Sunday, September 25, 2011

Closing Time - Doctor Who

Doctor Who News Page: Reports that the good Doctor had 5.3 million viewers and was the third most watched programme of the day after two ITV reality shows. This episode was very moving folks, Matt Smith ( The Doctor ) James Corden ( Craig Owens ) gave 110%, it had the Cyberman but in many respects it could have been any monster, it would not have mattered, the heart of the story was friendship between the Doctor and Craig, how the Doctor is seeing his presumed death on the horizon, how Craig worries about being a new father. It was fun to see a Time Lord can speak baby, even if the baby calls everyone else outside his family peasants, that could be a future story line folks. The real hero was Craig, when his son is under threat he reverse the a gruesome Cyberman experiment to save his son. Nice to see how the Doctor got his cowboy Stetson, then to find that it was River that shoots the Doctor in the first episode. This is the BUT question, since River must have known that it was her that shot the Doctor and that a future Doctor took her out of jail for her birthday, is the 11th her Doctor, she has never said, lets recall Time Lords have 12 regenerations, the present is the 11th. Or if your being very technical since 10th used up two, this could be the final regeneration. As Matt Smith is coming back next year and so in the Doctor, how does the Doctor get out of his own death, does it have to do with the fact that River gave her regenerations to the Doctor, does the Doctor have 12 new cycles of regeneration. This blog has two degrees and is a teacher part of the time, even this blog is confused, after Star Trek Voyager one would think one could understand any time travel story, in fact one should but even this blog is curious how the Doctor does runner from his own death.

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