Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Threat from Iran to the Tehran Killing of the Hamas Leader - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

Sky News - Live Blog: Reports in its 10.51pm post the following, "  Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said revenge was "our duty" and that Israel had "prepared a harsh punishment for itself". Iran's Revolutionary Guard warned Israel will face a "harsh and painful response" from Iran and its allies in the region. "

Lets Get Real:

The Israeli State should expect no quarter from Iran, they will have to make up for their failed rocket attacks that were stopped by the Israeli Iron Dome and the US and Allies.  The IDF should expect joint attacks from Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iran, the question is what will Iran do this time and the reaction from Israel, they bowed to US pressure last time and took only shot back, lets not forget that Israel is a nuclear power!  This fight has becoming for some time, October 7th attacks on Israel might have pushed forward the timetable for a regional war, lets see what the Biden Administration does and in the case the remarks by VP HARRIS, she has to follow her President, If POTUS was LBJ the VP would be on a tight lead, there is only one President at the time.

Emergency Meeting of the UN Security Council over Tehran Killing - Middle East Crisis - Biden Era

 BBC News - Live Blog: Reports the following in its 9.14pm post, " UN Security Council emergency meeting begins...Representatives will discuss the killing of Ismail Haniyeh, a Hamas political leader. "

Lets Get Real:

Israel or their intelligence network Mossad has been busy, a Hezbollah Commander killed in Beirut, and now this killing in Tehran, one can even say that Israel has been very BOLD, this blog does not pity terrorists one does worry if ISRAEL has the defence network to counter both Hezbollah in the North and any attacks from IRAN, last time Tehran did not try hard, one gets the impression that the US placed pressure on both sides, this time the US might find its influence some what limited, Israel wants to take on IRAN, its tired of the threat and the games.  The US will defend Israel and Israel has its IRON DOME, lets not forget Israel is a nuclear power, if its back is to the wall, it can drop the BOMB on Iran, the US has said that Iran is 2 weeks from the bomb.  All eyes and ears on the Middle East, Winter is coming to the Middle East.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

War or NO War ? What will Hezbollah DO, more important what will Iran allow - Middle East Crisis

Lets Get Real:

The US will place pressure on Israel to take the win from their perspective, while Tehran should tell Hezbollah to let the matter go, if the Hezbollah commander is dead, then he can be replaced, if not dead, then they take the win and keep quiet.  No one at this time wants a war, the Americans are in a election cycle, the Tehran Regime could be two weeks from getting the bomb, that will be an even bigger crisis, God knows what Moscow is giving them for their drones technology.  The World will hold its breath see what Hezbollah do, at the moment, with the Gaza War and the War in the Ukraine, the World has enough crisis points, North Korea before the election could have a nuclear test, and World has President Biden to answer that 3am call, that should worry.

New RCP Average of the polls - Trump up by 2% - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

RealClearPolitics: Reports on the new Average of the Polls, " Trump 48.1, Harris 46.1 , Trump up by 2% "

Lets Get Real:

The VP has been getting gushing reviews from the elite liberal press, CNN being the main culprit, can they at least try and get a non Trump hater on, the viewers have to much influence on CNN, it seems that that the liberal network is afraid of them.  What happens if Trump WINS, they will have no one in Court to get stories, they might want that, being pure liberal being more important.   The Harris Campaign it is is reported is putting 50 million in to the Swing States, they cannot allow the impression to grow that she is some mad liberal from California, who is the left of Lenin.  Time is of the essence, first impressions are hard to remove.  

Trump uses the RACE CARD on VP Harris - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real

The Trump are using racist adverts to attack VP Harris, they are using the 1988 " Willie Horton " advert as the example, there is no need for this, the record of allowing violent prisoners bail should be BAD ENOUGH, by making sure that nearly all those selected for the advert are from a ethnic background is is bad taste, and in these days open the campaign to the charge of racism, calling VP Harris a BUM is not called for, she still the VP of the United States.   This blog is moving to supporting Harris, not yet a full endorsement.

