ever solution the UK is going to have to gets its wallet out, Lady Thatcher would have gotten her handbag out by this time, with a brick in it, to make her point to the EU leaders.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Italy in the Spotlight - Eurozone Crisis
Guardian Live: Reports that EU is waiting for an economic plan from the Italian Government that will have cuts and get Italy moving on the economic front. The EU will be waiting forever folks if they think that PM Silvio Berlusconi is going to do anything that is a threat to his base of power, the Italian Government is a Coalition Government, as with the Lib Dems in the UK the power of movement by Berlusconi is limited, as the article notes his allies have vetoed reforming the retirement age in Italy, also lets be honest here folks, the Italian State is owned by the European Central Bank, if the ECB says jump the Italians have to say how hi Sir, the dressing down of Italy by Germany and France has shown how weak the Berlusconi Government is on the political and economic front, if Italy goes under then you can forget the Euro, the major aim will be keeping the EU going, its that serious folks. In other words EU cant not push Italy to far, what if they decide to default for their own well being, that would be disaster in the short term for Rome but a end event for the EU. Thus Greece might be a sideshow folks, it could be that Rome is the new crisis centre, there are limits to how much the German taxpayer is willing to fork out folks, could Italy destroy the EU?.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
Coalition Gov ( UK ),
UK Banks
George Osborne - Euro HERO ?
Telegraph Live: Reports that the Coalition UK Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne is getting praise for keeping the EU finance ministers in talks on Sunday. This will keep the Labour Party quite, the right wing Conservative backbench MPs will not be happy, Mr Osborne can forget becoming the next Conservative Leader. At the end of the day it will take the UK at the tiller, as long as it does not cost the UK taxpayer any more money, a good days work by the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Big Plan NO Details - Eurozone Crisis
BBC News: Reports that Finance Ministers in meeting set for Wednesday before the EU leaders meeting has been cancelled till after the leaders meeting. Thus politicians will come out with a BIG PLAN, that’s the hope but no details, the devil is always in the detail folks, recall the Gordon Brown Budgets, always look good but then a dark cloud was always in the details. The Stock Markets have not reacted well, then have gone on a dive, but why they went up is a bit of mystery. Lets see if the EU meeting on Wednesday is all smoke but no substance, the markets will tank if that is the case folks.
Monday, October 24, 2011
42% Approval for POTUS - Gallup
Gallup: Reports on its daily poll on the job performance of President Obama, today the Oval is down to 42% Approval, while 50% of Average US voters Disapprove of the Obama record. Just after the death of Colonel Gaddafi the Oval was up to 44% but the poll raise didn’t last long, after the death of OBL the Obama polls rose but the bleak economic news has kept POTUS under 50% for months now, the Chicago re-election committee must be worried that that if unemployment stays at around 9% the US voter will write Obama off, and start to listen to the economic solutions of either Governor Romney or Cain, the idea that the Obama could use the 2004 playbook of Bush 43 is rubbish, Obama has made it a theme of his Presidency that he is not Bush 43, to change in to Bush 43 at the last minute is up there with thinking that the Titanic could not sink or the Democrats view that Reagan would be easy to beat in 1980, just out there folks. But the usual warning folks, its early, lets see if the Oval can change the course of the U.S.S Obama, it would be a political miracle if Obama can get a second term folks.
Conservative Revolt - EU Crisis
BBC News: Reports on the revolt by Conservative backbench MPs on the demand for a EU Referendum, around 80 Conservative MPs defied the PM in supporting a EU vote. The left wing media will see this a snub for the PM David Cameron, they are missing a point, the UK Government is a Coalition Government, also the Opposition supported the Government in opposing a Referendum vote. Thus the vote was 483 against the vote, while 111 voted for a referendum, there will be Labour MPs who broke a three line whip to oppose their own leadership. This vote in a ironic way will help PM Cameron in the EU, he will have to stand firm, he will have tell his fellow EU leaders, “ look I can only go so far, my Party wont wear any weakness on my part etc, ”, thus the PM can call for more powers to be returned to the House of Commons, also the PM will have to be tough with the Lib Dems, he will have to call their bluff, will they really walk out of the Coalition if the Cameron takes a tough stand over the EU, if a General Election was called tomorrow the Lib Dems would be toast, thus Cameron should call their bluff, politics is a ruthless game, time for Cameron to be tough with EU and the Lib Dems.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Campbell vs. Germans
Alastair Campbell’s Blog: The Master Spin Doctor has a go at the Germans, AC states the following on the Germans and the Euro crisis, “ ..turned a fair few blind eyes to the economic realities of smaller countries when they let them in. ”. In other words it’s the fault of the Germans, thus it can be argued that they should agree to a two trillion stability fund and the bailout of Greece, while there at it they should underwrite ALL the debts of the EU Countries. That would be a simple answer to a complex answer problem folks, just one minor thing folks, its called Democracy, the German Supreme Court has made it clear that the German Government cant agree to underwrite the rest of the EU, its against their Basic Law. Also this blog has its doubts that the German Coalition Government could get such a Bill through its Parliament. The Greeks are heading for the toilet folks, in an article in the Daily Telegraph it was reported that the IMF has refused to do another Greek bailout because they don’t work folks, Greece is a open sewer, good clean money just goes down the toilet. In basic health terms, Greece is a cancer on the Euro, it has to be cut out, removed then the patient might just get through, and that’s 50/50. The EU needs time to secure EU banks against a Greek default, once the banks are secured Greece will be thrown to the wolves, it has to be folks, otherwise it will kill the body politic, time for the EU to be ruthless folks, don’t accept any more Trojan horses from the Greeks.
