Friday, September 23, 2011

Downfall of the Markets

BBC News: Reports on the tanking of Shares Markets in the US, UK and the EU. Thus folks in many respects we have a perfect storm, the US is broke, it has 14 trillion debt and the future economic and political prospects do not look good, the UK has seen its growth forecast downgraded to 1.1%, also in August the Coalition Government borrowed nearly 16 billion to fund the government, in the EU we have Greece, which is broke and is an economic zombie, eating cash with no future, in the European Central Banks is keeping Italy and Spain afloat. Thus answer folks, it goes back to Greece, as long as Greece is kept on life support it will suck the life out of the Euro and the EU. The Greeks have to be cut off, they are infected, after they default give them loans, but no more Euro bailouts. Then for Italy and Spain, a major bailout, even the UK would have to put some money in, also a trillion fund for the banks who will fold if Greece hit’s the deck. In the US the voters have to wait for November 2012 for a clear path forwards, its long but that the Democratic timeline folks. In the meantime, buy gold and keep you money in the bed, those banks are risky folks, still worried what the banks are not telling their governments and the public.

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