Lets Get Real:

More Effective and less Racist, 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Tinderbox that is BORDER between Israel and Lebanon - Middle East - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

As the article notes, both the US and France have tried to make sure that there is no big escalation from Israel and Hezbollah, but what is more important is the how the American voters feel about any War, the hard left of the Democrats wants to abandon Israel and support the terrorists if recent Demos is the example of the left, burning American flags, American Universities have a lot to answer for, there is no free speech in the US about supporting Israel.  The LEFT has won that battle, the US Government let is happen, and VP Harris is tied to the left.   One does hope that should a bigger war break out, that the US will support Israel over Hezbollah in the North, who are supported by Iran.  The US or the Biden Oval could face North Korea doing a nuclear test just before election say in the US.  The World wants US attention when there is an election on.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

US Blames Hezbollah for Golan Heights Attack - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The above could be a problem for VP Harris, she seems rather cool on the Israeli and USA relationship, this could cost her Jewish votes in the Swing States, while Harris has been VP, she has seen growing tensions in Universities when it comes to the Jewish State, the anger has been directed at the Biden Relationship, will be interesting to see how much freedom that Biden gives Harris to distance herself from the Biden record when it comes to Israel, on whole the a firm supporter of Israel.   A regional war breaking out before election day might suite Trump, he has become a firm supporter of Israel again, while Harris will be on a hot roof.   Politics is a hard and harsh business. 

Regional War in the Middle East ? Middle East - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

BBC News: Reports " Lebanon fears dangerous new phase in Hezbollah-Israel fighting "

Lets Get Real:

From the reporting it seems that Hezbollah launched a dud missile from Iran that hit the Golan Heights, the land was annexed by Israel in 1981.   The WAR with Hamas in Gaza is still going on, there are peace talks going on, but the recent actions by Hezbollah might mean Israel pulls out, it can be argued that Israel has to take military action Hezbollah at some point and take them out, it would not be easy, the terrorist group has been armed up to their eyeballs, it would messy and a lot of innocent people would die.  The question ISRAEL must ask itself, what happens if Iran give Hezbollah a dirty bomb, or more advance missiles or even agrees to a joint strike.  As Biden is in his last months in OFFICE, he could try for a peace deal, that would be a strong legacy, in till the next war breaks out.   Time is running out for the Middle East.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Trump LEADS Harris by 2% - New Poll - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This blog is surprised that Trump still leads Harris, the liberal elite media is been fawning over Harris since POTUS withdrew from the race.  There is a race on to define Harris before Harris can define herself, the Trump Campaign is going that she is a UBER LIBERAL, the type loved by the New York Times.  Also that it is still the Biden /Harris Administration, thus the failed Presidents legacy it attached to her, so far the Harris Campaign is flying form hot air from the elite media.   The remarks by the VP on Gaza will annoy the Israeli lobby, but will appeal to students and those from the ethnic background, important in the Swing States.  The Harris VP choice will be interesting, a fellow liberal or someone more moderate, a long race ahead is a short time.

Friday, July 26, 2024

How Trump will ATTACK Harris - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Attacks your opponent is as old political trick, it worked for Richard Nixon is his long career, it also bought him down.   The Harris Campaign has to worry that a SAN FRANCISCO LIBERAL might not go down well with the fly over States, in other words the battleground States, also Conservative.  The VP is a still on the Biden Ticket, whatever your might read or watch on the liberal platforms, Biden Administration is not popular, that is why Biden was forced out by the Democratic Elite.  Let's recall her background is as a Prosecutor, there are always cases that come back to bite you on the backside, she is no DRAMA OBAMA, she does have charisma, but we have lot to learn about her and time in office.  If you just watch the liberal networks you would think its all over, a week is a long time in politics, as President Biden found out.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

President Biden on WHY he LEFT the Presidential race - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

President Biden joins this CLUB, Presidents Hoover, LBJ, Carter, Bush41, Trump - in the eyes of the American people and history,  President who failed either to get re-elected or did not run for a 2nd term.  The liberal elite knifed Biden in back, know they say he was great, never trust politicians or the elite media.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Trump LEADS Harris by 3% - New CNN Poll - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