The Chicago Foreign Policy vs. US National Security
The Hill: Reports that Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has accused the Oval of allowing the Chicago Re-Elect Committee to run US Foreign Policy and not to the national security benefit of the US. This is a serious charge folks, but it happens to be true, the Oval is scared that it will be a one term Presidency, it needs the liberal left wing base, thus the withdrawal out of Iraq and the removal of troops form Afghanistan at the height of the Summer War fighting season. The removal of all US troops from Iraq will allow Iran to make Iraq its puppet or worse, it could invade Iraq close to 2012 election, this would show how shallow the Obama Administration is, also the Taliban/Al Qaeda could mount further Tet style offensives before the November election. This short term tactical moves by the Oval could come back to haunt the Obama Campaign, in many respects Obama is turning in to LBJ, hubris before a fall folks.
Two Speed Europe - Eurozone Crisis
Telegraph: Reports on a new Euro plan for the Euro Countries to have one Treasury, one tax and spend budget for the Euro Countries. This is a two speed Europe folks, and would require a new Treaty, there is no way that Coalition PM David Cameron could not allow the UK to have a Treaty vote. Does open the chance to blackmail the rest of the EU, if they want a two speed Europe, we want all UK regulations to have a final UK Parliament vote, it would be a VETO all rules out of EU for the UK. The EU might not like it, so what, the rest of the UK would love it, the Liberal Democrats would have no choice but to agree, win for the Conservative Party and the UK.
EU Talks - Eurozone Crisis
BBC News: Reports that Coalition PM David Cameron has joined other EU leaders to discuss the Eurozone Crisis. Thus far a deal on the banking bailout, this will not include the UK. Thus folks here we are again, the MASTER PLAN has been out there for weeks, a banking bailout of between 1-3 billion, a trillion stability fund and a managed default of Greece. Let see the check list, 1. Banks Yes, 2. Stability Fund NO, 3. Greek Default, Yes/No, Yes everyone with a brain cell sees that Greece has to default, but France does not want to see a 50% to 60% write off of Geek debts, this would hit French banks hard and what ever the French Government states it would need a Euro bailout to help, there is a Presidential Election in France in 2012, a France going cap in hand to the Germans would not go down well with the French electorate. Thus Greece just might find that it is sold down the river, the sacrifice needed to get a deal, in other words Greece will have to have more austerity just to keep the French President in power, that is the cost folks of real politic.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Can Obama be Bush 43 ?
The New York Times: Reports that the Obama Re-Elect Committee is looking at how Bush 43 won the 2004 election and can they use the same campaign plan to defeat the Republican Nominee. This is interesting folks, if true a great compliment to Bush 43 and his Campaign staff, do I think its realistic, H-LL no, lets start with the basic and most important, Bush 43 cut taxes, Obama has given the US ObamaCare, this has seen medical costs go up, also the Bush 43 tax cuts lead to an economic boom, while Obama is on 9.1 unemployment. Also Bush 43 was real leader, he took tough decisions, and he did not run away from them, Obama has done so many flip flops one does really lose count, so its hardly a charge he can throw at Mitt Romney, it would be to easy for the Republican to attack Obama from his flip flop on terrorists trials to his freeze of green regulation, thus not an easy charge for Obama to throw. Also lets recall Bush 43 barely won, it was down to Ohio and a good field operation by the Republicans. Interesting idea but rubbish.
Romney vs. Obama = IRAQ
The Hill: Reports that Governor Mitt Romney, the leading Republican Candidate for the Republican nomination has been highly critical of the Iraq withdrawal announced by President Obama. The effects of the withdrawal will be see in the future folks, if Iraq does not become a puppet of Iran, if he remains a close US ally then the move will be seen as wise, if the reverse happens and as stated Iraq falls either to become a puppet of Iran or worse Iran tries to make Obama look like a fool by invading Iraq then the Oval has a problem. Lets face it folks if your Iran and your going nuclear, how would you divert attention, a real or phoney invasion of Iraq, draw the world attention away from your nuclear buildings and plans, make Iraq a hot issue for the 2012 Presidential Election. Thus we shall see down the road folks, has the Oval been wise or foolish ?
President Obama - End Iraq Conflict
Historic statement folks, the end of US presence in Iraq by the end of 2011.
Green Light for NEXT Greek Bailout
Telegraph Live - Euro: Reports that the EU has agreed the next part of the Greek Bailout, thus the Greeks will get the expected eight billion Euros once the IMF also says yes. The EU had no choice folks, the Greeks in many respects have a gun at the head of the EU and the Euro, the EU wants to build a firewall around EU banks before a Greek default, thus they have to keep Greece from defaulting. Yesterday even in the face of a death on the streets of Athens the Greek Parliament passed the latest austerity package of the Greek Government. Thus the importance of the three stage agreement that has been rumoured for weeks, a bailout of the banks, a stability fund and a managed default of Greece. The basic problem is that the French Government don’t want the private banks to take a 50% to 60% write off of Greek debt, the French have stated that they have the funds to bailout French banks, BS folks, one can postulate that the French Government does not want to cap in hand to the EU for money, it would mean defeat for the President in the 2012 election. Thus economic reality vs. political reality, what will give folks.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
The US and Iraq - The Iraq War
BBC News: Reports that President Obama has announced that the US will leave Iraq at the end of the 2011. As the article notes the US has lost 4.408 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Iraq, a heavy toll for a very debatable War in the end, the 2011 end date was part of the Status of Forces Agreement ( SOFA ) singed by Bush Administration and the Iraqi Government. The Iraq War at the end of the day is not American’s 2nd Vietnam War, the Bush surge of 2007 averted disaster, the insurgents on the whole were defeated by the US in partnership with the Iraqi Government. Thus what happens when the US leaves, its an open question folks, will Iraq become a puppet state of Iran, could Iran chance its luck and invade Iraq next year, all are option folks. Thus could future events make Iraq the 2nd US Vietnam War, should the worse happen and Iraq goes under, the Obama will merge in to LBJ and President Ford.
