Friday, September 30, 2011

President Obama and the Polls

RCP: Reports on its average of the polls on the job performance of President Obama. In its latest average, POTUS has a 42.7% Approval rating, while 51.2% of voters Disapprove of the Obama record. Folks we are heading in to October, thus the Oval has a year and month to get back on the road, to regain the trust of Independent voters, and Conservative Democrats, Obama needs the above groups to give him a second look, so far he is pandering to the base, the jobs plan and the funding of that plan was to regain support of the Obama base, well folks at least he has not fallen below 39% in most polls, not quite Jimmy Carter. But sooner or later the Oval will have to move to the middle, in this Obama has a problem, if the US Supreme Court takes up ObamaCare it could be a nightmare either way for the Oval, if it ruled legal this will play all the way in to the November election, its fair to say ObamaCare is hated by Republicans and all the Republican candidates have promised to repeal ObamaCare, even outside Republican voters ObamaCare is not popular, thus angry people vote. If ObamaCare is declared illegal then the Oval spent a year for nothing, Obama would not have a domestic record. Of course the economy could turn around, aka 1984, this blog is not holding its breath. Thus Obama has a problem, either he disowns his liberal policies of most of his term and gives himself a chance of wining, or he adds himself to the following list, Hoover, Carter, Bush 41, one term President folks.

German Government and the Bailouts - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian: Reports that the Coalition German Government is coming under pressure for a further extension to the EU bailouts, the article states the following, “ ..pressure from EU officials to deliver fresh proposals to give the rescue fund a supercharged boost. ”. The problem for the German might come again from Greece, the troika will give Greece its 8 billion Euros but what happens if the Greeks fail to follow through with tough austerity. At what point do German voters make it clear that enough is enough. The EU elite it can be argued are in a delusional mind frame, they have spent years in praising the Euro, but what if it is a fraud, a currency that can never work, that would require the 17 nations of the Euro to give up their economic power to Germany. That the only way it will work, one can see even France having a problem with taking orders from Germany on how to run its budget. Folks think about this, the EU wants to borrow 2-3 trillion, when pressed no one seems to know who is going to give the money, again it will be down to the Germans, are the Germans really going to underwrite all the poor Countries of the Euro, what happens if Germany goes in to an economic decline, who is going to bailout Germany.

Germany and the Bailouts - Eurozone Crisis

Telegraph: Reports that the German Government is stressing that the passing of the expansion of EU bailout structure means a full stop to bigger bailouts. The problem with this new structure is that its old hat already, this was the plan for July folks, the fund had 440 billion bailout for the Euro crisis. The present problems as stated at a recent IMF meeting was that the Eurozone needs between 2-3 trillion euros to preserve the structure, thus bank bailouts, and a managed default of Greece. The troika of the EU,IMF, and ECB have to give Greece its 8 billion euros as they can then give that to the banks, the bailouts is not for Greece folks, its for the BANKS again! Thus expected G20 meeting in November is expected to devise the above plan of 2-3 trillion, the question is there enough time before the whole Euro falls flat on its face. The passing of the old bailout ( July ) was good, but it’s a first stage, how are the Germans going to react when they are told they have to fund PIIGS for years if not decades. The Euro crisis is not over folks.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

ObamaCare and The US Supreme Court

BBC News: Reports that Obama Administration has asked the US Supreme Court to decide if ObamaCare is legal. This is a high risk move by the Oval, the decision will come before the November election in the US and the answer could be negative on two fronts, if the ObamaCare is declared legal the Republicans base will come out in droves to vote for Republican Nominee who would repeal the Act, also polls have shown that a majority of US voters want ObamaCare to be repealed. Thus this will be a push for US voters who want ObamaCare to be repealed to come out and vote. If the ObamaCare is declared illegal then Obama does not have a domestic record, just a lot of debt, thus either outcome is bad for Obama. Interesting few months ahead folks at the US Supreme Court.

POTUS 39% Approval = Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its latest daily tracking poll on the job performance of President Obama, in the poll of average voters, Obama has a 51% Disapproval Rating, while 39% Approve of the Obama record. Its simple folks, the PEOPLE understand that when a Democrat talks tax hikes in always hit’s the Middle Class, there are never enough rich people to tax to fund the welfare system the Democrats want to impose on the US. When in 1984 the Democratic Nominee for President, former VP Walter Mondale stated that under his Administration there would be tax hikes it lead to his defeat by 49 States to 1. It was a massive political mistake for Obama to shout class warfare this early, it might keep the base happy but it turns all his speeches to everyone else in to call for tax hikes. It will be interesting to see how the Obama Re-Election Campaign counters this negative view of Obama.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Street and Ed Miliband

Guardian: Reports on the reaction to Ed Miliband’s speech in Southport, the article states the following, “ Southport remained unmoved by the Labour leader's ideas and oratory. ”. Politics is a brutal games folks, either you have it or you don’t, and Mr Miliband does not have it, you can be coached, but there has to be something there, there, all you see with EM is someone who would be a lot happier back at his elite University seminar, discussing the details aspect of politics. If you’re a Labour supporter you wonder how long it will take Labour MPs to wake up and get rid of Miliband. One has to wonder who will be the next Labour Leader, could it be the brother of EM, David Miliband, at least DM has some charisma and loyalty to New Labour.

House on Fire - Eurozone Crisis

Daily Mail: Reports that the UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has called the Euro crisis, a burning house with no exits, and the exits with be tough for Greece, Italy and Portugal. In many respects this is happy hour for Euro critics, this blog is Euro critic, the UK voter has never supported the Euro, its hard pressed to support the EU. But given the present crisis in the Euro the Germans have to get their finger out, pass a big bailout fund, in the end it will come to around two trillion euros, the States that make up the Euro have to give up their power on how they run their own economy, the Greeks and Italians will be owned by the EU/IMF/ECB. Also the Germans have to fund a Euro bond, this will bailout weak Countries of the Euro. The only thing the UK should do is before all this can be pass by all the EU is to make sure there is no Euro tax on the financial sector for those outside the Euro. Thus if a tax is bought in by the Euro Countries all the financial institutions will move to London, a WIN for the UK. Got love the Euro crisis.

What about the Greek Bailout ?

Telegraph Live: Reports that EU/IMF/ECB are back in Athens to see if the Greek Austerity package is being followed through by the Greek Government. Lets be honest here folks, the Greeks will get OUR 8 billion, if the Troika didn’t give the money to the Greeks the Government would fall and Greece would be a dodo, the problem is that it would take a few French and Germans Banks with them, thus Greece will get its money while the EU/IMF/ECB set up a two trillion fund to protect Eurozone Banks, make sure Italy and Spain don’t go down the toilet, also manage a managed Greek default. This Athens visit is a sideshow folks, they might as well get drunk, they have to give Greece the money. The real business is happening in the major Capitals of the West, from Washington D.C, London, Paris, Berlin, the solution will come from there folks.

“ RED ” Ed Miliband and Business

BBC News: Reports that Ed Miliband the Labour Leader has defended his speech Yesterday to the Labour Party Conference, even a former Labour Minister has called it a kick in the teeth for business. This was not good for “ Red - Brutus ” Miliband, even some rational Guardian reports didn’t buy the speech, business and this might be a shock to Ed Miliband is about making money, no making money no business, thus no jobs. This is a problem when Labour hires someone from a elite background, someone who by the looks of things has never had a paper round, never mind a real job. When the only real support for the speech comes from the Unions its time for damage repair. Even the BBC put Miliband on the spot, when he could not answer simple questions as to what is a good business. Also the effective media management of New Labour has gone out of the window, when doing an interview with the BBC Ed Miliband had a massive red flag behind his head, the red rose was almost gone from the picture. Thus a bad 48 hours for Mr Miliband, never state a policy if you have not idea about the details, the media will tear it apart, poor Ed Miliband, did he stab his brother in the back for this kind of operation.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ed Miliband Speech - Review

Alastair Campbell Blog: The review by AC is very positive of the Ed Miliband speech, AC states the following, “ He was at his best today when he was passionate about where those instincts and values lay. ”. This blog was shocked by the above, thus this comment on AC’s blog “ AC come off it, when you were TB’s spin Doctor you would never have allowed him to make that kind of speech, it plays in to the hands of the Conservative Party, they will argue with some justification that it plays to the base as they say in the US. When the BBC put the Shadow Cabinet on the spot when it came to different business that could fall in to the bad business view of EM they didn’t have a clue, its all left wing PR, that even the Guardian is not baying at the moment, also when did the Labour Party disown the poor and those without a job, are those that are out of work NOW have to justify why they have a Council House, if they are poor do they have to justify their benefits to EM, someone who has never go this hands dirty, only to stab his brother in the back. If Tony Blair had even though of giving that kind of speech you would have pulled the TV plug yourself. Also why was Labour booing the only leader who has own three elections, okay Iraq but what about loyalty or was Labour loyalty to Blair only PR. This was a speech for the left wing of the Guardian, not for a future PM. ”

