Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Romney vs. Obama - Pre Campaign 2012

The Hill: Reports that the Chicago Obama re-elect committee has in essence concluded that Governor Romney will be the 2012 Republican nominee. One can postulate that the Obama Team will try to run a 1996 Campaign of President Bill Clinton. In that election Clinton raised million of dollars and hit the Republican Nominee hard well before the usual US election cycle of campaign after the Party Conventions. But this is not 1996 folks, and Romney is very good at raising money, if Romney can win the nomination before the end of January 2012, he has to shift straight away in to Campaign mode, raise money, and reply to any Obama attacks, in essence the US voter will have eight months of a Presidential Campaign. God help them! This blog will love that, it’s a geeks delight, everyone else will be on anti depressants! That's the thing with modern US campaigns they never end, once elected, House, Senate, the Oval, they all have to raise money, campaign, its great.

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