Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The New York Warning - House Upset!

The Hill: Reports on the upset victory by Republicans in a Special House Seat election. The last time a Republican was elected to that seat was in 1923 folks, it’s a very blue area, a safe seat in UK terms. It can be argued that President Obama’s jobs plan didn’t go down well, tax hikes never do folks, also Obama has a very frosty relationship with the Israeli Government, the seat has a high level of voters of the Jewish faith. Thus the Republican House can reject the Obama jobs plan with out much fear, also the Republican field can start to attack Obama on his Middle East policy. The Jewish vote makes up one of the most important core voting blocks in some important states, such as Florida, POTUS can not afford to lose the Jewish vote, it would be 1972, 1984 all over again, Obama would lose by 49 States.

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