Jobs and Obama
The White House: Statement from President Obama on the US Senate’s rejection of his Jobs Plan. “ For the second time in two weeks, every single Republican in the United States Senate has chosen to obstruct a bill that would create jobs and get our economy going again. ”. What POTUS leaves out is the fact that the Republicans had Democratic support in blocking Obama. The President states the point of the plan, “ Every Senate Republican voted to block a bill that would help middle class families and keep hundreds of thousands of firefighters on the job, police officers on the streets, and teachers in the classroom when our kids need them most. ”. It shows how hollow the rhetoric is from the Oval, none of the jobs are in the private sector, Obama is just pandering to his base again, that is not being leader, does he watch the news from Greece, the public sector is going to take hit, if liberal or left wing politicians cant see that they are fools. This is about 2012 folks, even Obama states that in his own way, “ So the choice is clear. Our fight isn’t over. ”. The problem is someone has told Obama he is the next Harry Truman, sorry folks that is BS, is Obama so much in the bubble he cant see the real world any more, it can happen folks, but normally takes two terms for that effect to show in the Oval.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Death in Athens = Protests ?
Guardian Live: Reports on the death of Dimitris Kotsaridis who was attending the Athens protest against the Greek Governments Austerity packages, the cause of death is unknown and there are different versions of the incident. The Guardian notes that the death could have been bought on by a heart attack due to Mr Kotsaridis being hit by a rock or tea gassed by the authorities, or the death was of natural causes. But the death is a symbol of how the austerity package is hurting Greece, the cuts in Government spending is hurting growth, this leads to more people out of work, as economic growth would see more people getting hired, the Greek economy has contracted so much that the Greek debt can never get repaid, never mind how much plans are pushed by the Government in Athens. The Greek Government should take a breather after this death and think about leaving the Euro, restart from scratch, it will be bard but these cuts are not helping Greece, they are helping French and German Banks, once they are safe the EU/IMF/ECB will cut Greece off, then what for Athens, the Government should take the lead, not lead by the EU.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
PM Cameron on the DEATH of Gaddafi
No 10: Remarks by Coalition PM David Cameron on the death of Colonel Gaddafi. “ I think today is a day to remember all of Colonel Qadhafi’s victims,…People in Libya today have an even greater chance, after this news, of building themselves a strong and democratic future. …We will help them, we will work with them and that is what I want to say today. ”. A good day for Libya and PM Cameron.
Gaddafi like Hussein found in HOLE - End of Gaddafi
Telegraph Live - Libya: Reports that Colonel Gaddafi like Saddam Hussein was found in a hole, one of the Sewers of Sirte, before being killed. It will be interesting to see who fired the fatal shot, was it Libyan rebels or NATO Aircraft, one can postulate that both Iran and Syrian will clamp down ever harder on dissent, the leaders will have seen what happened to Colonel Gaddafi, thus they don’t want to be dragged through the streets dead, thus expect more violence against protesters, the UN has been weak against Syria, will the US and the UK allow Syria to fall in to a gradual Civil War, will they allow the Syrian Regime to kill more thousands if not hundred of thousands of its own people. When it comes to Iran the Tehran Regime might think they have nothing to lose but to go for the bomb, will the Oval allow Tehran to become a security threat to Israel. How every much these regimes try to block the images from Libya the death of Gaddafi could be a further spark to resistance in Syria and Iran.
New Libya - Gaddafi Dead
BBC News: Reports on the death of Colonel Gaddafi and the taking of his birthplace of Sirte. Folks this is a good day for Libya, a New Libya can develop from the wreck that was the Gaddafi Regime. They people of Libya have shown their bravery in rebelling against the Mad Dog but now they have to start to build up a Libyan Democracy, Libya is a oil rich country, there should not be any poor or out work people in Libya, the Libyan Revolution should be a warning shot to the tyrannical regimes in Syria and Iran, sooner or later the people just have enough of the repression, they fight back, and only stop when a tyrannical regime has fallen. This a good day to be a Libyan. How does this effect, UK, French and US politics, well Coalition PM David Cameron will be able to argue that he with France lead the international community to take action over the Gaddafi Regime, the end result being UN Resolution 1973. The Oval has a problem, it wanted to lead from behind, who would have though a US President would have wanted to be lead, so in a ironic way, while most the NATO assets came from the US, the Oval wont get the credit, think about it folks, the death of OBL and then Gaddafi and Obama is still not sure of re-election, he really is Bush 41 after winning the First Gulf War. A one term President Folks.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Greece and Money
Daily Mail: Reports that rich crafty Greeks have moved two hundred billion Euros out of Greece in the fear that Greece will be forced out of the Euro and returned to its old currency. If you think your Country is going down the toilet fast what do you do? You get your money out, as the article notes Greek banking authorities fear a run on the banks, also there is a chance that the Greek Government could limit how much cash is taken out of the Country, in other words the rich are getting out, those that will take the pain will be the poor and the public sector, they always get shafted by the MAN.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
Violence in Athens - Euro Crisis
BBC News: Reports violence has broken out in Greece during its 48 hour General Strike. One has to be honest, the Greek Government does not have a choice, it has to make deep cuts and raise taxes, otherwise NO money from the troika of the EU/IMF/ECB. The Greek people have years of austerity to face, its going to be tough for Greeks, the good days are well and truly over, the previous miss management of the Geek economy means that the Greek children of tomorrow will be paying back the Geek debt. The rescue plan for the EU calls for banks holding Greek debt to write off 50% to 60% of that debt, thus the banks are going to take a hit, thus the banks will need a bailout. It was reported in the Guardian last night that France and Germany had agreed a two trillion stability fund, lets see if happens folks. Thus far EU politicians don’t give you much confidence, lets hope they turn in to leaders soon, otherwise we are all up the creek.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
Good News - Eurozone Crisis
Guardian: Reports that Germany and France have agreed a two trillion bailout fund for the Eurozone. This is part of the rumoured plan folks, a bailout of the banks, the stability fund, and a managed Greek default. If all the small print works out folks this crisis could be over, just a matter of getting all the actors to sing from the same sheet! Its looking good folks.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
Telegraph: Reports that Moody’s the Credit Agency has followed other credit agencies and downgraded the credit rating of Spain from A1 to Aa2, the downgrade is due to low growth and high debt in Spain. Lets be honest folks, if Italy and Spain go the games is over, they are to BIG to fail. The rumoured big plan for a banking bailout, a 2/3 trillion bailout fund, and a managed default of Greece has been shot down by Germany. Thus the future of the Euro and even the EU has to be in doubt, it will need a detailed big plan folks, and so far its slow in coming, but there is still time folks, the basic frame work should be known by Sunday when EU leaders meet in France.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
Greece CLOSED ?
