Sunday, July 07, 2024

Future of POTUS ? - 2024 Candidates/ 2024 General Election - Biden Era

UK General Election:  The Labour Party won a majority of 174, so far lets give them the benefit of the doubt, we have them for at least 10 years!

Lets Get Real:

The debate about the future of POTUS has been going on for a week and half, it was not a great debate, POTUS is old and past it, but he wants to keep supporting the Ukraine and wants to defend the US and Western Europe from the threat of Putin.   The Democrats if they believe their own PR, see Trump as a threat to the US, well if they think that and that Biden could cost the them election, they have to act, if they do not, then they should leave Biden on the ticket, the has earned that from them.  It seems that it is down on the Democrats on the HILL, do they want a contested convention, if so they need to hurry up, the men and women on the Hill need to see the POTUS and tell him in the Oval Office, that it is over,  comes to most politicians at the end of the day!!

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