CNN is underplaying its own POLL, the liberal network must have spent a penny on the poll, this why they are not trusted, CNN has been fawning on Harris since Biden withdrew form the race, they helped put the political knifes in to Biden.   Thus far this blog has not made its mind up for either supporting or opposing Harris.   It is matter of policies, in this case Gaza and the Ukraine, this blog is firm supporting for Israel and the Ukraine.   The VP cannot just go on and on about abortion all the time, there is to more than government than that, the Republicans have not defined her yet, she still has time.  The debates between Harris and Trump will be interesting, she is by trade a prosecutor, Trump will be the best crook she has ever gone after, and the hardest to send back to Trump Tower. The Real Clear Politics average of polls is as follows, " Trump 47.6%, Harris 45.9% " Thus Trump leads by 1.7%Always check the agenda of the source for your politics, thus far this blog is neutral.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Harris LEADS Trump in NEW POLL - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The VP should not get ready for the Oval yet, this is a first poll and the liberal CNN and other networks and papers have been total covered of her, she has a rather good line in attack, the Prosecutor vs the Crook, she will need  more than that, wait till the Republicans go on the attack on the Battleground States, recall its not the popular vote that counts but the Electoral College vote, to show this example, the REAL CLEAR POLITICS Average of the polls is as follows, " Trump 47.5%, Harris 45.9% ".  Also the VP has to choose her own VP, it would be advisable to get a military figure, as suggested, to give the ticket some heft.  The Americans voters vote for the future, so abortion is good, but recall half the Country does not support to liberal abortion laws also gun control, but that has to be careful, Americans love their guns.   So far so good by the VP, lets see her views on Gaza and the Ukraine, also she has a day job, she is the VP of the United States, and President Biden might have been removed by a Democratic Coup, but he still President, he wont allow Harris to go off the Biden reservation to much, he still has a few moths go.  The President will give a speech on Wednesday, you only have once chance to make a last impression, this is for the history books. 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Harris is the Democratic Nominee - Endorsed by Speaker Pelosi - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real

After this endorsement by Speaker Pelosi it can be confirmed that VP Harris is the Democratic Nominee for President, those who would have entered the contest have give their support to the VP.  The Delegates at the Democratic Convention will do as they are told by their political masters and vote for Harris.  The next question is who will see chose as her VP.   Thus blog would suggest a military man, something that would give the ticket heft with the public.   After that the HARRIS TEAM will try to get a debate with Trump, he has suggested Fox News, we shall see how that develops.  It will be interesting to see the policies of the Harris ticket when it comes to Gaza and the Ukraine, that will define if this blog supports the ticket.   The nagging thought that this blog has, what of the 14 million people who voted for Biden and Harris in the primaries early in 2024, will they be miffed that its a coronation of HARRIS, what next the first Dalek Candidate or Borg Democratic Candidates, once you start in that kind of process it goes wrong.  

Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Path for VP Harris - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The VP has stated the she will have to earn the Democratic nomination, it cannot be taken for granted that ALL of the Democrats who see themselves as President will give up their ambitions for the mob, if VP gets the nomination and wins she could served for 8 years, that is a long time waiting, so the VP has to be careful who she wants as her VP, as she can only have one, the ones she leaves out, might be miffed to say the least.   The Trump Camp already as saying that the VP covered up the problems with President Biden, she will have to think of a careful answer, total denial wont go down well, but showing some distance between herself might not go down well with the Oval. Let's recall LBJ held a tight reign on his VP due to the Vietnam war, what will VP Harris say about Gaza and the Ukraine.  Politics just got fun!!