BBC News: Reports that Greece will face a 48 hour General Strike, the strike is in protest at tax hikes and Government cuts as demanded by the EU/IMF. This should bring Greece to a halt, but the Greek Government has no choice, any weakness by the Greek Government and the EU/IMF/ECB will cut Greece off and it will default. The question is how much pain can Greece take, and at what point do the people say HELL NO, and demand that Greece leaves the Euro. At the end of the day folks this is about protecting the banks of France and Germany, the welfare of Greece is low on the pecking order. Troubling times ahead for Greece folks.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
Republican Debate - Review
This debate was rather more feisty folks, Governor Perry became all Texas , he went after Governor Romney on having illegal immigrants working for him, but Governor Romney defend himself, what was interesting was how the audience reacted, they didn’t like the negative attacks on Romney from Perry. Thus it can be argued that Governor Perry miss read his audience, lets see how his political ads work, will they cut the Romney lead. In the case of Herman Cain he did well, he defend his 999 plan, went on the attack when it came to President Obama, that went down well with the audience. Thus result, 1. Romney, 2. Cain. 3. Perry.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Republican Debate - Republican Race 2012
CNN: Reports on its Debate in Nevada and the expectations of the Candidates. It a two man race folks, between Governor Romney and Herman Cain, Perry will not be the nominee, his poor debate performances and his support for illegal immigrants to get a University education at half the cost of those students born in the US has not gone down well with Republicans. In a recent poll Romney lead Cain by 1%, 26% to 25% for Cain. The question that has been asked is Cain serious, he has no ground game in Iowa and NH, he needs to do well in these two States to have a chance of beating Romney, on Sunday he did admit that his famous 999 plan could lead to some Americans paying more tax, thus expect the other candidates to go after him, Romney just has to be polished, not do any mistakes, not allow Perry back in to the race. It can be argued that Romney could win the Republican nomination by the end of January 2012, then we can really get down to the General Election, eight months folks, fantastic. This blog will be tweeting on the debate folks, lets see if there are any surprises! Romney has won the last few.
Follow the MONEY and WHY ? - Fox Scandal
Telegraph: Reports that the report by the UK Cabinet Secretary on the Fox Scandal; the modern Sir Humphrey; will not cover who gave money to Mr Werrity. The report is not a whitewash folks, it has found that Dr Fox had broken the UK Ministerial code, and if he had not resigned he would have been sacked after the release of the report. What is important as stated in previous post is the fact that the Civil Service have won, it cant be stressed to much how much Secretary of States and those on the lower decks will be under the control of their Civil Servants. If you want to see how go and watch Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister, a classic comedy show that was quite close reality is now the reality for the Coalition Government.
Liam Fox - Breaking Ministerial Code
Guardian: Reports that the UK Cabinet Secretary has found that former Defence Secretary Liam Fox broke the UK Ministerial Code of conduct due to his friendship with Adam Werritty. Folks the UK Civil Service are loving this, in future a Secretary of State or junior Minister wont have a friend around for tea without having to have civil servant present to take notes, this will place politicians more in the hands of their civil servants, thus we will see politicians hire more special advisors, it’s a vicious development folks, when your in opposition and don’t have the money or civil service support you have to make contacts in your field, if your in the Shadow Cabinet it’s a given, if your in opposition for over decade it is going to be hard to separate that when you come in to Government. In many respects one is surprised this has not happened before now, this is a major win for the civil service folks, politicians are going to be more house trained than before, and that does not serve the nation folks.
The Fox Report - Coalition Government (pdf)
Cabinet Office: Report from the UK Cabinet Secretary to the UK PM David Cameron on the allegations against the former UK Defence Secretary Liam Fox. Click HERE.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Romney and Cain TIED - Republican Race 2012
CNN: Reports on its new poll for the Republican race, ahead by 1% is Governor Romney on 26%, while Herman Cain is on 25%, as the article notes they are tied, while Governor Perry brings up the rear. If we are looking at ground operations folks then Romney is well ahead, Cain is just starting to get ready for Iowa. The problem is the political timetable folks, the New Hampshire Primary could be in early December, that could means that the Iowa Caucus could be later next month. Thus there is not a lot of time to get a field operation in place, at the end of the day a caucus is about getting your people to turn up and argue and debate your candidacy, that takes money and a great field operation, Romney is cert to win New Hampshire, all the polls have him well ahead, thus any one that wants to challenge Romney has to do well in Iowa, if early vote that could be a problem. One can postulate that one could see a Romney/Cain ticket, both business men, the Cain having more charisma and his 999 plan. But it is still early folks, candidates can make mistakes, lets see who comes out on top after the Republican debates are finished. Also lets recall who ever is the Republican nominee the left wing media will be all over him, and it will be a him folks.