Ed Miliband Speech - Review

Guardian: The left wing Guardian speaks, the article states the following on the Miliband speech “… it still requires a generous leap of faith to conclude that …wary voters that they have got him wrong….”. The article gives Ed Miliband 5/10 for the speech, that’s being very generous, more like 4.5/10 and in need of a lot more work, Ed Miliband needs the presentation skills of Tony Blair. The mistake the Labour Party has made is to assume that Tony Blair was elected because of them, they are WRONG, the Labour Party got in to power because of Tony Blair, once he was gone, the lost the 2010 election. Lets be honest here folks, the Conference might boo the name of Tony Blair, but because Blair was seen as a small c Conservative the Party was allowed back in to power. Once Gordon Brown took over the game was over, the Conservatives might not have won a overall majority in 2010, but the Labour Party had its worse showing since the 1983 election. Also times change, by 2015 the economic polices of the Government might have worked, then Labour will really be finished. If I was Ed Milliband I would not count on being Labour Leader in 2015, if his polls don’t go up the Party will replace him, Labour does not want another 18 years of opposition.

Germany and the Bailouts

Telegraph: Reports on a warning from Germans Constitutional Court that the Coalition Government cant take over the debt of other Countries beyond what German law provides for by EU Treaties. This should be a clear warning to the German Government and to the Markets, that Eurozone Crisis Plan by Germany and France has to face political reality, not just in Germany and France but around the States that make up the Eurozone and those EU States outside the Euro. The Stock Markets of the US and the EU have shot up based on rumours, so far no actual plan has been published and voted on, a military plan does not last beyond first contact with the enemy, thus this German/French might fall when faced with political reality.

Ed Miliband Speech = Labour Party Conference

BBC News: Reports on Ed Miliband's 2nd speech as Labour Party leader, in essence it was call to reward those who do the right thing in business and society. The problem with the speech was it called for you to trust Ed Miliband is knowing who is doing the right thing in business and society, would you trust Mr Miliband after he shafted his own brother, what does that say about his morale compass, he in essence attacked those in business that take risks, without venture capital you don’t have job growth, if they don’t have the money or are taxed more that other business ventures they will go to another Country. It is a global economy, people can move, also it was a odd speech, in way Ed Miliband attacked the poor or those that found themselves jobless, he wants the Government to decide if you’re a good local citizen, and thus should get a house. Lets recall Mr Miliband comes from a elite background, a elite University, a Government special advisor to Gordon Brown, then a MP and then a Minister. Has Ed Miliband ever got his hands dirty, had to worry about food, his family having shelter. The answer is no folks. The only dirty thing Brutus Miliband has done is stab his brother in the back, and throw the Blair/Brown Era under the bus. The speech pandered to the base, Tony Blair would never have given that speech. Lets recall Blair did win three elections, its one more that Ed Miliband will ever win.

Awards Time Folks = NTA

NTA: Its that time of year folks, time to support the good Doctor and the TARDIS crew, thus vote for Matt Smith ( The Doctor ), Karen Gillan ( Amy Williams, nee Pond ) and Doctor Who for best Drama.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Balls Factor - Labour Party Conference

Guardian: Reports on the apology tour by the Labour’s Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls, but the articles notes the following, “ Yet there was one admission Labour will not make – that public spending was excessive ahead of the crash. ”. Thus the Labour Party under Ed Miliband does not get it, even the UK Treasury under Gordon Brown warned that the Labour Government had spent to much for very little in the public sector, and it also warned in a spending review that spending should only be in line of inflation. The then Chancellor Gordon Brown and his close aides, Ed Miliband and Ed Balls still supported spending billions that the UK didn’t have, thus the structural deficit that the UK Coalition Government has to deal with, Labour will only be taken seriously if it admits that the Blair and Brown years failed to spend wisely and didn’t keep money in the bank for a rainy day. As someone once noted to this blog, Labour always comes in with great hope but they always wreck the economy at the end of the day.

UK Stock Market and the Eurozone Crisis

Telegraph: Reports that FTSE - 100 ended the day UP, it was up by 0.45%. After last week this is good news folks, but it is all based on rumour, no actual paper plan has been produced, the recent plan for a Greek bailout has still not been passed by all Eurozone States. This blog is very interested who is going to pay the two trillion, or is that another debt for the system. Also if Greece writes off 50% of its debt it cant go to the market for money, thus more bailouts for Greece, so far they have been very slow with their austerity package, one has doubts that they will ever follow through with the plan, the Greek Government would like to get re-elected. The World economic system is not in the clear yet folks, lets see the details of the new plan for Greece.

The Banks and the Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: Reports that European Bank shares have gone up after reports of a plan to deal with the Greek crisis and from that a banking crisis. As posted yesterday, Greece will write off 50% of its debt and stay within the Euro, a two trillion Euro bailout well set up and the Banks with Greek debt will be covered. The question folks will this plan pass the nations that make up the Eurozone, the Coalition German Government is having problems with it own MPs, other nations want Greek Collateral before they give Greece more money. As noted at the time this is a German/French plan, it might make sense in economic terms, but does it pass the political test. The Markets have gone up based on rumour, one hell of way to run a Market. Lets see the details first folks, this just smells to this blog.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

36% Approval for POTUS - Economist/YouGov.

The Hill: Reports a new shock poll on the job performance of President Obama, in a Economist/YouGov Poll has President Obama on 56% Disapproval, while 36% Approve of the Obama record. The good news for the Oval folks is that its not as bad as the poll numbers for Jimmy Carter at the same period, just worse that any other re-elected President. The political truth is folks that the Obama jobs plan and its tax hikes idea has not worked. The class warfare from the Oval has pushed voters further away from Obama. This blog has already called the 2012 election, Governor Perry will his bad TV debates is starting to look like a loser to Governor Romney, also the Republican voters want a candidate that can beat President Obama, Romney is polished in the TV debates, can stand his ground, also in way he has an asset, he has defend RomneyCare but has stated he will repeal ObamaCare, thus has shown he will stand up to the Tea Party but also that he will give what US voters what they want, simple, the axing of ObamaCare. In less something surprising happens folks, it will be Romney vs. Obama in 2012.

Greek Default and the EU

Guardian: Reports that the EU is expecting Greece to default on its debt, and that it is building a firewall around banks carrying Greek debt. As noted in the Telegraph it is expected that 50% of Greek debt will be written off, but that Greece will stay in the Euro. Thus in the short term Greece will be carried then it will default, thus all the austerity measures in Greece are bit pointless, also how can Greece stay in the Euro, it does not help Greece, the Government will not have control of its currency, if you’re a Greek politician and in Government you have to ask why are you carrying the political pain for six weeks when your in effect going to be dumped on, big time by the French and Germans. Also who has a few trillions to start this firewall, the Germans might even say NO that they should take all this debt, lets recall it’s a Coalition Government in Germany, they would like to get elected again in this Century. A lot of great words folks, but my gut is worried, and its not because of a few drinks, this plan sounds great on paper but the political reality to costly.

Tony Blair and Gaddafi Part Two

The Sunday Telegraph: Reports that former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair had six secret meetings with Colonel Gaddafi in the three years since leaving 10 Downing Street. Lets be honest folks, if there had not been a revolution in Libya these secret meetings would have stayed secret, one has to ask what was discussed at these meetings, are there minutes of after meeting memos so that the public can judge these meetings. It should be noted that Channel 4 in the UK is running a programme on how Blair has made his money since leaving No. 10. This blog is calling for the a full and frank answers from the former PM, also should Blair stay as a Middle Peace Envoy, he is not going to be popular in Libya.

