Sunday, October 23, 2011

Campbell vs. Germans

Alastair Campbell’s Blog: The Master Spin Doctor has a go at the Germans, AC states the following on the Germans and the Euro crisis, “ ..turned a fair few blind eyes to the economic realities of smaller countries when they let them in. ”. In other words it’s the fault of the Germans, thus it can be argued that they should agree to a two trillion stability fund and the bailout of Greece, while there at it they should underwrite ALL the debts of the EU Countries. That would be a simple answer to a complex answer problem folks, just one minor thing folks, its called Democracy, the German Supreme Court has made it clear that the German Government cant agree to underwrite the rest of the EU, its against their Basic Law. Also this blog has its doubts that the German Coalition Government could get such a Bill through its Parliament. The Greeks are heading for the toilet folks, in an article in the Daily Telegraph it was reported that the IMF has refused to do another Greek bailout because they don’t work folks, Greece is a open sewer, good clean money just goes down the toilet. In basic health terms, Greece is a cancer on the Euro, it has to be cut out, removed then the patient might just get through, and that’s 50/50. The EU needs time to secure EU banks against a Greek default, once the banks are secured Greece will be thrown to the wolves, it has to be folks, otherwise it will kill the body politic, time for the EU to be ruthless folks, don’t accept any more Trojan horses from the Greeks.

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