Thursday, September 08, 2011

Obama and Taxes

Telegraph: Reports that President Obama in his speech to a joint session of Congress will state that taxes will have to go up to pay for another Obama Stimulus. As noted in previous post folks the Oval wants to spend between 300 -400 billion dollars in stimulus spending, after the failure of the first Obama stimulus. It is fair to say that POTUS is pandering to his base again, the Republicans should just tell him to get lost and grow up, that’s the problem folks if all through your life you are told you are fantastic, the best, you start to think its true. Either Obama is very stupid, even Harvard does not Graduate fools or the Oval has given up on re-election and wants the Oval to be the new Titanic of US politics. The Republican House WILL NEVER pass tax hikes. Thus the majority of this new plan is DOA on arrival on Congress, Norway should never have given Obama the Novel Peace Prize for nothing, his ego as hit hubris, and the result will be a massive defeat in 2012, it cant be to soon for this feckless politician, such a shame.

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