Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Latest from Egypt - Egypt Crisis

BBC News: Reports that the new Egyptian Government is to remove pro Morsi protesters from sits ins in Cairo.

Lets Get Real:

Lets hope they do it fast with no violence, any violence caught on the news will only help the Muslim Brotherhood, the Army should only be used as a last resort, the Police should have news film crews with them, if violence does break out and it can be shown that it was caused by the protesters this will help the secular groups within Egypt.   The Egyptian Army should expect Iran through Hamas in Gaza to cause more protesters and violence, the Tehran Regime see Morsi as an ally, this was one of the reasons that the Egyptian Army overthrew Morsi, Tehran had stated it would defend Egypt under Morsi.  Thus far the Oval has been quiet, it has blocked the sending of four fighter jets to Egypt but has not called the overthrow a COUP, there is an old saying folks, silence is golden, well in this case its true, the Oval should not throw away its limited influence in Egypt, the American big stick has shorten over the years, thus the Oval does not want to see Morsi back in power, that would really damage the chances of a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians.   Thus expect more violence in Egypt folks, lets hope it does NOT go down the road of Syria. 

Middle East Peace Talks - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

Folks this blog wishes it was wrong, but as it has stated the idea of a two State solution is DEAD, is just the diplomats as they want do not see the trees, the Palestinians want something that NO Israeli can really give them and survive, that is a REAL Palestinian State, without its own borders and control over its air, sea and land borders, any such State would be a threat to Israel.  One has only to look at Gaza, Hamas control this area and wants to destroy Israel and take over the leadership of the West Bank, in this they are supported by Iran, the Tehran Regime wants to create problems as this will divert Israel, and the West from its rush to get the bomb, this is all PR folks, there will never a REAL Palestinian State, there cant be, this is the REAL WORLD folks, not coffee time for diplomats, or Munich again, never that folks. 

More Leaks from US Traitor Snowden - NSA Leaks

Lets Get Real: 

So be it folks, after 9/11 and 7/7 I want the NSA and the UK's GCHQ to spy on everyone and everything, no more major terrorist attacks should be the objective result.  The Intelligence networks face hundred of threats thus they need to SPY on ALL actions, any watching on 9/11 does not want to go through that again, what if the terrorists get a dirty bomb or a suitcase nuclear bomb and that is set off in New York or London, people will not care about legal rights, they will want to know how the system failed and who is to BLAME.   The Guardian should face legal action in the US, this is TREASON folks, the US in ally, we need them and they need us, would the Guardian revel the details of D - Day, would they revel the battle plans for the first Gulf War.   If Government want to come down on the papers, they should go after them when they break national security, shame on the Guardian, a cheer for the NSA. 

The Alternative World of the Oval - 2nd Term Blues

Folks President Obama has lost the plot, in recent remarks he has made it clear that he will veto a oil pipeline that will create thousands of good middle class jobs, even the US Trade Unions support the building of a Oil pipeline from Canada to the US, what the President stated the below is a LIE, They keep on talking about this -- an oil pipeline coming down from Canada that’s estimated to create about 50 permanent jobs -- that’s not a jobs plan.  ".  What the Oval FAILS to mention is the thousands of jobs that will be created to build the pipeline and the effect on the local economy by the building of the pipeline.   The Oval is AFRAID of the green movement, the Oval has gotten one fact folks, it will never be considered great, thus he can only keep HIS base and to hell with the US.   Poor President Obama he could have been a contender, NOW he will join the ranks of failed Presidencies,LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Bush 41, Bush 43 winning two terms does not cut it folks, it never did in the real World. 

