Monday, September 26, 2011

UK Stock Market and the Eurozone Crisis

Telegraph: Reports that FTSE - 100 ended the day UP, it was up by 0.45%. After last week this is good news folks, but it is all based on rumour, no actual paper plan has been produced, the recent plan for a Greek bailout has still not been passed by all Eurozone States. This blog is very interested who is going to pay the two trillion, or is that another debt for the system. Also if Greece writes off 50% of its debt it cant go to the market for money, thus more bailouts for Greece, so far they have been very slow with their austerity package, one has doubts that they will ever follow through with the plan, the Greek Government would like to get re-elected. The World economic system is not in the clear yet folks, lets see the details of the new plan for Greece.

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