IMF and the Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: Reports that the IMF has stated that it does not have enough funds to deal with all the debt in the eurozone and banking system. As noted yesterday by the Telegraph the Germans and French are developing a plan to save the Euro and the banks that will cost trillions of Euros. Thus far no one has said who will give these trillions. Words are fine folks, but it takes action, and money, thus at its most basic we have TRILLIONS + EUROZONE = WHO PAYS. If it is just the German and French taxpayer it is not going to happen, if it is the seventeen nations of the Euro its not going to happen, if it Euro bonds underwritten by the Germans its not going to happen, any plan has to have the support of the voter folks, none of the plans would benefit any government, in fact they would fall. Interesting week ahead folks on the markets.

Closing Time - Doctor Who

Doctor Who News Page: Reports that the good Doctor had 5.3 million viewers and was the third most watched programme of the day after two ITV reality shows. This episode was very moving folks, Matt Smith ( The Doctor ) James Corden ( Craig Owens ) gave 110%, it had the Cyberman but in many respects it could have been any monster, it would not have mattered, the heart of the story was friendship between the Doctor and Craig, how the Doctor is seeing his presumed death on the horizon, how Craig worries about being a new father. It was fun to see a Time Lord can speak baby, even if the baby calls everyone else outside his family peasants, that could be a future story line folks. The real hero was Craig, when his son is under threat he reverse the a gruesome Cyberman experiment to save his son. Nice to see how the Doctor got his cowboy Stetson, then to find that it was River that shoots the Doctor in the first episode. This is the BUT question, since River must have known that it was her that shot the Doctor and that a future Doctor took her out of jail for her birthday, is the 11th her Doctor, she has never said, lets recall Time Lords have 12 regenerations, the present is the 11th. Or if your being very technical since 10th used up two, this could be the final regeneration. As Matt Smith is coming back next year and so in the Doctor, how does the Doctor get out of his own death, does it have to do with the fact that River gave her regenerations to the Doctor, does the Doctor have 12 new cycles of regeneration. This blog has two degrees and is a teacher part of the time, even this blog is confused, after Star Trek Voyager one would think one could understand any time travel story, in fact one should but even this blog is curious how the Doctor does runner from his own death.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ed Balls Factor - Labour Party

Daily Mail: Reports a new edition of a book on the time of Gordon Brown in 10 Downing Street, in the new edition the Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls is accused of sexing up Government forecasts and to allow budget busting spending. These revelations will not go down well at the Labour Party Conference staring this weekend, Mr Balls hardly has a great reputation due to his time as the right hand man of Gordon Brown, as one of his Shadow Cabinet colleagues stated if it was not him spinning and being the Brown enforce then it was his Evil twin brother. To be fair to Mr Balls ( one tries ) he did say sorry for the Labour economic record, but he still following the same record, that the Coalition are pushing to much cuts, and that Labour would have cuts but not as extreme as the Coalition, but when the Shadow Cabinet is asked which cuts they would do, they say its up to the Government. No wonder Labour is not trusted with the economy. One has to wonder will the Labour leader Ed Miliband really want to keep Ed Balls as Shadow Chancellor for the next five years, it can be argued that he represents the failure of the last Government.

Saving the Euro = Trillions ?

Telegraph: Reports on a two trillion plan by Germany and France to save the Euro and manage a Greek default but keep it in the Euro. It is a plan folks, are the Germans going to pay the two trillion Euros, otherwise it’s a grand plan that’s dead in the water. If the idea is that the seventeen counties that make up the Euro share the cost, then it’s a dodo, the worry is that it could be grand French and German plan by officials but its political consequences are toxic, its all in the details folks. The one aspect that’s odd is the idea that Greece should default but stay in the Euro and a bigger write off its debt, the article notes around 50%, the problem with that is that Greece could not go to the market for years, if ever, the EU would have own Greece, this plan has the feel of delusional French/German gambit, that is set to fail. It really depends who pays folks, very odd, sounds lot like Obama’s job plan.

Obama’s Green Scandal = Solyndra

BBC News: Reports that Solyndra Executives have taken the 5th before the US Congress and their investigation how the Company received half billion dollars from the Obama Administration before going bust. This smells folks, not to say that the Executives had every right to take the 5th under US law, but one of the backers of the Company was big Obama backer, the allegation from some is that the loan smells of Chicago politics, in Chicago politics its called pay to play, in Chicago terms you have to bribe officials to get in to the game, or business. There is no proof of such action yet, and all interested in the case must be considered innocent at this stage. But the White House has a lot of questions to answer, did they push for the loan, and why the rush, who in the Government did company officials see, was President Obama aware of the loan at any stage before his visit, did the Oval influence the rush. This could turn out to be Obama’s Watergate folks, or even Iran - Contra, what did the President know and when didn’t he know it, keep an eye on this folks.

54% Disapproval for Obama = Rasmussen Reports

Rasumssen Reports: Has it latest tracking poll of likely voters and the Obama job performance record, today President Obama has a 44% Approval while 54% of likely voters Disapprove of the record of the Oval. In between the Gallup and Rasmussen poll it fair to say folks that President Obama is in a hole of his own making, the voters are smart cookies, they can tell when a President is pandering to his own base and not the general voter. Thus the Obama jobs plan and how to pay for it will make the left wing liberal base happy but Independent voters, Republicans and even Conservative Democrats will run a mile from the Oval, these Obama polices are warmed up Jimmy Carter & Walter Mondale policies, and those worked out well for both men and the US NOT. The Oval can still turn this around, it has a year, but it has to go hard right, not hard left. One has to wonder who does Obama talk to these days, they all cant be YES MEN/WOMEN.

40% Approval for Obama = Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll of the job performance of President Obama, today the POTUS has a 40% Approval rating, while 52% of Average Americans Disapprove of the Obama record. Thus folks the Obama plan to pander to his base has not worked, the call for tax hikes is a massive political mistake, it shows a lack of understanding of the US voter and the US on the whole. The US voter wants to get rich, and worse he or she wants to keep the money they make, God forbid that they might have a problem with being taxed overall at 60% of their wage packet. By the last Republican Debate former Governor Romney might well beat Governor Perry for the Republican nomination and make President Obama a one term bad President.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Bank Bailouts - Economic Crisis

Guardian: Reports that the MD of the IMF, former French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde has “ ..urged Europe's leaders to bail out their fragile banks.. ”. This will be a tough sell for EU leaders folks, a 2nd bailout would be a political nightmare, if UK Banks needed a bailout there would be demos on the streets, how much grief can banks expect to get away with after the 1st bailout. One can postulate that the Coalition Government would have a hard time getting a bailout through the House of Commons. When it comes to the banks folks it’s the unknowns, how much debt do the banks themselves not know they have on their books. Grim times ahead folks.

Cameron on Economic Woes - Economic Crisis

Telegraph: Reports that Coalition PM David Cameron has in essence rebuked President Obama and EU leaders for allowing out of control Government deficits. The problem is folks is that Obama is in re-election mode, thus is worried about this left wing Democratic base, thus his attack the rich rhetoric, the EU leaders have glued themselves to the Euro and Greece at the expense of economic reality. It depends when real economic reality forces these leaders to see the real world, politicians and the real world is not something that is easy for the elite of the Western world folks. In the Obama case taxing the rich always ends up taxing the middle class, it’s the nature of policy development, the welfare states always needs more money. In the EU, the Euro has become a policy of blind faith at the expense of the voters and democracy, this constant drip of economic woe has to have an end point, something big has go down, either a bank or a country, then the politicians will have to act, it will be to late but they will act, that is the nature of politics folks.

Downfall of the Markets

BBC News: Reports on the tanking of Shares Markets in the US, UK and the EU. Thus folks in many respects we have a perfect storm, the US is broke, it has 14 trillion debt and the future economic and political prospects do not look good, the UK has seen its growth forecast downgraded to 1.1%, also in August the Coalition Government borrowed nearly 16 billion to fund the government, in the EU we have Greece, which is broke and is an economic zombie, eating cash with no future, in the European Central Banks is keeping Italy and Spain afloat. Thus answer folks, it goes back to Greece, as long as Greece is kept on life support it will suck the life out of the Euro and the EU. The Greeks have to be cut off, they are infected, after they default give them loans, but no more Euro bailouts. Then for Italy and Spain, a major bailout, even the UK would have to put some money in, also a trillion fund for the banks who will fold if Greece hit’s the deck. In the US the voters have to wait for November 2012 for a clear path forwards, its long but that the Democratic timeline folks. In the meantime, buy gold and keep you money in the bed, those banks are risky folks, still worried what the banks are not telling their governments and the public.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

US vs. France - Middle East

The New York Times: Reports that France has rebuked the US approach to the Palestinian State issue, calling more for a set timetable, as requested by the Palestinians. This is good news for the Oval folks, this will show to Jewish voters that President Obama is supporting Israel against the Arab supporting EU. On this issue the Oval is right, on the politics and policy, okay it does not have much choice, but who is to say that political choice is a good thing, politicians always want choices, gives them room to move, in this the Oval has no choice, in effect the 2012 election has began, thus President Obama cant move an inch from supporting Israel. The Democrats should use the speech by the French President as showing how Obama does stand up for Allies, in this case Israel. On the whole a good day for the Oval.