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Oval and Egypt - Middle East Blues

Lets Get Real:

The lack of a public reaction from the Oval to the killings in Egypt is the RIGHT path, the US has very little influence in Cairo, the Army is getting great economic support from Middle East Countries that do not want to see the Muslim Brotherhood in charge in Egypt and are afraid of democracy, you can see their point, the new democracy in Egypt gave it the Muslim Brotherhood, and they once in power tried to destroy the democratic system.   The US and the West needs the Army to develop a new Constitution that makes sure that Egypt remains a secular State and makes it difficult for the Muslim Brotherhood to operate.    The US and the West should bites its tongue over the events in Egypt, better the devil you known folks, otherwise you get an Islamic Egypt, that is backed up by Iran, and then Israel comes under threat, then you have a regional WAR. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

The End of the Carter Presidency and Iran

Lets Get Real:

Folks this blog has been searching for the most dramatic footage of the Carter Presidency, but can not even find it on Amazon, in the final hours of the Carter Presidency the President asked in a TV news crew to film his final dramatic hours in Office.   In the view of this blogger the final hours of the Carter Presidency are the most dramatic ever recorded in the Oval Office, as the President tries to get the Iran hostages home in time before Reagan takes over, this blog recalls seeing it on the BBC but nothing after that, one would have expected to turn up on History Channel or Discovery but this blog has not seen it, thus call out to ALL followers of current events and history, do they have any knowledge of this dramatic and historic footage, where it can be seen or bought.  It is through learning the past folks that we understand the future. 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Obama and the NSA Part 2 - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

There are two reasons folks why the Oval and the Leaders of both the Democratic and Republican Parties support the NSA, they do not want something to happen on their watch, the voters will not care what the mood of the Country was before, they will blame the Congress if they pass something that allows for a major terrorist attack, also at its most basic folks you do not mess about with the NSA, EVER, its like when Hoover was at the FBI, why take the risk, the NSA will be around after ANY Administration, do you really want them on your back, leaking stuff that makes you look bad, and if your the Oval you have no power after January 2oth 2017, so the Oval is doing the right thing when it comes to public policy and covering its base for after 2017.   Politics is still politics folks, it has it high ideals, but also its cynical base nature, that what makes it fun folks. 

Obama and the NSA - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real: 

As the final vote roll calls shows the victory was close folks, the Amendment was defeated by 217 to 205, if the Democrats had been united they could have stopped the NSA spaying on ALL Americans, but former Democratic Speaker Pelosi and the present Republican Speaker and their loyal colleagues supported the NSA.   It was the right move folks, but one knows that if there was  Republican President the Democrats would be one is opposing this move, it just happens that there is a Democratic in the White House, they on the whole they have to support him, but as time goes on the leadership, both Republican and Democrats will find it hard to keep their troops in line when it comes to this issue, time and distance from 9/11 will make people think that a MAJOR threat is no longer possible, while the NSA might prevent MAJOR attacks it did not prevent the Boston Bombing, thus one can argue that national security hawks and who ever is in the Oval will have tougher fights in the future, this is not the end of the debate folks. 

Amash Amendment Defeated - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

The vote was interesting folks, the vote divided Parties, on the hawk side was the Obama Oval and Conservative Republicans, while liberal or moderate Republicans joined Democrats in opposing the spaying on US Citizens.   Those that watched 9/11 will never forget that day, but it is like those that were around on November 22 1963, the day that President Kennedy was Assassinated, to them that was the DAY that changed the US, while those that were born after 1963 can place the Kennedy assassination in context, did the change from Kennedy to Johnson really change US policy in Vietnam, many Kennedy supporters have argued so, while those that see Kennedy in the cold light of day and with time argue that LBJ was carrying on the Kennedy policy, what IF's are for counter factual history.  What can be said of President Johnson is that he put his Presidency on the line for Civil Rights and the Great Society, with the best will in the World one can not see Kennedy passing Civil Rights, he was far to cautious, and wanted Southern votes in 64 and to support his brother later on, time has away of showing the truth to those that were not around at fixed times of history, historians have a point of view, that is to be expected, but honest historians give you objective history as far as they can, they give you what was going on and the results, not what they want to have happened, and what COULD have happened.   Thus in time 9/11 will become part of history, such as the Pearl Harbour in 1941, the Kennedy Assassination of 63, but to those that lived through those hours, it will never be far away, it defines us as much as the Cold War. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Obama and Syria - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real: 