1968 = 2024 - End for Joe Biden - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - End of the Joe Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

It has to happen, President Biden is out of the race and has endorsed his VP.   The political stabbing from his own friends as done the trick, they might have wanted an OPEN CONVENTION but they get VP HARRIS as the heir to Biden.   When one thinks of Harris one is reminded that she was a trough prosecutor is the eyes of the liberal left but also she is a nightmare for work for, and her job approval is in the tank with Biden's.   The Liberal Elite Establishment has WON, Obama, Pelosi, and the US Congress members who afraid of losing their Districts or States.  What will history say about Biden, long serving members of the Senate, even they turned on him, VP , even Obama did not think he was up for the job in 2016 and now more important.   POTUS was old man who refused to accept he was getting old, his memoirs will be a fun read, the praise by Obama and the Clinton's this blog take with a pinch of salt.  At least he can pardon his son Hunter now, no political costs, he will be out of the White House in a few months.  Politics is a brutal game, as the Lady herself said, betrayal with a  smile on his face.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Et Tu Obama, Pelosi, US Congress - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

It is reported on CNN that President Biden is seething with former Speaker Pelosi, one can assume that goes for President Obama too.   At least LBJ went out of the race on his own terms in 1968, with dignity, while the reason was that the he was afraid that Senator Robert Kennedy would get the nomination, he did not want to be seen as the President between Kennedys, this worry did not seem to effect Bill Clinton, the President between Bush 41 and Bush 43.  POTUS it seems could be the President between the Trump Terms.  The dignity train has left the Station some time ago, Biden stated in 2020 he would be the bridge to the next generation, then he decided he was the next generation.  Something has to give, the money men have walked away, the Congress is split in factions, how will it end? No one knows!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

President Biden has COVID - 19 Again!! - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election- Biden Era

Note from the President’s Doctor:

Lets Get Real:

This is the last thing that POTUS needs, in the Classic period they would have gone on about omens, POTUS saying that the only reason he would get out of the race was if God told him, then we have the assassination attempt on Trump and the Democrats on the HILL wanting him out, now he gets COVID - 19 just after he said that it would be ill health would force him out.   The Gods do not send 2nd warnings, it is time that POTUS  thought about allowing the VP to take the torch, the endless Democrats calling for him to leave the race, will hurt the Biden brand with voters.  Also did the Doctor have to say that POTUS was having general mailaise, that brings back the JIMMY CARTER Era, not one that POTUS wants to be associated with during an election period.   The President will recover in a few days, he needs to think does he really want this job for another 4 years!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

How the Russians view J.D. Vance, VP Nominee - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Senator has opposed the US supporting the Ukraine, this will be good  news to the Kremlin, that why this blog is supporting the POTUS or any other Democrat is chosen by the Democratic Party who will fund the KYIV Government with military kit.  This is no longer Reagan's Republican Party, the Gipper must be turning his grave, this what can happen to Democratic Parties without a strong and charismatic LEADER, like Reagan or Bush 43.   The Republicans might be a lost cause in 2024, but there is always 2028 if the World can avoid WW3.  The red liner is the Ukraine, the World is on the same road as the 1930s. 

Hill Top Democrat calls for Biden to QUIT race - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

BBC News: Reports "  Top Democrat Schiff calls on Biden to 'pass the torch'..Prominent Democrat Adam Schiff - a California congressman running to be the state's next senator - has called on President Joe Biden to "pass the torch" and allow another Democrat to challenge Donald Trump in November.  "

Lets Get Real:

One must postulate that Schiff would have not said the above without the approval of the leaders on the Hill.   This blog had thought with the attempted assassination of Trump that the calls for Biden to step down would go away, it has not, there must be Democrats on the ground and districts who can smell the coffee and know that Biden could be a LOSER, once can see Biden moving to the extreme left by his calls for reform of the Supreme Court, that is a policy point from the liberal Democrats.   One does wonder who does POTUS listen to, his inner circle could be telling him what he wants to HEAR.  If POTUS does lose to Trump, his reputation will go down the toilet, the candidate, the President who allowed Trump to come back to the Oval.   Thus this blog supports Biden, because he could defeat Trump, one does wonder if there are other better candidates out there.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Republicans are UNITED in Convention - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Republican Party is showing a UNITED FRONT, that is more than can be said of the Democrats, those on the Hill who want Biden OUT, are still pushing for that.   The invitation to Governor Haley is new, she kept in the race a long time, the Trump Campaign was not happy, this shows that Trump has learned to do what it takes to win in the Suburbs, women because of the abortion issue tend to vote Democratic.  The campaign knows that it will need to attract the female vote, or least take some women votes from the Democrats, the same goes for the African America vote and other ethnic groups, the campaign is back on track and the Democrats are playing dirty. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Biden says his rhetoric was a MISTAKE - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This shows that words matter is a Presidential contest. Biden should have been more careful, the extreme Republicans and conspiracy theorists will have a field day with this.   The reason for the assassination attempt is still now known, and this blog as will not be reporting on the case in till ALL fact at known, as is the case in the UK. It will be interesting to see the interview with NBC, does Biden attempt to bring the country together or just use Democratic talking points.   If you appreciate democracy, you want a tough but fair debate, not saying Trump is a fascist or democracy is at risk, policy differences should be debated, but with respect on both sides. 