French Triple A ? - Eurozone Crisis
Guardian Live: Reports on a rumour that France’s triple A rating is under risk, the cost between French and German bonds has seen a 16 year high for French bonds. Thus if Greece goes down the toilet and French banks are close to default the French Government has stated that it does not need EU money to bailout French banks, well this could be spin folks, thus the present risk to the French credit rating, also the Germans have made it clear that they don’t want to be on the hook with France for debt of the rest of the EU. Watch France folks, Spain and Italy are a problem after Greece, but due to the nature of French society, a welfare centred society , to powerful unions, a work rate that hurts the French economy, if it comes to either France or the Euro going down the toilet, trust me folks the French will sell out the Euro without looking back, with the French is always about France.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks,
Welfare State
No Grand Solution - Germany
Telegraph Live: Reports that Germany has tried to bring some reality in to recent Eurozone discussions, the Germans have stated that the next EU meeting would not have a magic bullet for the crisis. In other words folks the Germans don’t want to be on the hook for trillions, thus the Markets are back in the red, also the German Supreme Court has made it clear there are limits, the Court will not allow Germany to underwrite the debt of the EU. Thus in many respects it’s a matter of bluff folks, at 7.23 UK time the Down Jones in the US is down 213.05 points, the FTSE - 100 at the end of the day was down just short of 30 points. The Markets want a detailed and tough plan from EU leaders, the leaders would like to get re-elected, thus how much pain are the willing to inflict on the voters to support the Euro, how much cash will be asked from France, Germany and the other 15 Eurozone Countries. Also the UK Coalition Government through the IMF will have to gets its wallet out, its going to cost folks, and it will not be popular, choppy waters ahead folks.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
Coalition Gov ( UK ),
UK Banks
Afghanistan Front News
MOD: Has announced the name of the UK Soldier that was killed on Saturday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was “ Rifleman Vijay Rai, 2nd Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles ”. Our thoughts are with the family of Rifleman Vijay Rai.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Great UNWASHED March - World Protests
Mail on Sunday: Reports on 950 protests in 80 Countries. This is getting out of hand folks, its time that the local authorities stopped being nice, give these great unwashed their marching orders or else, the problem with these protesters, and that being kind to them, is that they don’t have one single issue, they vary, some want to live in Cuba in effect, others want to punish the bankers, others want to live in Star Trek land, no money and no poor, all very worthy but stupid and brainless, even Zombies have an issue, and this blog has more time for Zombies than these great unwashed louts. Lets get real folks, these protests are not going to change the world, if you think they are your smoking something, and its not fags. GROW UP.
Two Trillion to SAVE the Euro - Eurozone
Telegraph: Reports that previous rumoured plan to save the Euro is taking shape, a two to three trillion stability fund, a banking bailout and that Greece does a managed default, the UK will put more in the pot through the IMF. Folks the Stock Markets around the world should go up tomorrow, it’s a plan, the details seem to have been nailed down, the question is will EU taxpayers as in Germany and France be happy with giving the most of the trillions of the stability fund, what will the Slovak Parliament do if asked for more money, its needs the nod from G20 leaders then it can go in action, this could be the start of the end of the Eurozone crisis for the moment folks, there will be another crisis, when the banks have to write off between 50% - 60% of Greek debt, but that for the future folks. The page just might have been turned, if it all goes wrong, well I wont be surprised folks.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
Coalition Gov ( UK ),
UK Banks
Right ON SB - Eurozone Crisis
BBC News: Reports that the Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi has stated he will take action against violent protesters in Rome. One word folks, RIGHT move PM, the great violent unwashed should not be allowed to use peaceful protests as way to have their happy hour of violence on people and property. In fact folks I have No sympathy for these Wall Street protesters, they think this 1968, well GROW UP, the age of something for nothing is over, the Police from New York to London should move these protesters on, if they wont move read the riot act and send in the horses, any resistance and the tear gas should come out, the world is what it is, and some great unwashed long hair louts do not help, they think they bring hope, they don’t, they have no logical agenda, they seem to want to live in Cuba, well move to Cuba if you want that kind of society, time to teach the real lessons of life to these people, get a hair cut, wash, don’t have relationships the middle of suppose protest, go do some charity work, in other words get a life.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
Death in Afghanistan
MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier was killed on Saturday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the “ 2nd Battalion The Royal Gurkha rifles ”. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 383 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 339 in combat action and 44 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.
Friday, October 14, 2011
UK Coalition Mini Reshuffle
No 10: Reports in the change in Government after the resignation of Dr Fox, at Defence Philip Hammond takes over, at his old job at Transport a new woman in the Cabinet, Justine Greening, a new face at the Treasury will be Chloe Smith as the new Economic Secretary. Thus the ladies in the Conservative Party have gained with the fall of Dr Fox, Greening and Smith will be able to counter the new women in the Labour Shadow Cabinet. Thus on the whole not a bad day for PM David Cameron, never good to lose a Cabinet Minister because of a scandal but the new appointments should help with the female vote.
38% Approval for Obama - Gallup
Gallup: The latest daily track poll on the job performance of POTUS has Obama on 38% Approval, while 54% Disapprove of the Obama record. Lets deal with a recent event in Foreign Policy folks, in the last few days the US foiled an attempt to kill the Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the US, the origins of this plan was in Tehran, Iran. What did President Obama do, did he threaten military action, has he warned that Tehran will pay a terrible price for this Act of War, thus far tough rhetoric but no action. Thus reader ask yourself why POTUS has a 38% Approval rating, this blog has argued that a President can be conservative on the domestic front, but liberal in Foreign Policy, this was the case with Jimmy Carter, or liberal on the domestic front but tough SOB in Foreign Policy, this was the case with LBJ. What a President cant be is liberal on the domestic side and a liberal in Foreign Policy, the US voter will not tolerate liberal weakness in both areas. This is the case with President Obama. Just think if JFK or Reagan had been in the Oval, would they done nothing or would the have let lose the CIA on Tehran, this blog will postulate option two. Lets be honest Tehran does not fear Obama, he was weak when there was a chance of a revolution in 2009, he has treated Iran as if it is legitimate sate, to miss quote Reagan, its an evil regime that has to be removed before it goes nuclear and can threat the Middle East. In less Obama takes action before the end of 2012 it can be argued that Israel will have to strike Iran, a nuclear armed Iran is a threat to the Middle East and the World folks.
