Friday, September 30, 2011

German Government and the Bailouts - Eurozone Crisis

Guardian: Reports that the Coalition German Government is coming under pressure for a further extension to the EU bailouts, the article states the following, “ ..pressure from EU officials to deliver fresh proposals to give the rescue fund a supercharged boost. ”. The problem for the German might come again from Greece, the troika will give Greece its 8 billion Euros but what happens if the Greeks fail to follow through with tough austerity. At what point do German voters make it clear that enough is enough. The EU elite it can be argued are in a delusional mind frame, they have spent years in praising the Euro, but what if it is a fraud, a currency that can never work, that would require the 17 nations of the Euro to give up their economic power to Germany. That the only way it will work, one can see even France having a problem with taking orders from Germany on how to run its budget. Folks think about this, the EU wants to borrow 2-3 trillion, when pressed no one seems to know who is going to give the money, again it will be down to the Germans, are the Germans really going to underwrite all the poor Countries of the Euro, what happens if Germany goes in to an economic decline, who is going to bailout Germany.

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