The US Army is creating options for the Oval but the price is almost like throwing yourself off a cliff, the reluctance to ACT is a common mind set of the US Military, in the first Gulf War 1 the Pentagon tried to frighten the Oval with the costs of the War, after Vietnam the US Officer Core does not want to be left with an unpopular WAR, thus the fact of the Army of late in Iraq and Afghanistan.   The decision NOT TO TAKE ACTION, is also a political choice, if the Oval does not take action this will send the signal to Iran that it can go nuclear with no comeback from the US, this would mean that Israel would have to ACT, thus a regional WAR, thus what ever the Oval does its a lesser evil choice, and even that could be a disaster.   The US needs to set a no fly zone in Syria, take out the planes and chemical weapons of Assad and create a buffer zone on the Jordan and Turkish borders, this will be a great risk folks, well President Obama wanted the job. 

Liberal Left and Obama - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

As this blog has noted the liberal base will want to vent, its an interesting article folks, but Franken is a JOKE, he is from Minnesota, the Great State that gave us VP Mondale, the only State to vote for Mondale in 1984 and rejected him when he ran for his old Senate Seat, Franken is from the entertainment business, HE IS NO REAGAN, even less the Terminator, one can see the political reason for this article, he might be a joke but he is no fool, he is covering his base, ( CYA) with this article.   In till 2017 the liberal base will be critical but NOT TO critical, Obama is a LIBERAL at the end of the day, thus ObamaCare,  also Democratic States are looking for a bailout, and there only chance is with supporting President Obama, politics is a cynical business folks, but pure in a way, there are winners and losers, and liberals, they change their minds with the wind of who they support. 

The Hill and the Oval - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

As the Guardian broke the Snowden story one is not surprised that it is leading with this story, the left can not quite get its head around the fact that Obama in some areas is quite a HAWK, his use of drones to kill terrorists, his ruthless search for leaker's, the collecting of the phone records of ALL Americans, even Nixon never went that far, in many respects he makes Bush 43 look quite liberal.  On the other hand, he left Iraq, he wants to leave Afghanistan, he wants to move on from the War on Terror, while at the same type keeping the structure of the War on Terror, thus the Oval manages to annoy both the Democrats and the Republicans, lets see how long the LIBERAL BASE can be kept in check by the Oval, they will want to vent, also in many respects Obama is a lame duck President, thus they can not cause that much political damage.  

Split in Democrats OVER NSA Spaying - 2nd Term Blues

BBC News: Reports that House Democrats will support the Republican Amash amendment to block the NSA spaying on Americans. 

Lets Get Real:

Lets recall folks that the 2014 Mid Term Elections is around the corner, the liberal base of the Democratic Party will be asked for money by Congressional Democrats, the extreme liberal base reject the idea of BIG GOVERNMENT, if this was happening under a Republican President there would be calls for a Watergate type investigation, but since this is the 1st African American President and liberal to boot, they left on the whole has been quite, but they will want their people on the Hill to support any move to curb the power of the NSA, thus folks, lets see what pressure that the base places on the HILL, if the Republicans retake the White House in 2017 expect the Democrats to return to normal, by 2017 they will be going bonkers, the Obama Administration is not pure liberal as they expected, they will need to vent by 2017. 

Obama and the NSA - 2nd Term Blues

The White House: Press Statement by the White House Press Secretary on the Amash Amendment that would block NSA funding to spy on the phone records of US Citizens. The Statement states the following, " In light of the recent unauthorized disclosures, the President has said that he welcomes a debate about how best to simultaneously safeguard both our national security and the privacy of our citizens.  The Administration has taken various proactive steps to advance this debate including the President’s meeting with the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, his public statements on the disclosed programs, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s release of its own public statements, ODNI General Counsel Bob Litt’s speech at Brookings, and ODNI’s decision to declassify and disclose publicly that the Administration filed an application with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.  We look forward to continuing to discuss these critical issues with the American people and the Congress.

