Friday, September 30, 2011

President Obama and the Polls

RCP: Reports on its average of the polls on the job performance of President Obama. In its latest average, POTUS has a 42.7% Approval rating, while 51.2% of voters Disapprove of the Obama record. Folks we are heading in to October, thus the Oval has a year and month to get back on the road, to regain the trust of Independent voters, and Conservative Democrats, Obama needs the above groups to give him a second look, so far he is pandering to the base, the jobs plan and the funding of that plan was to regain support of the Obama base, well folks at least he has not fallen below 39% in most polls, not quite Jimmy Carter. But sooner or later the Oval will have to move to the middle, in this Obama has a problem, if the US Supreme Court takes up ObamaCare it could be a nightmare either way for the Oval, if it ruled legal this will play all the way in to the November election, its fair to say ObamaCare is hated by Republicans and all the Republican candidates have promised to repeal ObamaCare, even outside Republican voters ObamaCare is not popular, thus angry people vote. If ObamaCare is declared illegal then the Oval spent a year for nothing, Obama would not have a domestic record. Of course the economy could turn around, aka 1984, this blog is not holding its breath. Thus Obama has a problem, either he disowns his liberal policies of most of his term and gives himself a chance of wining, or he adds himself to the following list, Hoover, Carter, Bush 41, one term President folks.

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