Trump Names VP choice - J.D. Vance - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

Senator Vance is decades younger than Trump, the new VP nominee is only 40, he has served in Iraq and was a critic of Trump before, the debate him and VP Harris should be interesting, of course that debate has not been set yet after the disaster that was the Trump and Biden debate, there might be no further debates. also the Trump Campaign looks like wining why risk a further debate.   The past three weeks has seen the Supreme Court give Presidents immunity, and today the Florida Judge threw out the Federal Case against Trump when it comes to the keeping of official records.  Also Trump survived an assassination attempt that killed one rally goer and injured a further two. The delegates at the Republican Convention will be looking at the speech form Trump to send then home and to win the Presidency for Trump/Vance

Sunday, July 14, 2024

President Biden to give Oval Address to the Nation at 1am ( UK Time ) - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

In his address tonight POTUS has to be the Father of Nation, comforter is chief, as Reagan was after the Challenger Disaster.   The Address should ask the American people to STOP thinking the other side is dangerous, also push for gun control, if not know, WHEN.    There have ben calls for Biden to step down, that he is to old, well he should used that,  he was around for 1963, 1968 and 1981.   POTUS will not step down, there is still a Presidential race to WIN, the attempted assassination WILL make people think, but POLITICS IS POLITICS, always on, one does wonder what the Democratic Convention will be like, less attacks on Trump, as a neo fascist and a threat to Democracy, and the elite liberals will be careful with their words, we shall see how long it lasts.

After the Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump - Update - Words Matter - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

The tone has to change in the actions by the candidates and the TV News, the Democrats cannot call Trump a risk to democracy, and a neo fascist and that the US is in danger if Trump gets a 2nd term.   The Republicans cannot call POTUS a crook and try to impeach him.    As for the news, CNN so far has had its wings clipped, they will need a strong Editor to keep the anchors is line.  CNN has to learn again how to be a news network, not part of the Democratic Party.   Those like this blog have to be careful with language, a blog should be informative and make you think about being part of the process, not getting a gun and doing harm.  It will be interesting to see the tone of the Republican Convention and the Democratic one. WORDS MATTER, BE CAREFUL HOW YOU USE THEM. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

What is the future for POTUS ? - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This shows how out of date POTUS is, the American election process has become part reality show since the 1960 election, JFK was better on  TV than Nixon, thus the Camelot years, even if it was all PR.   It was conformed by the elections since 1980, the candidates good on TV won, Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, Obama, Trump, the exception you can argue was 2020, and Biden was hiding in his Delaware Bunker and the press covered for him, they hated Trump.   This blow does not like Trump but does not hate him, there is a difference.   The 1st Trump and Biden debate was a disaster for Biden, thus 12 days later we are still stalking about it, the process is like Chinese water torture, we watch to see if Biden makes a mistake, he did during the NATO Summit, he called the President of the Ukraine, President Putin and called his own Vice President, VP Trump.  The rally speech was okay, POTUS did mumble a  few times, but he had a teleprompter, he has NBC interview set for Monday, that will be another test, Trump must be laughing his backside off, the Republican Convention starts on Monday, one does hope the Democratic mess comes to end, one way or another!! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

What George Clooney wrote - Actor and Democratic fundraiser - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

The Democrats have been saying that Trump is a threat to democracy, but only few have shown a profile in courage and come out and say that the Biden time is over. One hopes with Mr Clooney's article in the NYT that more will come out, Joe Biden is loved, that is not enough with the threat from Trump, it would be better for Biden to say if he was leaving before the Republican Convention or the people will think that that the Democrats are playing games if they do it after the Republican Convention but before the Democratic Convention.  This blog still thinks that Biden will be the nominee, but politics is a fickle game at best, the Democrats have to decide if they will follow Biden as  Custer (Reagan played Custer in a film, Biden is no Reagan ) in to the final battle, even with the same result as Custer.  I would still bet on Biden for the nomination. 

