Monday, October 31, 2011

Cain and Sexual Allegations of Misconduct

The Hill: Reports on allegations that the Republican front runner Herman Cain committed sexual misconduct while in charge of a trade group. The left wing media are going to be all over this folks, they will forget Bill Clinton, they always do if it’s a Democrat, so far the Cain Campaign has rejected the allegation, but the Candidate has to come out with a straight refusal. Lets look at the PR of this folks, it always hurts Republicans, either Cain has to say its not true at all and he cant be proven not to be telling the truth, or if there are any embers in the story he has to get it all out and hope the US voter is following the Clinton example of 1997, its what the politicians does on the job that counts not her personal life. Lets be honest JFK would not have gotten close to the Oval in 1960 if his personal life had come out, even now JFK would have a hard time, the press of yesterday might have covered for him, not today, go ask former Senator Edwards about sex scandals. The winner will be Governor Romney folks, so straight as to be boring, this might give a chance for Perry to come back, we shall see folks, Iowa is getting close, nearly eight weeks to go folks.

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