Friday, October 14, 2011

Herman Cain and Race - Republican Race

Telegraph: Has ain interesting article folks that argues that having Herman Cain leading the Republican race in 2012 means that the US is “ …entering a post-racial era. ” but this will have liberal Democrats jumping up, “ The liberal obsession with race has emasculated black people. The language of victimhood supplants empowerment with useless pity,.. ”. The raise of Herman Cain is fantastic on two fronts folks, Mr Cain is charismatic, has that Reagan ability to up lift a crowd, he is Conservative, thus his 999 plan, complex but simple, easy to understand, also Mr Cain happens to be African - American. The question that has been asked is Herman Cain serious in this race, does he want to be the nominee, or is selling his book, if it’s a PR ploy its fantastic, books sales should go through the roof. It has been noticed that unlike the other candidates he does have campaign teams out in different States. Also he is not leading in Iowa and NH, if Romney wins Iowa and NH is over folks, it will very hard for other candidates to come through and overtake Romney. But its still early folks, thus if Mr Cain is serious he has to up his game, really go for Iowa and NH, the problem with NH is that good people of that State don’t want a Sales tax, and part of the 999 plan calls for a sales tax. If Cain can do well in Iowa, or come a close second in NH, then its not over but its not easy folks. It would be great for the US to have two African - American candidates as candidates for President, it would really show a post racial America.

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