Greece and the Bailouts

Telegraph: Reports that thirty thousand Greek Civil Servants up from expected twenty thousand are to be suspended on half pay. Either Greece is serious or not, if Greece was serious it would not suspend thirty thousand civil servants, it would sack them with no pay, all those that have retired under 55 should lose their pensions and go back to work, these are not serious ideas for these tough times, Greece is playing games, either bite the bullet or default Greece, you have people under 55 who still get a pension, can this blog move to Greece, Athens has lost the plot.

Obama & Netanyahu and 2012

White House Transcript of Talks between President Obama and Israeli PM Netanyahu: The import line out of the Oval is the followingAs I just indicated, peace cannot be imposed on the parties. It’s going to have to be negotiated. One side’s actions in the United Nations will achieve neither statehood nor self-determination for the Palestinians.In other words VETO of Palestinian State. Out of the Israel the important line is,But you've also made it clear that the Palestinians deserve a state, but it’s a state that has to make that peace with Israel. And, therefore, their attempt to shortcut this process, not negotiate a peace -- that attempt to get membership -- state membership in the United Nations will not succeed. I think the Palestinians want to achieve a state through the international community, but they’re not prepared yet to give peace to Israel in return. … ”. In effect Obama wants the issue to go far far away, after losing the safe Democratic House Seat in New York the Oval can not afford to lose the Jewish base of the Democratic Party. Thus POTUS is returning to the usual support of Israel at what ever the cost, Israel could attack Iran tomorrow, and the Oval would be having a Party at the White House for the air crew, Obama in re-election terms is in that kind of hole folks. Politics is politics at the end of the day.  

UK Debt - Coalition Government

Guardian: Reports that UK Government borrowing hit its highest for August at 15.9 Billion pounds. Folks only yesterday the IMF forecasted that the UK would economy would only grow at 1.1% down from 1.5%. The Eurozone crisis could lead to the Banks needing another bailout, if France and German Banks need bailouts this will place the debt on the taxpayers of France and Germany. Thus it can be argued that economic growth will be mild to zero within the EU, due to the need for tough austerity packages, the good days are over folks, get used to being cold.

IMF and Bank Bailouts for 2011

Telegraph Live: Reports that the IMF has estimated that the Eurozone Crisis could lead to another bank bailout in the range of three hundred billion Euros. Folks in £ terms that is around one hundred and fifty billion, the UK Governments deficit. If Zombie Greece does go to the wall the French and German Banks will need to be bailed out by the their Governments. Thus more debt lifted from the banks to the State, thus more taxes folks and austerity down the line, even for Germany. Also folks its an estimate, it could be a lot worse folks, what are the banks not telling us about their Greek debt, and if these banks are hit what effect will this have on banks in the UK and US.

More Cuts - Greece

BBC News: Reports that the Greek Government will extend its public spending cuts as to gain the next stage of the bailout form the EU/IMF/ECB. Folks the EU/IMF/ ECB have not been impressed with the cuts by the Greek Government over the past two years, what is going to change, will the announced cuts even actually happen, can the Greeks pay the new taxes, will they refuse to pay even if they have the money. The expected pay cuts in the public sector, immediate sacking of fifty thousand public sector workers, and another one hundred thousand sacking over five years will hit the Greek economy hard, people will be pushed on welfare, thus more Government spending, thus higher Greek Debt, it’s a nasty loop folks, one can postulate that Greece will crash and burn, it depends who they take with them when they crash.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has announced the name of the UK Soldier that was killed on Monday in the Afghanistan, the Soldier was “ Marine David Fairbrother, Kilo Company, 42 Commando Royal Marines ”. Our thoughts are with the family of Marine Fairbrother.

1.1% GROWTH in the UK - Forecast

Guardian Live: Reports that the IMF has cut its growth forecast for the UK, from 1.5% down to 1.1%. The Coalition Government in the UK folks has to carry on with Plan A, of deep cuts in public spending, otherwise the UK is heading to join Greece and Italy. Also lets be clear these are forecasts, they can go up and down, it would be a disaster to change policy on a forecast, there will be pain folks, people will lose their jobs, the welfare state will reduce in size, but at the end of the day the UK will keep its triple A credit rating, unlike the US under President Obama. Its going to be tough folks, higher prizes and lower wages, but that’s the price the UK has to pay for the follow of New Labour.

1st Greece, 2nd Italy , 3rd Spain - Eurozone Crisis

Telegraph Live: Reports that the costs of Spain borrowing on bond markets have hit a three year high. Thus last week the Spanish Government went with a tax hike for the rich, now the costs of borrowing on the markets have hit a three year high, lets be honest here folks, the PIIGS are a basket case, it will need trillions to bail them out, the question is who will pay, the German voter is sending a clear message to the Coalition German Government, they are voting for the left wing Opposition Party, thus a clear message to Berlin. Either all EU Counties and that includes the UK put some money in to a giant money pot to bail out the PIIGS or the Euro will fall apart under its own pressure. God knows what the Markets are smoking, they are up, what does it take a Great Depression 2.

Italy DOWNGRADE = Eurozone

BBC News: Reports on the cut in the credit rating of Italy by the credit agency S & P. This was a surprise development folks, it had been rumoured that another credit agency Moody’s would downgrade the Italian worthiness, it can be postulated that Moody’s will follow the S&P line when it comes to Italy, the agencies on the whole tend to sing from the same page. The Markets have not taken a fall with this news, that is quite a surprise, either they know something we don’t or they have blind faith that something will turn up to save Greece and Italy. The latest news on Greece is that the EU,IMF and the European Central Bank is having further talks with the Greece, it could be that the want to trust Greece as not to would mean a major crisis for the Euro and the EU. But blind faith can only take you so far folks, if there is no substance you are in free fall.

Monday, September 19, 2011

President Obama and Tax Hikes

Pure class warfare folks, a Campaign speech for the base not about the US, ego and hubris folks. Obama on welfare and tax hikes, “ And I will veto any bill that changes benefits for those who rely on Medicare but does not raise serious revenues by asking the wealthiest Americans or biggest corporations to pay their fair share. We are not going to have a one-sided deal that hurts the folks who are most vulnerable. ”. President Obama makes Jimmy Carter look like a economic conservative.

Make or Break TIME for Greece

Guardian: Reports on a expected deal breaking call between the Greek Government and the EU/IMF, the article states the following, “ country's financial future would rest on a make-or-break conference call with EU and IMF officials on Monday. ”. At the end of the day the EU,IMF will have to ask themselves do they trust Athens to follow through with the tough demands of the EU/IMF as to allow Greece to get another part of the bailout. If by now Greece has not followed through with previous promises, how can you trust them, is the EU/IMF throwing good money down the toilet. The Greek political system is a mess, its welfare system is out of control, retirement in your 50s, jobs for life. The entire Greek system is a fraud, the people that will suffer will be the poor Greek people. If Greece stays in the Euro it will suffer, the elite wont feel the pain but the good people of Greece wont see the light for a long time. Time for the people to march in peaceful demos, show the power of democracy and bring down the Government if they care more about France and Germany.

50,000 Greek public sector workers SACKED ?

Telegraph Live: Reports on the latest moves by the Greek Government to make sure they get bailed out by the EU, IMF and the ECB, the Greek Government will cut pay in the public sector and sack fifty thousand workers, there are other eye watering measures. The question that has to be asked is can the Greeks be trusted, is this another Trojan Horse, what seen as a victory, is just a faint as to give the Greeks more time before they default. The Greeks have not meet their previous agreements when it comes to austerity, so why should they be trusted NOW, they cant, time to pull the plug folks, its becoming a farce, the Greeks will never reform, they cant, as long as they are in the Euro the Euro is under threat, and so in many respects is the EU.