Lets Get Real:
The liberal base of the Democratic Party will not be happy that the Oval is trying to block this Bill that would prevent the National Security Agency from collecting the phone records of ALL of Americans.  From the left point of view its BIG BROTHER gone wild, but this is the age after 9/11, THE Oval can not afford for something to go wrong on his watch.  Even if this passes the House it should die in the Senate, in less Majority Leader Reid can not control his group.  One can argue that this move is more of warning shot over the bow of the Oval, keeping the Oval aware that the Congress is a equal branch of the US Government.  On this the Oval is right, Nixon would have loved the spaying of the NSA one would assume. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Obama and the the Freedom of the Press - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

This is a wise move by the Federal Court, when it comes to National Security there must NOT be a shield for reporters, it is far to easy for reporters and bloggers it must be said to use the argument that they should be allowed to release matters of State, even a liberal democracy needs its a secrets, this is not the 1970s and Watergate/Vietnam folks, that time is OVER, after 9/11 the State has to carry out ACTS that will not look good on the front page of the ubera liberal NYT.   Of late we have seen the release of the fact that the drone kill list goes up to the Oval, thus they are the Obama kill list for terrorists, that there was an attempt to sabotage the nuclear plants of Iran, thinks folks if the press during World War Two had released the fact that the Allies had broken the signals of the German Subs, also the military messages of the Germany Army, that the US had broken the signals of the Government of Japan.  What if the press had leaked the story of the lies that were used up to D - Day, they result could have been very different folks.    Thus good view of the US Federal Court system.  Liberals have to learn folks, even reporters, security comes first. 

Is Kerry hearing what he WANTS to HEAR? - Middle East Peace!

CNN  - Politics: Reports the following after the statement by US Secretary of State John Kerry that Israel and the Palestinians have agreed to new talks, the article raises the issue of Israeli concessions, " Reuters report quoting an Israeli official who said the Jewish state agreed to a plan for peace talks based on pre-1967 borders and land swaps. ".

Lets Get Real:

Folks THIS Israeli Government will not agree to the 1967 borders, the US, EU and the UN can go blue in the face and this is not going to happen, the present Coalition Government is Israel would fall if it tried to give East Jerusalem as a Capital to the Palestinians, also the new Israeli Government will NOT STOP building, this is smoke screen is to please the Oval, also force the Oval to deal with the problems of Syria and Iran.    One has to ask is Secretary Kerry hearing what he wants to hear, what people say in the Middle East and what they do are two different things folks, out of ten folks, 9/10 these talks will fail after the UN general meeting in September, and we will be back at the start folks, that is the history of the Middle East folks. 

The REAL Israeli Position and the Palestinians

Telegraph: Reports the following from an Israeli source when it comes to the new talks, " ..But one Israeli official indicated that the agreement was fragile. ".

Lets Get Real:

As the article notes the real reason for Israeli agreeing to these talks is to BLOCK the Palestinians doing an end run at the UN to get the status of a State, once that is OFF the table these talks will fail, no Israeli Government is going to give up East Jerusalem as a Capital for the Palestinians, a REAL Palestinian State, with its own air force and army would be a threat to Israel, lets look at how Al Qaeda has formed a base in Syria due to its Civil War, the security of Israel must come FIRST for any Government of Israel, no matter what the Oval, EU or even the UN wants, they will not be there if it goes wrong and the Jewish people are forced in to the water because they have done what makes the above happy, Obama will be gone in 2017, the EU has its own problems, and the UN is just a talking shop at the end of the day.   The Israeli Government should not allow itself to be a sucker for the wishes powers who are not under threat.   This is the real world folks. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Real Middle East Talks or just TALK ? - 2nd Obama Term

Lets Get Real: 

The players in the Middle East know how to play out the clock, the Israeli Government can wait out President Obama, and Democrats need the Jewish vote in 2014 as not to lose more House Seats and keep the Senate, thus it comes down to supporting the Oval or getting re-elected the Democrats on the Hill will only support a deal that benefits Israel, and does not go down well with liberals, the EU and the Palestinians.    This US election cycle is ruthless folks, we are now in the 2014 Cycle, after November  2014  the US election cycle moves on to the Presidential cycle, thus the expected Democratic Nominee Hillary Clinton can not afford to upset Conservative Jewish voters who tie their vote to the future of Israel, thus the Clinton's if in their interest will make sure that there is space between the Clinton Camp and the Oval.   The Middle East crushes the ego of most residents of the Oval folks. 

