Saturday, September 24, 2011

Obama’s Green Scandal = Solyndra

BBC News: Reports that Solyndra Executives have taken the 5th before the US Congress and their investigation how the Company received half billion dollars from the Obama Administration before going bust. This smells folks, not to say that the Executives had every right to take the 5th under US law, but one of the backers of the Company was big Obama backer, the allegation from some is that the loan smells of Chicago politics, in Chicago politics its called pay to play, in Chicago terms you have to bribe officials to get in to the game, or business. There is no proof of such action yet, and all interested in the case must be considered innocent at this stage. But the White House has a lot of questions to answer, did they push for the loan, and why the rush, who in the Government did company officials see, was President Obama aware of the loan at any stage before his visit, did the Oval influence the rush. This could turn out to be Obama’s Watergate folks, or even Iran - Contra, what did the President know and when didn’t he know it, keep an eye on this folks.

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