Greece and the IMF

BBC News: Reports that the IMF has told Greece that it needs a more efficient way to collect taxes and there needs to be deeper public spending cuts. How much pain can Greece take to defend the Euro, at what point does the Greek Government care about the Greek people and not Germany and France, the Markets all over the world have been tanking due to the idea that Greece will default in the near future, well if its going to happen, then Greece might well take the punch and return to its previous currency, then it can control its destiny, then the bailouts that would have gone to Greece would be sent to cover banks with Greek debt, also ease Greece out of the Euro. Otherwise Greece is money Zombie, eating Euro funds, and it will not end well folks.

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier was killed today in Afghanistan, the Soldier was a “ Royal Marine from 42 Commando Royal Marines ”. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 382 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, of that total it has lost 338 in combat action and 44 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

President Obama and the Polls

RCP: Reports on its Average of the polls on the job performance of President Obama, today the average has POTUS on 43.8% Approval, while 51.1% of US voters Disapprove of Obama record. Thus folks what is the latest bright idea out of the Oval ( yes that is a joke ) the Oval wants to put the taxes of millionaires up, who does the Oval think hires people, who spends on lavish goods, thus products bought, thus people hired to make those products. In other words gets the economy going, lets see is it poor people, NO, they tend to live pay check to pay check, lets see the middle class, No they see the costs going up and save, even if the interest rates are rubbish, lets see who is left, YES the rich. Also what do non Harvard educated Americans want, YES they want to get rich. They want the American dream. This blog is calling it, Obama wont win in 2012. Obama is a political fool. This blog over the next few weeks and months will look at who might serve in Perry or Romney Administration.

Sirte - Libyan Front

Guardian: Reports that supporters of Colonel Gaddafi in Sirte are using human shields as protection in their fight with the new Libyan Government. It is important that the Site the birthplace of Colonel Gaddafi is taken, but the top priority for the new Libyan Government is that Colonel Gaddafi is either arrested or killed, as long as the Colonel is on the lose there can never be security for the people of Libya. Thus NATO and the Libyan rebels must keep on fighting, the Civil War is not over folks.

Blair and Gaddafi

Telegraph: Reports on previous secret meetings between former Labour PM Tony Blair and Colonel Gaddafi before the release of the Lockerbie bomber. This will be a PR nightmare for the former PM, with this role as Middle East Peace Envoy all such meetings should be on the record and open to review by the public. It will be interesting to see how Mr Blair justifies these meetings before the release of the Lockerbie bomber, also is there a record of the conversations between Blair and Gaddafi. It seems Mr Blair since leaving No. 10 has lost his political touch, Iraq, Gordon Brown, and now Libya, one really has to question the political judgement of Tony Blair.

Obama and Tax Hikes

BBC News: Reports that President Obama is to propose raising the taxes on richer Americans. Folks this is class warfare rhetoric, POTUS is afraid of losing his base of support, thus this tax hike idea, its not going anywhere, it would never pass the Democratic controlled Senate, it will never pass the Republican House. Thus it can be argued that President Obama is in full time re-election mode, if it was right on policy or politics then this blog would not have a problem, but its WRONG, it’s the rich that spend, if you tax them they wont spend, thus a deeper recession, on the politics go ask former Vice - President Walter Mondale if US voters will love you if you say tax hikes, the answer is NO. It called losing 49 States to the Republicans. Thus folks discard Obama henceforth, its just liberal political rubbish, from a President that could have been great but will be another Hoover, Carter and finally Bush 41, a one term President.

The God Complex - Doctor Who

The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that the good Doctor had 5.2 million viewers, thus the top drama of the day, just ahead two ITV reality shows. As to the God Complex very dark, it was brilliant, those puppets scared this blog, also the body count was high, the Doctor and Co barely go out alive, if they hadn’t that would have thrown the timeline out of sync. It was interesting to see the fears of the TARDIS crew, the Doctor we didn’t see but we heard the TARDIS danger alarm in the background, one could postulate that the Doctor after your go beyond the Time Lord spin fears himself, what he could really do if he goes off the rails, lets recall Mars and that suicide, as for Amy its her constant need for the Doctor to come through at the end, to save them, where in fact that faith should be with Rory the Roman, the one that kept her safe in that cube! The ending was interesting, very dark, the Doctor and his companions, and his as the Doctor states need for adoration, thus Rose, Martha, Donna,Amy as the Doctor stated last week he has messed up their lives. Thus the Doctor is alone, till next week and the Cybermen, when is River coming back, this blog wants River back and fast.

Friday, September 16, 2011

NYT vs. Political Reality and Obama

The New York Times: Has a blistering Editorial attacking Congressional Democrats for not supporting Obama’s Job Plan, the bloated liberal NYT states the following on the Democrats, “ ..they cannot face another big pre-election fight…Americans need Democrats to step up now, and for Mr. Obama to lead them. ”. Folks what planet is the liberal NYT on, did it miss the Republicans taking over the House in 2010, the prediction that Republicans will retake the Senate, that Obama today is on 39% approval, also the loss of a safe Democratic House Seat in New York State. If your liberal NYT is to be taken seriously when it comes to politics it has to get its head out of its backside and fast, its going bankrupt for god sake. GROW UP NYT, don’t you think Democrats have the right to get re-elected, Obama is becoming Carter Mark 11, that is not a good result if you’re a Democrat.

Next Spain ? - Euro Crisis ?

Guardian: Reports that the Spanish Government has reintroduced tax hikes on the rich. In a recession folks the last thing you do is raise taxes on people that can get you out of a hole. The Spanish Government must have taken leave of its senses, Spain must really be in a economic mess, will it default before Italy. Thus folks on the economic radar we have Greece, Italy and then Spain. The Greeks are Zombies eating currency, tax payers money of Germany, the Italians and Spanish are just as bad, welfare systems that are out of date and Governments for one reason and other are past their sell by date. One wonders what the markets are going to make of the Greek October decision, the markets have been very odd, going up while the US and the EU are heading over a cliff, very much like the July days of 1914.

Italy CREDIT Downgraded - Euro Crisis ?

Telegraph Live: Reports that Moody’s the Credit Agency could downgrade the credit rating of Italy today. Lets be honest folks Italy is now owned by the European Central Bank, the Government is weak and the PM is up to his neck in political and personal scandals. If you’re a weak Government you go slow on austerity packages, if you have a scandal prone PM you have to be very selective in the austerity package, you cant hurt your friends, your base, you need them to keep you in power. In many respects Italy and Greece are the same, the Governments are afraid if they go to far in cuts they will be out of power for a generation, they don’t want to be Gordon Brown. Thus it can be argued that Moody’s would be right to downgrade Italy, it might be the kick up the backside that Rome needs at the moment, didn’t hurt the US.

Lose Talks Sinks EU?

BBC News: Reports that the Timothy Geithner, the US Treasury Secretary has warned the EU that lose talk about divisions in policy when it comes to Greece could damage the Euro. What would really kill off the Euro would be if EU politicians listened to this kind of rubbish, the US has a 14 trillion debt, the President cant move his agenda through the Congress, the Oval is in constant re-election mode, thus the jobs speech. The one Country that needs a healthy truthful debate about debt is the US, the Democrats are tied to welfare spending, any spending in fact, while EU has a welfare system that is killing the economic growth within the EU. As to Greece the Euro Countries have pushed the decision to October, one gets the feeling that Euro politicians are hoping that something comes along that will allow Greece to stay in the Euro, good luck with that folks. The EU, European Central Bank and IMF officials in Athens have not been impressed with Greek cuts, why would it be better in October, one can almost see Euro politicians taking the EU over the cliff because they don’t have the nerve to push Greece out, they are allowing the dream of the EU to colour the real world that Greece is economic dodo, its finished, its needs the EU to put a stake through its heart, thus far its an endless nightmare.

Afghanistan Front News

MOD: Has announced the name of the UK Soldier that was killed on Wednesday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was “ Lance Corporal Jonathan James McKinlay, 1st Battalion The Rifles ”. Our thoughts are with the family of Lance Corporal McKinlay.

