Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Chicago Foreign Policy vs. US National Security

The Hill: Reports that Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has accused the Oval of allowing the Chicago Re-Elect Committee to run US Foreign Policy and not to the national security benefit of the US. This is a serious charge folks, but it happens to be true, the Oval is scared that it will be a one term Presidency, it needs the liberal left wing base, thus the withdrawal out of Iraq and the removal of troops form Afghanistan at the height of the Summer War fighting season. The removal of all US troops from Iraq will allow Iran to make Iraq its puppet or worse, it could invade Iraq close to 2012 election, this would show how shallow the Obama Administration is, also the Taliban/Al Qaeda could mount further Tet style offensives before the November election. This short term tactical moves by the Oval could come back to haunt the Obama Campaign, in many respects Obama is turning in to LBJ, hubris before a fall folks.

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