Thursday, July 18, 2024

President Biden has COVID - 19 Again!! - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election- Biden Era

Note from the President’s Doctor:

Lets Get Real:

This is the last thing that POTUS needs, in the Classic period they would have gone on about omens, POTUS saying that the only reason he would get out of the race was if God told him, then we have the assassination attempt on Trump and the Democrats on the HILL wanting him out, now he gets COVID - 19 just after he said that it would be ill health would force him out.   The Gods do not send 2nd warnings, it is time that POTUS  thought about allowing the VP to take the torch, the endless Democrats calling for him to leave the race, will hurt the Biden brand with voters.  Also did the Doctor have to say that POTUS was having general mailaise, that brings back the JIMMY CARTER Era, not one that POTUS wants to be associated with during an election period.   The President will recover in a few days, he needs to think does he really want this job for another 4 years!!

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