The White House, Speaker Boehner and Jobs

The White House: Statement by the White House Press Secretary on the remarks by Speaker Boehner. The Statement states the following, “ Any plan to grow the economy and create jobs should be measured by whether it puts money in the pockets of middle class families, puts teachers, police officers, firefighters and construction workers back to work, and invests in our small businesses so they can grow and hire. The President’s plan meets that test. The American Jobs Act includes the kinds of proposals that have been supported in a bipartisan way in the past, is fully paid for, and prominent, independent economists say it could create between 1.5 and 2 million jobs. And the President’s plan rebuilds the economy the American way, based on balance, fairness and ensuring there is the same set of rules for everyone from Wall Street to Main Street. The President is committed to working with members of both parties in Congress to pass the American Jobs Act right away. ”. The White House has a cheek in lecturing the Speaker after the White House lost the US tax payer half billion dollars after giving a green company money, then seeing that company go bust. The Congress, the FBI and others are investigating, thus a major scandal for the White House, lets hope there are no Chicago corruption behind this loan, that would finish the Obama Administration.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Speaker Boehner on Obama Jobs Plan

The New York Times: Reports on the negative reaction by Republican Speaker John Boehner to President Obama’s jobs plan, in essence politics over substance. Thus folks in essence the Republicans are saying No to Obama, they might do limited deals on tax cuts for small business, but any tax hikes are out, also welfare spending. Thus Obama has his spin of a do nothing Congress, while the Republicans can argue that they have stopped wasteful Obama spending. It will be up to the US voter to decide in 2012 folks.

39% Approval for POTUS = Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll for the job performance of President Obama, today POTUS has a 53% Disapproval rating, while 39% of average voters approve of the Obama record. Well folks, its not good for the Oval and that is vast understatement, with these kind of numbers the Oval will have difficult passing its job plan. In Congressional terms if a President is well below 50% Approval rating he, and so far they have all be a he, have a difficult time in getting things done on the Hill. The bounce from the 9/11 10th Anniversary was limited, the failure of Democrats to hold a safe New York House Seat shows how much of a political hole Obama is in, the Congress seeing this kind of trend will be quite happy to say NO to the Obama jobs plan, it includes tax hikes on the wealthy, thus the Chicago re-election committee will have to run a vicious campaign to re-elect Obama, but that might not work, it seems that the US voter has tuned Obama out.

2008 Again! Bailout of Banks

Telegraph Live: Reports that the move by the US/UK/EU and other Central Banks to loan to Banks recalls the move after the credit crunch of 2008. The problem is folks we still have the PIIGS out there, they are still in debt, they promise reform but the political costs are to high, in Greece the Government in Athens has been very slow to follow through with its austerity package, when your have riots on the streets of Athens, the birthplace of Democracy, and Rome once the greatest Empire in the World you have problems. The big problem is still Greece, how ever deep Government cuts the fact is that Greece will not be able to payback its loans or its debt. The only way for the EU and the Euro to go forward is for the PIIGS to get out, then bail them out, otherwise its turning good money in to toilet money, and it will end in tears folks.

Death in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports that a UK Soldier was killed on Wednesday in Afghanistan, the Soldier was from the “ 1st Battalion The Rifles (1 RIFLES) ”. Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 381 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan , of that total it has lost 337 in combat action and 44 due to illness, accidents or other incidents.

EU Banks and the Eurozone Crisis

BBC News: Reports that the Bank of England and the US Federal Reserve have opened loans to banks, this has been followed by other Central Banks, the lack of money in the system is the fear of sovereign debt and how much the banks are holding. This was quick and swift action by the Central Banks, but it’s a short term measure folks, the debt of Greece is still out there, its going to default, it’s a matter of time, the European Central Bank is holding Italy and Spain up, at what point do the Central Banks start to have problem, they are not limitless, they can print money yes, but it can be worthless if they are not careful, aka Weimar Germany. The Greeks have promised to carry through their austerity package, this would blog would trust them more if they built a Trojan Horse. They know how do to that! The pain that Greece and Italy would have to go through to see the light is to much for the public, again the banks are getting a bailout and the common man is getting shafted, the banks should be allowed to fail and the main street should be helped, but the elites look after each other.

PM Cameron in Libya

Number 10: Reports on the visit of Coalition PM David Cameron to Libya. The PM stated the following while visiting Libya, “ It’s great to be…in a free Benghazi and a free Libya. Your city was an inspiration to the world. While we are proud of the role that we played to help, we know this was your revolution from your bravery. Now, just as your courage has written the last chapter of Libyan history, so it must write the next one; and your friends in Britain and in France will stand with you as you build your democracy and build your country for the future.”. This is great PR for David Cameron and the French President Nicolas Sarkozy, lets recall President Sarkozy has a election next year, what it is not is a great PR for President Obama, leading from behind means you are behind. The Republicans will clobber the Oval for allowing the UK and France to lead while in many respects the US supplied the know how and the equipment, the idiot who stated that the Obama was leading from behind should get the sack, its like the Bush 43 message of Mission Accomplished in Iraq, if your not in the room or military theatre at victory you didn’t play a part, that is the harsh politics folks, the UK and France look good, not so the Oval under Obama.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What do to about Greece ?

Telegraph Live: Reports that there was nothing BIG that came of the chat between France, Germany and Greece, just the usual that Greece belongs in the Euro. In other words folks a pointless chat, are these leaders still on holiday. The markets have been waiting the whole day for some plan to resolve Greece, and what do we get, PR rubbish. Does anyone really think that Greece will not default, that the Euro has to clean house of the PIIGS. No wonder the EU and the Euro is heading for a cliff, there are no Thatcher’s today.

40% Approval for Obama = Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its latest daily tracking poll for the job performance of President Obama, today the President Obama has a 40% Approval rating, while 52% of Average voters Disapprove of the Obama record. Yes folks this political blog checks the daily tracking polls, its that geeky, but if you keep the average in mind and look at the overall political picture it gives your political instincts a good sense of what is going in the US. But even this blog was shocked when the Democrats lost a safe House seat in New York State. One has to postulate is Secretary Clinton wondering if she should do a Ronald Reagan of 1976 and challenge President Obama for the Democratic nomination. What if President Obama does go down do defeat, will that hurt a future Clinton Campaign, she is his Secretary of State, and the fraught relationship between the Oval and Israel is under her watch, as Chief Diplomat. One has to wonder what former President Bill Clinton is telling her in private, lets recall the Obama Campaign did use the race card on Bill Clinton, see as the first “ back President ” by many, does he want political revenge on the Oval. The question that has to be asked is Hillary Clinton too loyal to Obama, verses her own political future.

5pm Call - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian Live: Reports that upcoming telephone call between France, Germany and Greece, the talk will discuss how Greece plans to meets its austerity package and the proof that there is follow through in Greece. Interesting use of the word proof my France, the French Banks are sinking under Greek debt, as Greece has shown it cant be trusted, he only put through its latest land tax because the EU threatened to cut bait when it comes to Athens. The costs of the Greek austerity package is on the backs of the Greek people, Greece will never be able to pay back the bailouts, never mind its debt. Greek is going down, it just depends who else it takes down with it, this blog cant see Germany taking on the debt of the PIIGS. The German Coalition could fall if the Chancellor goes to far against the German will. Thus will be very surprised if this call solves the problem, its never that easy folks.

Eurozone Crisis - Latest

Telegraph Live: Reports that the Italian Government has won its confidence vote when it comes to its austerity package. Lets be honest here folks, the Italy is now owned by the European Central Bank, the ECB has to keep buying Italian bonds or Italy goes down the drain. The problem is the Italian Government and PM Silvio Berlusconi, he has more scandals than this blog has had health dinners! Thus what ever package is passed will it be taken through, that’s the problem with Greece, it has been very slow to follow through, it had to pass a emergency land tax just to keep the EU, IMF, happy. Also the markets are up on the idea that France, Germany and Greece will have a plan at 5.05pm today, good luck with that, Germany in effect pays ALL the debt of the PIIGS or Greece has to get out of the Euro. The German Coalition Government has taken a battering in local elections, thus the Chancellor has to take her Government with her, never mind the German voter. If Germany would underwrite EU bonds then the PIIGS might be saved, but it’s a tough sell to the German voter, even then it might fail. Thus Greece needs to default, the Governments of Germany and France need to protect their banks and then give loans to Greece. The Euro can go on folks but with a smaller number of countries, if you try to save them all you will destroy the Euro.

UK Unemployment UP!

BBC News: Reports on the latest unemployment figures, over the last 3 months till July over eight thousand people have lost their jobs, thus the total out of work stands at 2.51 million, that a rate of 7.9%. Folks it is going to get a lot worse, the government cuts have just started, in the US, the unemployment rate is at 9.1% and is expected to stay that way through 2012, that around 14 million Americans out of work. But one should recall this is illusion folks, you have people who have part time jobs who want full time jobs, Graduates having to take non graduate jobs, you have people in their late 40s and 50s who have given up, its lot harder to get a job when your in your late 40s and 50s. Lets look at the austerity packages passed by Ireland, Italy, and Greece, the cutting of the public sector has lead to job losses, those thrown out of work have not found work in the private sector due to the fact that the economy it these countries has retracted thus no private sector hiring. It is a vicious path folks, Government cuts, less money in the economy, less products bough, less people hired. The debt mountain in the EU has to reduced, but the cost will hurt folks, it will be painful.