Cameron on Fox Resignation
10 Downing Street: The Coalition PM David Cameron has noted the following on the resignation of Dr Fox, “ …I am very sorry to see you go……I appreciate your commitment to the work of this Government….I have truly valued your support over the years. I will continue to do so in the future. ”. Although Dr Fox tried to fight it out, the drip drip in the press was to much, the story will be around for a day or two, but that's it, Dr Fox can return to the backbenches and later on return to the Government. It is interesting how clever people make the most stupid of mistakes, hubris perhaps, but then politics is a brutal game, your either in or out, and Dr Fox is out for a time.
UK Defence Secretary Fox Resigns - Coalition Government
MOD: Reports that the UK Defence Secretary Liam Fox has resigned, in his resignation letter to the PM David Cameron, Dr Fox stated the following on his resignation, “ I mistakenly allowed the distinction between my personal interest and my Government activities to become blurred. ”*. As this blog stated the PM should have sacked Dr Fox as the start, but to fair to the PM he allowed the evidence to come out and then Dr Fox himself realised he could not survive in office. Lets recall the Dark Prince himself Lord Mandelson came back after a couple of resignations, thus in the future when the press heat has died down perhaps Dr Fox can come back in to Government.
*© Crown Copyright/MOD 2011
No Big Solution = Germany
Telegraph Live: Reports that Chancellor Merkel of Germany has stated there is no big solution to the Eurozone Crisis. This could mean trouble folks, as Germany is expected to bailout the Euro, through being the main supplier of the 2/3 trillion stability fund. Also to support the creation of Euro bonds as to take the pressure of PIIGS. Although the German Parliament supported the 440 billion expansion of the Euro bailout fund there are doubts that will support trillions of German tax payer money going to PIIGS and also under write Euro Bonds. Also the German version of the US Supreme Court has stated it would have problems with any deal that saw Germany underwrite the rest of Europe. Thus expect more delays folks, more meetings, more up and downs markets, more austerity packages, more unemployment and also social unrest from Spain to the US.
Spain DOWNGRADED - Eurozone Crisis
BBC News: Reports that the credit agency Standard & Poor's has downgraded the Spanish credit rating, from AA to AA-, due to low growth, debt and high unemployment. The contagion from Greece has taken down the Belgium/French Bank Dexia, the cost of Italy and Spain selling their bonds is over 5%, its only because the European Central Bank is buying Italian Bonds that the Italy has not gone down the toilet, the cost is that Italy is now owned by the ECB. The expected 2/3 trillion bailout package is being created to safe guard against having to bailout both States, they can not be allowed to go under, as their fall would take down World Banks and kill off the Euro and damage the EU. The problem is folks there is still no detailed plan, the rumoured plan is as follows, 1, bailouts for the Eurozone Banks, a 2/3 trillion stability fund, the managed default of Greece. The latest rumour out of the EU is for Banks with Greek debt to write off 50% to 60% of that debt. Thus before a Greek default a big firewall has to be in place to protect the banks, thus the delay folks, lets see the details folks.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
Cain Front Runner - Republican Race
CNN: Reports on a new poll by NBC News/WSJ, it has Herman Cain leading Governor Romney by 27% to 23% with Republican voters. This is the time for Herman Cain if he is serious to go full throttle, he has to build up his base in Iowa and NH, a good place showing in Iowa and NH could allow Cain to do a Reagan, and make it a long fight for the nomination. On other hand one has to postulate that Herman Cain is looking for the VP spot with Romney, in the debates it can be argued that Cain has not really gone for Romney. Did ask him about his complicated plan but it allowed Romney to show he is polished and managed to turn the question around to his benefit. This blog is no fan of Romney, but is looking for a candidate that can defeat Obama, if Cain cant or wont built up his team then it has to be Romney. Perry is finished folks. But this is a golden chance for Cain, now or never Mr Cain.
Obama Campaign and MONEY
The New York Times: Reports that the Obama Campaign and the Democratic Party has raised 70 million so far for the 2012 Campaign. It was reported that the Oval expected to raise around one billion, yes one billion dollars for the 2012 Campaign, as noted in previous post it has been reported over the water that the Oval will follow the Clinton example of 1996, raise a lot money while the other side is fighting its internal battle, then hit the Republican candidate well before the Party Conventions, define the Republican Candidate before he or she can define themselves. The catch folks is that the Republican race could even start as early as December if NH Primary has its vote before Christmas, it can be postulated that Iowa could decide to go before NH, thus the race in effect could be over by 31 January, this could give the Republican Candidate time to raise money and challenge the Oval well before the Party Conventions. When does the Oval ever Govern?.
Obama and Iran
Guardian: Reports that President Obama has stated that all options are on the table after the foiled bomb plot that had its origins in Iran, the article states the following on these remarks, “ ..diplomatic code for the possibility of military action. ”. The left wing Guardian is already rubbishing the plot, what is it with the left wing media, they are always oppose the use of force by the US even when the US is in the right. The plot as devised by Tehran is an Act of War, what more does it take, for Tehran to carry out a successful terror plot before the Guardian smells the coffee. On the other hand this blog is not holding its breath that POTUS will take action, Obama from his perception can not afford another War after Libya, the extreme left, well the Guardian, NYT types would never support Obama if he attacked Iran, they want to appease Iran, this is the time folks for bold leadership from the Oval, for Obama to be anther JFK or Reagan, a limited military strike to remind Tehran not to play these kind of games, as the blowback with be lethal for those in Tehran.