New Middle East Talks - Obama 2nd Term

BBC News: Reports that Israel and the Palestinians have agreed to resume talks in Washington D.C.

Lets Get Real:

This could be Israel playing D.C, it has seen how successful Iran has been at playing the Oval, when it agrees to talks, this gets the Oval off the back of Israel while Israel could be planning to attack the nuclear plants of Iran.  The two State stage solution is dead folks, it had its time and the Palestinians when Bill Clinton was in office walked away, NO Israeli Government is going to agree to a right of return for those Palestinians forced out of Israel, IF Israel agreed to a right of return, the Jewish State would no longer be a Jewish State, no Israeli Government will agree to that, also the US Congress will back up Israel against any Oval pressure.    This is a sideshow folks, Syria and Iran are the major hot spots. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Iran's New President and Israel - Middle East

Lets Get Real:

The Tehran Regime has been  showing its heel to the Oval since President Obama came in to office in 2009, they are playing on the Obama ego, he thinks HE can do a deal, that they will listen to him and his charisma, well folks they have the Obama number, and that is weakness, folks do you really think that the Oval will take military action Iran if it goes nuclear, or will the Oval try to blackmail Israel to accept a nuclear armed Iran, if your Israel would you trust the Oval with your security after its failure to take action over the Assad Regime using chemical weapons in Syria.   The Tehran Regime will promise talks because that is what the liberals in the US and EU want to hear, it could be Munich 1938 ALL over again, Europe wants to hear what it wants, well Israel can not be afford to allow it security to be defined by the weakness of Europe or the Oval, time for Israel to take action, ALL options should be on the table, even nuclear folks, Israel has to be secure, no matter the results, ACT Israel. 

President Obama's 2nd Term Blues

Gallup: Reports on President Obama's daily job performance poll, today the Oval has a 45% Approval rating, while 48% Disapprove of the job performance of the Oval. 

Lets Get Real:

This must concern the Oval, when a President is the mid 40s he has less power on the Hill, and lets be very honest here folks, the relationship between the Oval and the Republicans is toxic, while Democrats have no great love for the Oval.   In many respects Obama is the Liberal Carter, a very clever man, but who has no interest in how politics works on the Hill, he thinks if he speaks on the subject that should be the end of the discussion, that kind of ego is not helped if your given the Noble Prize for just turning up, a better man would have found a way to turn it down, have you noticed folks that the elite media almost never mentions the award, they cant, the Obama kill list with drones while effective and good policy does go down well with liberals.  Lets recall the Oval, and its down to the Oval as reported by the NYT that agrees for the drones to do their duty,  in other words kill terrorist threats, even US Citizens.    That is must be very hard for liberals to take, but they keep quite as they have a  paternal racist view of the World, they can not be critical of the 1st African - American President.    This blog is very negative of the Oval, this blog does not see colour, when Obama is rarely right the blog supports such action, such as the drone strikes, and wanting to leave Afghanistan with a 0 reserve.   This blog has supported the US action is supporting the COUP in Egypt and not using that term, when Morsi was in trouble the Oval played Golf.   The President needs to lead on Immigration reform, its right on the policy and politics, Reagan is can be postulated would have supported the reform, as does Bush 43, thus time for leadership from the Oval. 

President Obama and Immigration Reform - 2nd Term Blues

Guardian: Reports that President Obama has stated that " ..immigration overhaul cannot be achieved by his August deadline. ".