George Clooney wants Biden OUT - Actor and major fundraiser - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

Mr Clooney is a clever man, he must have known what his article for the New York Times would do, he has played a crooked politician in the Ideas of March, he is a Hollywood Star and fundraiser for the Democrats.   There has been talk he might go in to politics, it would be way to make an entrance, to bring down a President.  This blog thought the talk of replacing Biden was over, that was a mistake, Biden is tough SOB, he will not want to be seen as being pushed out, all Presidents miss AF1 when they have gone, also Marine 1 is not to bad and you get the White House with servants.    The Biden family must talk to POTUS and his the First Lady and their son Hunter, this mess is below the dignity of the Presidency. Time has broken the dam, will POTUS remain the nominee of the Democratic Party.  

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Biden to send NEW Military Kit to the Ukraine - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This was good speech by POTUS, yes it was the teleprompter, the real test for the press will be press conference, can he get though that with taking questions.   The White House press core feel burned by the Biden Oval they will be out for blood.  I can be postulated that POTUS has won the right to be the Democratic nominee of the Party, even if the Democrats have shown no profile in courage, what they think in private is different than what they say to the press.  This does blog does not want to hear morality lessons from the Democrats and the press again, the Democrats sold that out with the press when they did not cover JFK, and his women.    As for the Presidential speech it was good, showing before Trump, it was Reagan's Republican Party, and defended NATO.  The Ukraine will bet more military kit, this blog will postulated that it will take American troops to finish the WAR in the Ukraine, even President Wilson got that fact in 1917/18.   One hopes the press will go back covering the 2024 election, and go after Trump and his appeasement of Putin of Russia.

New PM off to Washington D.C - NATO Summit and 75th birthday - Sir Keir Starmer/Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This is the right tone by the new PM, support for the Ukraine, and the promise to increase spending on defence by 2.5% in time.  The Russians might not give him the time.   The PM should be careful not to be dragged in to the debate about Biden's health.  POTUS is not going anywhere, he has made that clear, also the Democrats have shown they do not have have a profile in courage, so the Democrats are stuck with Biden.   The rebels who wanted Biden out, will have to make it clear that they support POTUS and think he can win, even if they do not think that is reality.   This blog is surprised that Russian has not tried anything with the Baltic States or Poland, if I was Putin and this mess was going on in D.C  I would try something after 8pm Washington time, Biden likes to go to sleep after 8.   The NATO members have to support the Ukraine, the War will last years, as did WW1, till the US does something as President Wilson did in 1918, by sending troops to Europe.

Monday, July 08, 2024

Does President Biden have Parkinson's or Alzheimers ? 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

Democratic Presidents have a habit of laying about their health, Woodrow Wilson about his stroke, FDR that he could walk, he had polio, JFK about his Addison disease and TV's West Wing President that he had MS.  The voters have a right to know that President Biden does not have Parkinson's disease or some form of dementia, that would explain his debate performance.   The White House is fighting back, that is good, as POTUS has stated, he is the only one to have beaten Trump, and Trump is the security threat to the US to the Western Europe and the pushing the Russians out of the Ukraine.  The Democrats have shown that they do not have a profile in courage when it comes to Biden.

