Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ed Miliband Speech - Review

Alastair Campbell Blog: The review by AC is very positive of the Ed Miliband speech, AC states the following, “ He was at his best today when he was passionate about where those instincts and values lay. ”. This blog was shocked by the above, thus this comment on AC’s blog “ AC come off it, when you were TB’s spin Doctor you would never have allowed him to make that kind of speech, it plays in to the hands of the Conservative Party, they will argue with some justification that it plays to the base as they say in the US. When the BBC put the Shadow Cabinet on the spot when it came to different business that could fall in to the bad business view of EM they didn’t have a clue, its all left wing PR, that even the Guardian is not baying at the moment, also when did the Labour Party disown the poor and those without a job, are those that are out of work NOW have to justify why they have a Council House, if they are poor do they have to justify their benefits to EM, someone who has never go this hands dirty, only to stab his brother in the back. If Tony Blair had even though of giving that kind of speech you would have pulled the TV plug yourself. Also why was Labour booing the only leader who has own three elections, okay Iraq but what about loyalty or was Labour loyalty to Blair only PR. This was a speech for the left wing of the Guardian, not for a future PM. ”

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