Lets Get Real:

The reason that the House will not approve the Senate Bill is down to ONE reason folks, that is ObamaCare, the Republicans regained the House in 2010 because the Democrats pushed the Bill down the throat of the US voter, the US voter wants the Republican House to BLOCK any major Obama ticket item, the US voter that voted for the Republicans do NOT TRUST President Obama.    LETS GET REAL HERE FOLKS, the Republicans have worry about getting their BASE OUT  in the 2014 Mid Term Elections, in 1986 the Reagan Amnesty for illegals did not solve the problem, thus the failure of Bush 43 to get his Immigration reform through, the Republican base want the BORDERS secured first, then lets talk about the illegals in the US, politics is a brutal business folks, and ALL POLITICS is local. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The US and Egypt - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

One has to wonder what the Kerry State Department and Oval was thinking, did you really expect a warm welcome from the Muslim Brotherhood, the Oval went on the golf course while Morsi was being overthrown, the Oval has no interest in seeing Morsi back in power, the Muslim Brotherhood was a threat to Egypt and Israel in the long term.   The Morsi Government was removing the democracy that got them elected, it can be argued that they would have revoked the Peace Deal with Israel in the long term as to keep support of the Arab street.  Also Morsi was getting in to bed with Iran, that is no go area even for this Oval. What was surprising was the real politic of the Obama Oval, Kissinger could not have done a better job at the height of his power, the one exception being that Kissinger knew his subject and care how the US was seen in the Middle East.    While the Obama Oval has kept his nose out of the Middle East, he lead from behind when it came to Libya, and allowed the UK and France to lead.   The Obama Oval sees US interest in the Pacific, the problem is folks that a Middle East Crisis out of control, with no US role can cut off OIL, the West is still in the wake of the banking collapse of 2008, it can not afford a major hit.  Thus folks keep a close eye on the Egypt and Iran, they could be major flash points over the next few months. 

The Conservatives and Labour Neck and Neck - New Poll

Lets Get Real: 

The surge in Conservative support folks is due to the fact that the Conservative Party has moved to the right, it is pushing through a Referendum vote on the EU for 2017, it is going after welfare, and lets be honest, the UK has had great success in sports, from the Lions winning in Rugby, the 1st British  Wimbledon Champion in over 70 years, the 1st Ashes Test won by England, and of course the SUN is out, one wonders when the rains are going to come.   Also the economy is not like the PIIGS nations, its not great but not in the toilet, thus folks the voter is giving the Conservatives a 2nd chance, lets see if they can gain more support, of course this poll could be a rogue poll, lets see others, also 2015 in election terms is a lifetime away folks.   There will be more rainy days ahead folks, lets see who gets washed away. 

Friday, July 12, 2013

NYT and Republican House

Lets Get Real:

The Republican House must be doing its job, the uber LIBERAL NYT is going around the twist, the paper supported ObamaCare, even through it was push through the Congress with NO Republican support, and with no one who had read it, thus the present problems, the Republicans retook the House because the US voter does not trust the BIG GOVERNMENT agenda of Liberals and the Oval.   Thus on the whole the House is doing a fine job, it is going slow on Immigration reform, get it right first, then it is cutting the big government spend of the Oval.   The NYT has to get its head out of the 1960s, its the 21 Century, its paternal racist and is snobbish when it comes to the poor.   The Reagan and Thatcher Eras change the UK and the US, the NYT is still stuck in the past, one would not be surprised if its still had a picture of Stalin up, yes folks its that out of it, the future has passed the NYT. 

Obama and the Polls

RCP: Reports on the average of the job approval polls for President Obama, today the Oval has a " 45% approval rating, while 49.6%  disapprove of the Obama job performance ".

Lets Get Real:

Lets look at the Gallup polls numbers for Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and Bush 43 at this time in their Presidencies, Reagan was on 63% approval ( his final rating in 1988 ), Bill Clinton was on 58% ( his final rating was 66% ), while Bush 43 was on 49% ( his final rating was 29% ).    Thus President Obama has to be careful he does not go down the Bush 43 route, lets see what his poll numbers are like after ObamaCare comes in to effect, also the Individual and Employers Mandate, one can expect his polls to take a hit, will the Obama record be a negative or positive for the Democratic nominee in 2017, lets recall Reagan helped Bush 41 get elected, while Clinton was seen as political toxic for the Gore Campaign after the Clinton scandals.  One can postulate NOW that Democratic political managers are thinking of how to avoid having Obama on the same stand as the Democratic Nominee should his polls be at the same level as Bush 43, lets be honest there is no love lost between Bill Clinton and President Obama, if Hillary Clinton wins in 2017 the Obama crowd will be OUT in the Cold, well Chicago!.   Thus folks watch the polls, can you see the path in 2017. 