Herman Cain and Race - Republican Race
Telegraph: Has ain interesting article folks that argues that having Herman Cain leading the Republican race in 2012 means that the US is “ …entering a post-racial era. ” but this will have liberal Democrats jumping up, “ The liberal obsession with race has emasculated black people. The language of victimhood supplants empowerment with useless pity,.. ”. The raise of Herman Cain is fantastic on two fronts folks, Mr Cain is charismatic, has that Reagan ability to up lift a crowd, he is Conservative, thus his 999 plan, complex but simple, easy to understand, also Mr Cain happens to be African - American. The question that has been asked is Herman Cain serious in this race, does he want to be the nominee, or is selling his book, if it’s a PR ploy its fantastic, books sales should go through the roof. It has been noticed that unlike the other candidates he does have campaign teams out in different States. Also he is not leading in Iowa and NH, if Romney wins Iowa and NH is over folks, it will very hard for other candidates to come through and overtake Romney. But its still early folks, thus if Mr Cain is serious he has to up his game, really go for Iowa and NH, the problem with NH is that good people of that State don’t want a Sales tax, and part of the 999 plan calls for a sales tax. If Cain can do well in Iowa, or come a close second in NH, then its not over but its not easy folks. It would be great for the US to have two African - American candidates as candidates for President, it would really show a post racial America.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
53% Disapproval for POTUS - Gallup
Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll on the job performance of President Obama, today POTUS has a 40% Approval rating, while 53% of Average Americans Disapprove of the Obama record. The Chicago re-elect committee must be happy that Obama is no longer at 38% Approval, the Obama approval rating seems to shift between 39% and 41%, thus lets be nice to the re-elect and say Obama is on a average of 41%, thus the Chicago Team have to find another 10% to see Obama over 51% in November 2012. Lets postulate that Governor Romney is the Republican nominee, the Chicago Team using the Clinton Campaign tactics of 1996 will start to argue that Romney is a serial flip flopper, that RomneyCare in his home state is the template for ObamaCare, that he Romney himself in a debate with Senator Edward M. Kennedy stated that he was not part of the Reagan/Brush Crowd., but of course Obama has change his mind on so many issues that the left care about that it’s a tricky argument. But that's all the Obama team have to argue, with 9.1 unemployment, the debt, the War in Afghanistan still going, even if it can be argued by the Oval that it got OBL, but the reality is that once the US/UK get out there is a chance that Kabul will again fall to the Taliban, this would be a major threat to a nuclear armed Pakistan. Then we have Iran, Obama has failed in his aim to resolve the problems between Iran and the US, in fact Iran has no respect for Obama, it could invade Iraq at the end of 2011 or early 2012. Thus 2012 will not be 1984 for Obama, it will be a tough fight folks, this blog is keeping to its prediction that Obama will lose big in 2012, 48/49 States folks.
2012 ( R ),
2014 UK Exit of Afghanistan,
Bill Clinton,
Bush Era and Beyond,
Gov Romney,
Obama Administration,
Obama and Iran,
Obama Re-Elect 2012,
Ronald Reagan,
Vietnam Lessons
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Romney vs. Obama - Pre Campaign 2012
The Hill: Reports that the Chicago Obama re-elect committee has in essence concluded that Governor Romney will be the 2012 Republican nominee. One can postulate that the Obama Team will try to run a 1996 Campaign of President Bill Clinton. In that election Clinton raised million of dollars and hit the Republican Nominee hard well before the usual US election cycle of campaign after the Party Conventions. But this is not 1996 folks, and Romney is very good at raising money, if Romney can win the nomination before the end of January 2012, he has to shift straight away in to Campaign mode, raise money, and reply to any Obama attacks, in essence the US voter will have eight months of a Presidential Campaign. God help them! This blog will love that, it’s a geeks delight, everyone else will be on anti depressants! That's the thing with modern US campaigns they never end, once elected, House, Senate, the Oval, they all have to raise money, campaign, its great.
The Iran Bomb Plot - Tehran Spin
The New York Times: Reports on the Tehran spin on their foiled terror plot, Iran has denied it was part of the plot, that is phoney charge by the US, and it’s a diversion from the US recession. In other words folks the usual spin out of Tehran, the question is not what the UN or SA does but what will Obama do, lets give the President his due, he has tried to talk to Iran, and what has it got him, he is not respected in Iran, and he not respected or feared in the Middle East, from Israel to Iran. Any other strong President would have ordered some kind military attack on Iran. Lets be honest folks, to plan to kill the Saudi Ambassador in the US is an act of War, thus a good reason to attack the nuclear facilities of Iran. The more the Oval looks weak, more of a chance that Iran will invade Iraq after the US leaves at the end of the year, this would be a disaster for the Obama Administration, it would really be finished, thus time for the Oval to grow a backbone, take action, and remember what the term POTUS, President of the United States means in foreign policy terms, it means power, informal to formal, its means military power, its means using that power, it means winning.
French Banks Safe - French Government
Guardian Live: Reports that the French Government has stated if French banks need to be bailed out the French Government will use its own resources not that of the EU. Lets postulate if your broke you not going to tell the Markets, thus what else do you expect the French to say, it really depends on how much Greek bad debt the French banks hold. This blog would not be surprised to see Paris go to the EU at a future date. All banks are inter - linked folks, if French banks go down, they could take down the EU.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks
50% Write off for Banks - Greece
Telegraph Live: Reports that EU banks are expected to go from a 21% write off of Geek debts to 50%. Thus French Banks will needs Government help as not to lead to French banks defaulting, also as the Greek debt goes beyond France other Governments will have to make 100% sure that their banks don’t hold bad Greek debt. Also one can presume that these debts are insured with the US banks, so might the Obama Administration need a 2nd banking bailout. As the article notes the lack of details is worrying the markets, thus the biggest threat to the UK economy ever, as stated by the Governor of the Bank of England.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
Bank of England,
Chancellor of the Exchequer,
Obama Administration,
Obama Re-Elect 2012,
UK Banks
Unemployment 17 Year High - Coalition Government
BBC News: Reports that UK unemployment is at a 17 year high, at 8.1%, that 2.57 million people. This is not good news for the Coalition folks, but it should be expected, this year is going to be hard folks, the Coalition cuts have not started to hurt yet, it can be postulated that unemployment could reach over three million. The Coalition has to keep its nerve, the good days are over folks, its going to be hard, cold and grim out there, the Governments welfare reform can only work if there are jobs out there, you can force people in non jobs, thus the reform might become a casualty of events, the Trade Unions are voting for a UK General Strike, the Greek Unions have opposed the cuts of the Greek Government but have not reversed the course of the Greek Government. In fact the Greek Government might need even tougher austerity measures to keep the EU/IMF/ECB happy, the Guardian reports that massive protests are expected should new cuts be bought in by Athens. Thus the Coalition should expect not to be popular for the next year and half.
