Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Biden to send NEW Military Kit to the Ukraine - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This was good speech by POTUS, yes it was the teleprompter, the real test for the press will be press conference, can he get though that with taking questions.   The White House press core feel burned by the Biden Oval they will be out for blood.  I can be postulated that POTUS has won the right to be the Democratic nominee of the Party, even if the Democrats have shown no profile in courage, what they think in private is different than what they say to the press.  This does blog does not want to hear morality lessons from the Democrats and the press again, the Democrats sold that out with the press when they did not cover JFK, and his women.    As for the Presidential speech it was good, showing before Trump, it was Reagan's Republican Party, and defended NATO.  The Ukraine will bet more military kit, this blog will postulated that it will take American troops to finish the WAR in the Ukraine, even President Wilson got that fact in 1917/18.   One hopes the press will go back covering the 2024 election, and go after Trump and his appeasement of Putin of Russia.

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