Leading Democrat CALLS for Biden to DROP OUT - 2024 Candidates/General Election 2024

Lets Get Real:

This is the latest Democrat to put his head up from the trench, to call for POTUS to go, the Biden Oval has not been quiet, it has send a letter to Democrats in Congress with firm message that the President is staying in the race and has said the same by phoning a TV morning show that he likes.   One does have the feeling has passed, and POTUS will be the Democratic nominee, the Democrats will need to Unite, they must beat Trump, POTUS has stated that Trump is dangerous to the US Democracy, well he will have to watch his step, every mistake will be reported, the media think they have been conned by the Biden Oval, they will want to nail him, so no falling down, no mumbling of speech, the Presidential race has been reset.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Top Democrats want Biden OUIT - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

The Hill: Reports  "  Senior House Democrats say Biden should step aside during private call...At least four senior House Democrats said President Biden should step aside from the 2024 presidential election during a private phone call Sunday afternoon, sources told The Hill  "

Lets Get Real:

If PTUS will not go, the Democrats can not do anything, they will have to run with him and make sure their Candidates are funded as best can be, if POTUS does go, then it should be quick, VP Harris has the rightful claim to the nomination, she won with Biden in 2020, the rest of the Democrats who want to run with have to keep their ambitions to themselves.  It has to be done in a quick manner, if at all, like 1968 Biden should do it from the Oval, he would gain respect and great press coverage, if he loses in November he will get the blame and history will not be kind to him after Afghanistan mess.  Politics is a ruthless business, leaders in the House and Senate might have to make an intervention to do the dirty deed of deposing Biden.

New Labour Government stands firm on Ukraine support - Sir Keir Starmer Era

Lets Get Real:

This is a good move by the new Labour Government, the Ukraine is our firewall against Putin trying something in the Baltic States and Poland.   The problems might come later if Donald Trump wins in the US, he will cut off  military support, then it will be down to Europe to defend the Ukraine.  Trump is a THREAT to Europe and the World.  If this blog is right we are going down the same road as the 1930s, and we all know what happened then, the Western Democracies have to stand up to Putin or we could face WW3.  A 2nd Trump Presidency could ask European Countries to spend more on defence.  This would be hard on Labour and left wing Governments, the West needs to fund the Ukraine so if can defeat Putin and push to overthrow him.

Future of POTUS ? - 2024 Candidates/ 2024 General Election - Biden Era

UK General Election:  The Labour Party won a majority of 174, so far lets give them the benefit of the doubt, we have them for at least 10 years!

Lets Get Real:

The debate about the future of POTUS has been going on for a week and half, it was not a great debate, POTUS is old and past it, but he wants to keep supporting the Ukraine and wants to defend the US and Western Europe from the threat of Putin.   The Democrats if they believe their own PR, see Trump as a threat to the US, well if they think that and that Biden could cost the them election, they have to act, if they do not, then they should leave Biden on the ticket, the has earned that from them.  It seems that it is down on the Democrats on the HILL, do they want a contested convention, if so they need to hurry up, the men and women on the Hill need to see the POTUS and tell him in the Oval Office, that it is over,  comes to most politicians at the end of the day!!

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Vote Conservative Tomorrow or Else forever Labour Government

                                           Unions going on strike
                                           NO BREXIT
                                           How will Labour pay for its plans
                                           BE SCARED IF YOU ARE OLD
                                            All Labour Governments end in disaster
                                             Putin will be happy
                                              Not to Late

                Vote Conservative, you have been warned by the Cassandra of North Wales. 

Trump LEADS Biden by 6% - NYT Poll - 2024 Candidates/ 2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The Biden Oval if it going to run should do people events, get POTUS to speak to people, with no teleprompter is sight, also do press conferences, it might work, or not, but the security of the US and Western Europe is at stake, this means Biden or a Democratic nominee has to win.  Also lets recall that Biden and Trump have a 2nd debate in September, not so sure that is a good idea, we shall see, POTUS is playing it long like Clinton did in 1998, can he get through the next couple of months, that is the question, the fate of the US, Western Europe and the Ukraine might depend on it, this blog is surprised that Russia has not tried something on the Baltic States or China with Taiwan, North Korea has done some missile tests, but nothing to cause WW3 in Asia.  A befuddled President is a prize not taken, if this blog was the leaders of Russia, China, North Korea, or Iran it would try something to see the reaction from the Biden Oval.