Sunday, July 21, 2024

1968 = 2024 - End for Joe Biden - 2024 Candidates/2024 General Election - End of the Joe Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

It has to happen, President Biden is out of the race and has endorsed his VP.   The political stabbing from his own friends as done the trick, they might have wanted an OPEN CONVENTION but they get VP HARRIS as the heir to Biden.   When one thinks of Harris one is reminded that she was a trough prosecutor is the eyes of the liberal left but also she is a nightmare for work for, and her job approval is in the tank with Biden's.   The Liberal Elite Establishment has WON, Obama, Pelosi, and the US Congress members who afraid of losing their Districts or States.  What will history say about Biden, long serving members of the Senate, even they turned on him, VP , even Obama did not think he was up for the job in 2016 and now more important.   POTUS was old man who refused to accept he was getting old, his memoirs will be a fun read, the praise by Obama and the Clinton's this blog take with a pinch of salt.  At least he can pardon his son Hunter now, no political costs, he will be out of the White House in a few months.  Politics is a brutal game, as the Lady herself said, betrayal with a  smile on his face.

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