55% Disapproval for POTUS - CNN/ORC

CNN: Reports on its latest job performance poll for President Obama, in its latest poll POTUS has a 43% Approval rating, while 55% of average US voters Disapprove of the Obama record. The best way for Obama to sink his Presidency is to carry on with his calls for tax hikes, someone needs to teach him a political case study, lets call it Walter Mondale in 1984, who when nominated called for higher taxes, the result, Reagan won 49 States, 59% of the vote and 525 Electoral votes, the highest ever. The loss of a very safe Democratic Seat in the House should be a major warning to the Oval, but the ego of the Oval and its hubris is beyond learning basic political lessons, shame really, Obama could have been a contender for greatness.

The Democratic Spin - House Upset

The New York Times: Reports the Democratic SPIN how the significant Jewish vote was a major factor in the Democrats losing a safe seat in New York. This will be the Democratic spin NOW from the Democrats, as Obama has a fraught relationship with the Israeli Government this seat is different from other seats, thus the result can be discarded. Lets be honest folks, if rank and file House and Senate members believe that they are heading for political oblivion, if by start of the year Obama’s poll ratings are not higher or he is a political dodo expect Democrats to distance themselves from the Oval, at the end of the day for a politician you have to get elected, otherwise you’re a loser. The political clock is ticking for the Oval.

The New York Warning - House Upset!

The Hill: Reports on the upset victory by Republicans in a Special House Seat election. The last time a Republican was elected to that seat was in 1923 folks, it’s a very blue area, a safe seat in UK terms. It can be argued that President Obama’s jobs plan didn’t go down well, tax hikes never do folks, also Obama has a very frosty relationship with the Israeli Government, the seat has a high level of voters of the Jewish faith. Thus the Republican House can reject the Obama jobs plan with out much fear, also the Republican field can start to attack Obama on his Middle East policy. The Jewish vote makes up one of the most important core voting blocks in some important states, such as Florida, POTUS can not afford to lose the Jewish vote, it would be 1972, 1984 all over again, Obama would lose by 49 States.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

House of Commons - Reform

Guardian: Reports on the reform of the House of Commons by the Coalition Government, the number of MPs will go down from 650 to 600. This is a good move by the Coalition Government, in future it will take the same number of votes to elect a Conservative as a Labour MP. The general reporting has the LibDems as the biggest losers in the reform, well they got their AV vote, it was their fault it failed. If the Liberal Democrats try to break their word on the Coalition Agreement the Conservatives can go to the Country, simple, the Liberal Democrats are more concerned about their MPs and not Government. If the reform is passed the next election will be a equal fight between the political parties. That is Democracy folks.

Kabul Attacks - Afghanistan

Telegraph Live: Reports on Taliban attacks on NATO’s HQ and the American Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. The Taliban have learned the lessons of the Vietnam War folks, it could be argued that they are doing constant Tet offensives, ( in 1968 the Viet Cong launched a massive offensive in Southern Vietnam, the attack itself were defeated but the PR was bad for LBJ ), the Taliban must be thinking how to damage President Obama before the 2012 election. Thus expect more attacks folks, it was a mistake for the Oval to state it would remove the surge troops next year, it showed weakness, the Taliban smell that Obama is weak, thus they want to claim victory when the US and UK leave Afghanistan in 2014.

Germany, Greece and the Euro

BBC News: Reports on comments by the German Chancellor Angela Merkel that Greece must be kept within the Euro. Folks it could be that Merkel has lost the plot, Greece is on its second bailout, other Euro Countries want Greek Collateral before Greece gets the next stage of the 2nd bailout. In Germany the ruling Coalition is taking a political pounding, it could be that Chancellor Merkel find that she gets pushed out and replaced if her support for Greece means that the Coalition will lose the next election. The game of politics if brutal folks, you cant ask the German taxpayer to bailout Greece forever.

42% Approval for POTUS = Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its latest daily tracking poll for President Obama, today POTUS has a 42% approval rating, while 49% of Average Americans Disapprove of the Obama record. Well folks after the 10th anniversary of 9/11 you would expect some bounce to the Obama ratings, he did give the go order to take out OBL, he is taking troops out of Afghanistan next year, the US should be out of Iraq by the end of the year. The question that has to be asked is has the US voter tuned Obama out after ObamaCare, it’s a very valid question folks. It can be argued that either Governors Romney or Perry could beat Obama next year, the Chicago re-elect committee have a tough year and half ahead folks, how do you sell a candidate that has been tuned out by the voter.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Greece Default Part Two

Guardian: Reports that the IMF, European Central Bank and EU will pull the plug on its bailout of Greece, the default is expected by the end of the year. About time folks, this was getting bonkers, how much billions has been thrown at Greece and for what result, the Greek Government has been slow to follow through with its austerity package, the Greek economy is going down the toilet, thus more debt for the Greeks. Pull the plug NOW, save a few billion and help Greece after it defaults.

Greece and Austerity

Telegraph: Reports that the Greek Prime Minister, George Papandreou has stated that Greece will follow through with its austerity package as to keep Greece from going broke. This policy is pointless for Greece, it will default, it will hurt, it would better for Greece and EU/Euro if it did default and leave the Euro, then the Greek Government could start from scratch, it would receive loans from the EU/IMF as it would not be able to raise money on the open market. The austerity package and the bailouts will not work, sooner or later, and more chance sooner the Germans will say no to more bailouts. Also some Euro Countries want Greece to put up collateral before they get another bailout, also what about the Greek people, do we want a Greek Spring in Athens, a Democratic elected Government overthrow by the mob, in the birthplace of Democracy after all, sad days for Greece folks.

Afghanistan - Aftermath of 9/11

BBC News: Reports on one of the consequences of 9/11, the invasion of Afghanistan by the US and its Allies, today it reports that 80 US Soldiers were injured due to a Taliban bomb. The Wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, the covert war on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan, the economic costs of these Wars are the consequences of September 11 2001. Although OBL has been killed the War on Terror goes on, thus the recent terror alert for New York and Washington D.C. One has to ask when does 9/11 ever end in military terms, the general view among experts is that it will take another generation to finish off Al Qaeda, then there is the constant threat of Iran, also we have seen the Israeli Ambassador flee Egypt after his Embassy was stormed by angry Egyptians. When does the madness end folks.

The Girl Who Waited - Doctor Who

The Doctor Who News Page: Reports that the good Doctor had six million viewers on Saturday night, it beat its ITV rival by over two million. As to episode folks, it was brilliantly written and acted, it was close as the new Doctor has come to Doomsday with Doctor and Rose but in this case it was Amy and Rory, seeing Rory have to chose which Amy would survive was heartbreaking and his accused tone to the Doctor that he was trying to make him like the Doctor, but as we fans of the good Doctor know he goes a lot darker in his final regenerations, the Doctor lies. The best drama of the week. But this blog would suggest to the writers that they are careful with the character of the Doctor, they don’t want to break the Palmer Rule ( named after President David Palmer in 24), when the President crossed a line that a heroic character should not then you diminish them, you care less, the Doctor should be the best of us, heroic, selfless, barmy as hell but in a good way, as River states the Doctor can be very cold, ruthless and plays games with the lives of others, the exception being Rose, it could be argued that the darkness of the Doctor comes from losing Rose to himself! The ultimate defeat if you think about it, losing someone you love to your self.

Obama on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11



Never Forget

Never given in to terrorists

Remember 9/11

Saturday, September 10, 2011

European Central Bank and the Euro

Daily Mail: Reports on the unexpected resignation of Jurgen Stark from the board of the European Central Bank, the resignation it is believed is due to policy of the ECB to keep the PIIGS from defaulting. At some point either a brave European politician or a Country will pull the plug on the Euro, there comes a point when it starts to feel like economic madness, the Euro will only work if the Germans approve a Euro bond, in other words the Germans will have to bailout out the poor Countries of the Euro, we are talking trillions here folks, that includes Italy and Spain. Either the Germans agree or the EU has to cut bait when it comes to the Euro, throw out Greece, Ireland, Portugal, even Italy, then support the rest of the Eurozone countries, but also make sure that expelled Countries are supported for the long term. This crisis will only end badly folks, its to late for a real solution.