The Iran Plot and the US
BBC News: Reports how the US had blocked a plot by Iran to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador in the US Adel al-Jubeir. And what has the Obama Administration done about this attempt by Iran to carry out an act of terror on US soil, NOTHING, what is more interesting is this readout of a telephone call between the President and the SA Ambassador, “ President Obama called Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir of Saudi Arabia today to express the solidarity of the United States and Saudi Arabia in the face of the disrupted plot to assassinate Ambassador al-Jubeir in the United States. President Obama underscored that the United States believes this plot to be a flagrant violation of U.S. and international law, and reiterated our commitment to meet our responsibilities to ensure the security of diplomats serving in our country. He also underscored the close partnership between the United States and Saudi Arabia. The President also attended a meeting of his national security team this morning to thank them for their exceptional work in disrupting this plot, and coordinating closely among our law enforcement and intelligence agencies. ”. Read it carefully folks, there is no mention of Iran, the Oval sees this is a criminal case, many Americans could have been killed and Obama still cant bring himself to verbally attack Iran, how many times does Tehran have to kick Obama up the backside before he reacts, can you see any other President allowing Iran to get away with something like this, Tehran must be laughing its backside off, the push Obama and he moves back, one can almost say with 100% truth that JFK and Reagan would have had planes in the air by now, making Iran pay for its action, but then they were great leaders.
Obama on his failed Jobs Plan
President Obama on the failure of his Jobs Plan: The President states the following, “ ..But even though this bill contains the kind of proposals Republicans have supported in the past, their party obstructed the Senate from moving forward on this jobs bill. ” Of course does not mention that a few Democratic Senators voted against the plan. The President further states, “ Tonight’s vote is by no means the end of this fight…And we will now work with Senator Reid to make sure that the individual proposals in this jobs bill get a vote as soon as possible. ”. This was the end result anyway, the past few weeks has been about the 2012 Campaign, not about running the Country. The President cant seem to get away from the class warfare argument, “ In the coming days, Members of Congress will have to take a stand on whether they believe we should put teachers, construction workers, police officers and firefighters back on the job. They’ll get a vote on whether they believe we should cut taxes for small business owners and middle-class Americans, or whether we should protect tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. ”. One does have to wonder does POTUS read the polls, the class warfare rubbish is not working, and supporting the anti Wall Street crowd is bonkers, feeds in to the image that Obama is the left of Castro. Why are clever people sometimes their own worst enemy.
The Republican Debate - Review
Thus the WINNER is folks, Governor Romney, he was polished, he knew his facts, he stressed his background in business, one can see him in a good debate with President Obama. The only political threat to Romney comes from Mr Cain, his 999 policy is easy to understand, its catchy and is something the voter can get his head around. The upside for Mr Cain is that he has never been a politician, of course its also his downside, although the US voter is tired of the professional politician, they don’t want to elect someone who has no idea about the political process, this could be a Mr Cain’s soft spot, its still not clear beyond his 999 policy what kind of Presidency a Cain Presidency would be, the Cain Campaign needs to broaden its scope, people will get tired of the 999 theme all the time! But tonight a good debate for Romney and Cain. The loser was Governor Perry, he didn’t shine, he almost came across as 2nd tier. It is really for Romney to lose the nomination.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Republican Debate - 2012 Race - Tonight
The Hill: Reports the Bloomberg/NYT Debate could either revive the Campaign of Governor Perry or finish him for 2012. As stated the before in this blog the race is for Governor Romney to lose, he has been steady while others have come and gone. The raise of Mr Cain is very interesting, a self made man to use an old term, no government experience, but charismatic and a true Conservative. The fact that Mr Cain is African - American and a Republican could really damage the Democrats in the 2012 race, this blog is about the truth folks, the very presence of Mr Cain as the Republican Nominee would be disaster for the leadership of the African - American Community, they could hardly use the race card, but they have tried. It seems if your black YOU have to be a Democrat, you cant make up your own mind, to me that is racist in it self. But the question before we give the nomination to Mr Cain is how will he do with being a front runner, the candidates at the debate will start to take pots shots at his Campaign, some consider they are not out yet. At least the Republican contest is not boring!!
Slovak Rebellion - Eurozone Crisis
Telegraph Live: Reports that the Slovak Parliament has rejected the expansion of the EU’s bailout package. As the Slovak Republic is small country expect the decision to be dismissed, they will be forced to re-vote in till they get the right vote, who thought Stalin was dead! This vote for a short time will send fear through the elite of Europe, they will carry on , they will come up with a justification for doing what they want to do, no matter what, if the Slovaks are going to be forced to re-vote then they should get concessions out of the EU, why should a poor Country like Slovakia have to pay a dime to Greece, in fact Slovakia should get some for over turning the Democratic will of the people of Slovakia. Nice move by the Slovak Parliament.
2008 Banks,
Bailout for Banks,
UK Banks,
Greek Bailout and the UK
Daily Mail: Reports that the EU wants the UK to help in the bailout of Greece. Two words, GET LOST ( This is a open page ). Why should the UK give a penny to Greece, the present problems in Greece are down to bad government and the people wanting something for nothing, the Greeks will have to develop the old British character of a still upper lip, how dare the EU ask the UK to bailout its problem. The Coalition Government should make it clear to the EU and Greece, no way, no chance, ever!! The UK Coalition Government would fall if the Liberal Democrats pushed this policy, the Conservative back bench MP’s would revolt at such a policy, the UK voter would go nuts at the suggestion. The EU has lost the plot if this is a serious idea.
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