Monday, October 17, 2011

Romney and Cain TIED - Republican Race 2012

CNN: Reports on its new poll for the Republican race, ahead by 1% is Governor Romney on 26%, while Herman Cain is on 25%, as the article notes they are tied, while Governor Perry brings up the rear. If we are looking at ground operations folks then Romney is well ahead, Cain is just starting to get ready for Iowa. The problem is the political timetable folks, the New Hampshire Primary could be in early December, that could means that the Iowa Caucus could be later next month. Thus there is not a lot of time to get a field operation in place, at the end of the day a caucus is about getting your people to turn up and argue and debate your candidacy, that takes money and a great field operation, Romney is cert to win New Hampshire, all the polls have him well ahead, thus any one that wants to challenge Romney has to do well in Iowa, if early vote that could be a problem. One can postulate that one could see a Romney/Cain ticket, both business men, the Cain having more charisma and his 999 plan. But it is still early folks, candidates can make mistakes, lets see who comes out on top after the Republican debates are finished. Also lets recall who ever is the Republican nominee the left wing media will be all over him, and it will be a him folks.

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