Friday, October 14, 2011

Obama Campaign and MONEY

The New York Times: Reports that the Obama Campaign and the Democratic Party has raised 70 million so far for the 2012 Campaign. It was reported that the Oval expected to raise around one billion, yes one billion dollars for the 2012 Campaign, as noted in previous post it has been reported over the water that the Oval will follow the Clinton example of 1996, raise a lot money while the other side is fighting its internal battle, then hit the Republican candidate well before the Party Conventions, define the Republican Candidate before he or she can define themselves. The catch folks is that the Republican race could even start as early as December if NH Primary has its vote before Christmas, it can be postulated that Iowa could decide to go before NH, thus the race in effect could be over by 31 January, this could give the Republican Candidate time to raise money and challenge the Oval well before the Party Conventions. When does the Oval ever Govern?.

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