Wednesday, July 10, 2024

George Clooney wants Biden OUT - Actor and major fundraiser - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

Mr Clooney is a clever man, he must have known what his article for the New York Times would do, he has played a crooked politician in the Ideas of March, he is a Hollywood Star and fundraiser for the Democrats.   There has been talk he might go in to politics, it would be way to make an entrance, to bring down a President.  This blog thought the talk of replacing Biden was over, that was a mistake, Biden is tough SOB, he will not want to be seen as being pushed out, all Presidents miss AF1 when they have gone, also Marine 1 is not to bad and you get the White House with servants.    The Biden family must talk to POTUS and his the First Lady and their son Hunter, this mess is below the dignity of the Presidency. Time has broken the dam, will POTUS remain the nominee of the Democratic Party.  

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