Israeli Ambassador Flees Egypt

Guardian: Reports that after the storming of the Israeli Embassy the Israeli Ambassador in Egypt and other Israelis are waiting to be picked up by an Israeli military plane. It can be argued that with the fall of the previous regime in Egypt the peace deal between Israel and Egypt might me on the way out, the new government in Egypt wants to keep the Arab street happy and also win forthcoming elections, the peace deal might have been popular between the elites but it was never popular on the Arab street. Thus the US has to be worried about the security of Israel, it should place pressure on Cairo to protect Israeli interests in the Country, otherwise it could lose US military support, Obama has to be tough with Egypt, Israel needs to build up its defence on the border with Egypt.

Libyan Front Line - Latest

Telegraph Live: Reports on the early battles to take the Gaddafi strong holds of Sirte and Bani Walid. Once the rebels have taken these towns the only thing left will be finding and arresting Colonel Gaddafi or of course killing him, either option would mean the end of the Gaddafi regime. After this Civil War is over the Libyan people have to build their Country up from the ground up, they are fortunate that they have the oil money, lets hope it works out in Libya, the UN will help with the reconstruction of Libya, but at the end of the day the Libyan people have to want to WIN, its their Country.

Israeli Embassy Stormed = Egypt

BBC News: Reports that the Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak has requested that the new US Defence Secretary Leon Panetta to defend the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, Egypt. This is the last thing that POTUS wants, he does not want to have to deal with a crisis in the Middle East, the threat from Al Qaeda on 9/11, he wants to push his jobs plan, but these are major diversions, if they should go wrong it can be a disaster, lets hope POTUS keeps his eye on the Middle East, he can not afford for a war to break out between Egypt and Israel after thirty years of peace. Also the Al Qaeda threat is real, thus the heavy New York Police presence in New York, Obama has to be careful that his troop withdrawal in September of 2012 from Afghanistan does not lead to a spike in attacks from that region. Well POTUS wanted the job!

Israel vs. Egypt

The White House: A readout of a telephone talk between President Obama and Israeli PM Netanyahu. The two leaders discuss the security of the Israeli Embassy in Cairo, Egypt. The readout states the following, “ The President spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu today about the situation at the Israeli Embassy in Cairo. The President expressed his great concern about the situation at the Embassy, and the security of the Israelis serving there. He reviewed the steps that the U.S. is taking at all levels to help resolve the situation without further violence, and to call on the Government of Egypt to honor its international obligations to safeguard the security of the Israeli Embassy. The President and the Prime Minister agreed to stay in close touch until the situation is resolved. Folks at the end of the day this is about Obama’s re-election, his fraught relationship with PM Netanyahu is well known, President Obama can not afford to see the security of Israel come under threat from the new Egypt after its military revolution. The problem with throwing the last regime under the bus is that it could threaten the peace deal between Israel and Egypt, thus Obama has to keep an eye on the growing tensions between the two Countries.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Tony Blair and Rendition

Guardian: Has an exclusive report that a Libyan Islamist and his family were sent to Gaddafi’s Libya and faced torture conditions under a MI6 rendition operation, the operation happened before a visit by Tony Blair to Libya. One does have to wonder who in the UK Labour Government gave the green light for sending a family in to a torture environment, the article notes that the operation followed approval at Minister level. Thus a few Labour Ministers might face some very tough questions, it has to be asked did former PM Tony Blair have any knowledge of such operations, at least someone at Secretary of State level must have given the green light.

Greek Default

Telegraph Live: Report that Greece is going to default, this has been denied by Greece. This would not be a great surprise folks, in fact Greece would be better off if it did default, then it could start from scratch, even better it should default and leave the Euro. The EU would then have to keep Greece going through loans, thus far its money down the toilet, also some EU countries are asking for collateral if they loan to Greece, have my doubts about the story but would not be surprised folks, lets see, time will tell folks.

The Obama Jobs Plan

BBC News: Reports on President Obama’s 450 billion jobs plan, its elements contain tax cuts for small business and welfare spending. The speech was typical class warfare folks, Obama wants to tax the rich to pander to his liberal base, the august Joint Session of Congress was used as a political theatre. If Obama wants to play political games then the Republicans should pass the popular tax cuts and then say no to the rest, force Obama to come out of tax hikes, that might go down well with the liberal New York Times, but it wont work in a re-election year. The political opinion is that Obama wants the House to say No so he can argue in 2012 that he is running against a do nothing Congress, aka Harry Truman in 1948, the problem for POUTS is he is no Truman, the House Republicans were elected to say NO to Obama, after he passed ObamaCare, Democrats are having flashbacks if they think this trick would work with Obama as the nominee, this is blog is close to calling this election NOW, and it would be negative for Obama, lets see what other tricks Obama has, they better be good, otherwise he wont be Truman, he will be Walter Mondale.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Obama and Taxes

Telegraph: Reports that President Obama in his speech to a joint session of Congress will state that taxes will have to go up to pay for another Obama Stimulus. As noted in previous post folks the Oval wants to spend between 300 -400 billion dollars in stimulus spending, after the failure of the first Obama stimulus. It is fair to say that POTUS is pandering to his base again, the Republicans should just tell him to get lost and grow up, that’s the problem folks if all through your life you are told you are fantastic, the best, you start to think its true. Either Obama is very stupid, even Harvard does not Graduate fools or the Oval has given up on re-election and wants the Oval to be the new Titanic of US politics. The Republican House WILL NEVER pass tax hikes. Thus the majority of this new plan is DOA on arrival on Congress, Norway should never have given Obama the Novel Peace Prize for nothing, his ego as hit hubris, and the result will be a massive defeat in 2012, it cant be to soon for this feckless politician, such a shame.

Romney and Perry on ObamaCare

BBC News: Reports both Governors Romney and Perry promised to repeal ObamaCare if elected. The leading Republicans Candidates should stick to attacking President Obama over the state of the US economy and his passing of ObamaCare. The liberal main stream media will cover for Obama, will try to divert the agenda from the Obama weak points to abortion, issues that nearly 90% of the liberal media follow without thinking. They will try to cause social issues to become the MOST important issue, both Romney and Perry should not play that game, they should stick to the Bill Clinton Campaign line of 1992, it’s the economy stupid.

Romney vs. Perry = Presidential Debate

The New York Times: Reports on the Republican debate at the Reagan Presidential Library, it notes that Governor Perry is running to the base to win the nomination, while Romney is seeking a more moderate conservative campaign, one that will gain Independent voters. In the normal course of events it can be argued that Governor Romney has the better Campaign strategy, but these are not normal time folks, it can be argued that US voter and Republican voters want another Reagan, it can be postulated that President Obama is morphing in to Jimmy Carter, thus the US voter might want a frank speaking Conservative Republican nominee. That’s not to say Romney is out, not my first choice, but his answer to the charge that he had created less jobs than Michael Dukakis, a former Governor of Massachusetts, was to hit back that Perry has created less jobs than President George W. Bush when he was Governor of Texas. Thus it will be an interesting fight between Romney and Perry folks, the others in the race don’t matter, harsh but true folks. This blog still gives the edge to Perry, does recall Reagan.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Obama and the 300 Billion Plan ?

Bloomberg: Reports that President Obama will request that the Congress passes a three hundred billion job package, the packages contains tax cuts and government spending. Well we have discovered that POTUS is not serious about Government folks, this is another spend like you’re a drunk sailor plan. The US is fourteen trillion in debt and part of the plan contains the idea to raise taxes, does the Oval have a deaf ear, or does the Obama hubris have no bounds. The Republicans should tell the Oval if this is the plan don’t bother turning up, there is closed sign on the door, better things to waste time on. Thus one can see the argument, the Obama Campaign is going to run on, the daft idea that if the Republicans would just listen to the STAR then the world would be perfect. It seems Harvard Law Graduates are not that bright, or is it just liberal Harvard Law Graduates. Well if the above story is true this blog will not bother with the speech, less of strain just to read the White House transcript, at least you can read rubbish in your own time. The Republican candidates at the Republican debate at the Reagan Presidential Library should all attack the Obama plan as foolish liberal agenda gone bonkers, it seems Obama has not learned a important film business lesson, if your last film was flop, learn why and change, otherwise hope you have a career as a character actor, otherwise your finished, and the need to get a real job, thus Obama might find he returns to Harvard to be a law Professor in 2013.