Friday, September 30, 2011

Germany and the Bailouts - Eurozone Crisis

Telegraph: Reports that the German Government is stressing that the passing of the expansion of EU bailout structure means a full stop to bigger bailouts. The problem with this new structure is that its old hat already, this was the plan for July folks, the fund had 440 billion bailout for the Euro crisis. The present problems as stated at a recent IMF meeting was that the Eurozone needs between 2-3 trillion euros to preserve the structure, thus bank bailouts, and a managed default of Greece. The troika of the EU,IMF, and ECB have to give Greece its 8 billion euros as they can then give that to the banks, the bailouts is not for Greece folks, its for the BANKS again! Thus expected G20 meeting in November is expected to devise the above plan of 2-3 trillion, the question is there enough time before the whole Euro falls flat on its face. The passing of the old bailout ( July ) was good, but it’s a first stage, how are the Germans going to react when they are told they have to fund PIIGS for years if not decades. The Euro crisis is not over folks.

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