Sunday, July 14, 2024

After the Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump - Update - Words Matter - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election

Lets Get Real:

The tone has to change in the actions by the candidates and the TV News, the Democrats cannot call Trump a risk to democracy, and a neo fascist and that the US is in danger if Trump gets a 2nd term.   The Republicans cannot call POTUS a crook and try to impeach him.    As for the news, CNN so far has had its wings clipped, they will need a strong Editor to keep the anchors is line.  CNN has to learn again how to be a news network, not part of the Democratic Party.   Those like this blog have to be careful with language, a blog should be informative and make you think about being part of the process, not getting a gun and doing harm.  It will be interesting to see the tone of the Republican Convention and the Democratic one. WORDS MATTER, BE CAREFUL HOW YOU USE THEM. 

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