Saturday, September 24, 2011

54% Disapproval for Obama = Rasmussen Reports

Rasumssen Reports: Has it latest tracking poll of likely voters and the Obama job performance record, today President Obama has a 44% Approval while 54% of likely voters Disapprove of the record of the Oval. In between the Gallup and Rasmussen poll it fair to say folks that President Obama is in a hole of his own making, the voters are smart cookies, they can tell when a President is pandering to his own base and not the general voter. Thus the Obama jobs plan and how to pay for it will make the left wing liberal base happy but Independent voters, Republicans and even Conservative Democrats will run a mile from the Oval, these Obama polices are warmed up Jimmy Carter & Walter Mondale policies, and those worked out well for both men and the US NOT. The Oval can still turn this around, it has a year, but it has to go hard right, not hard left. One has to wonder who does Obama talk to these days, they all cant be YES MEN/WOMEN.

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