Monday, October 24, 2011

42% Approval for POTUS - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its daily poll on the job performance of President Obama, today the Oval is down to 42% Approval, while 50% of Average US voters Disapprove of the Obama record. Just after the death of Colonel Gaddafi the Oval was up to 44% but the poll raise didn’t last long, after the death of OBL the Obama polls rose but the bleak economic news has kept POTUS under 50% for months now, the Chicago re-election committee must be worried that that if unemployment stays at around 9% the US voter will write Obama off, and start to listen to the economic solutions of either Governor Romney or Cain, the idea that the Obama could use the 2004 playbook of Bush 43 is rubbish, Obama has made it a theme of his Presidency that he is not Bush 43, to change in to Bush 43 at the last minute is up there with thinking that the Titanic could not sink or the Democrats view that Reagan would be easy to beat in 1980, just out there folks. But the usual warning folks, its early, lets see if the Oval can change the course of the U.S.S Obama, it would be a political miracle if Obama can get a second term folks.

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