Snowden vs. The US - Traitor Story 1

Guardian: Reports that the US Traitor Edward Snowden has stated the following from Russia, " ..has said US officials are waging a campaign to prevent him from taking up asylum offers..".

Lets Get Real:

One has to wonder is Edward Snowden naive or just thick, of course the US is going to make this as difficult as it can for him, he has released some of the major state secrets of the US, did the he expect the US to give him a beer and a thanks on the back, lets recall the elite media has a problem, its a Democrat in the White House, if all the Snowden material had come out during a Republican Presidency the left would be calling for a Special Prosecutor or the resignation of the President.    The Snowden case has not helped itself by first going to China then Russia, hardly Western democracies.  The US is using soft power, making clear to any Country that takes him that this would finish any relationship with the US, the US might be 16 trillion in debt, it is still an economic power, thus folks Snowden might find himself in  hell hole, that has a kind of poetic justice to it folks, a traitor in a hell hole. 

Teachers and the UK Coalition Government

BBC News: Reports that teachers in England and Wales are to go on day strikes and regional strikes in opposition to government reform of education. 

Lets Get Real:

The teachers that go on strike should be ashamed of their actions, they are public servants, they wish to be treated as public sector professionals, well if they go on strike they are nothing better than militant trouble makers who should be sacked, the Government should place new contracts that forbids strike action by teachers, the education of students is damaged, and those that go in Education want to see students get the best education, missing lessons for strikes is not a great morel lesson for the students.    Thus blog recalls the teacher strikes of the early 80s,  one does lose respect for people who seem just want more money, what about the tax payer, they will be stuck with students, this will damage the work prospects of the parents.    Thus SACK these Trots and be firm Coalition Government, do what Reagan did with the air traffic controllers, he sacked them, that got the attention of the USSR, the UK needs firm Government folks. 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

NYT and Immigration Reform - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real: 

The start of above is accurate folks, the Republicans in 2017 need to get more Hispanic voters, but the next election in the cycle is the 2014 Mid Term folks, that is a base vote, and the base of the Republican Party does not want amnesty, it could be argued that the Republicans should slow walk the reform, very slow, only produce elements that have the support of the majority of House Republicans and the base.   Where the above NYT line goes wrong is the failure to mention that Democrats have safe seats, thus they tend to be VERY LIBERAL, thus you had Speak Pelosi, but that was a exception folks, since 1994 the Democrats have only held the House in two election cycles, and that was down to Iraq and the meltdown of the banks, after ObamaCare the House returned to the Republicans, these voters want to BLOCK the Obama Agenda.  Thus Speaker Boehner should get through the 2014 Mid Terms, see how many troops he has and then go for a deal, in time for the 2017 election.   One election at a time folks, ALL that matters in 2014 Mid Terms, politics is local folks. 

Immigration Reform and the Republican House - 2nd Term Blues

CNN - Politics: Reports that the Republican Leaders in the House will, " refuse to hold a vote on a Senate version that passed with bipartisan support ".

Lets Get Real:

If the Republican House wants Immigration Reform it should develop a Republican version, make sure the borders are secured first, then that all illegals in the US must register before a set date, all illegals bought in to the US before they were 18 should not be blamed if they were taken over the border by relatives, they should have a path way to legal status and US Citizenship if they have a good school record, have paid taxes, or have public service, such as in the Army or the Police.   Those illegals  in the US who came to the US when over the age of 18 should get legal status as long as they have paid taxes, have a job, have not broken the law, or have served in the public sector.   The reform should be a Republican reform, and it should be done fast, lets get this issue off the table. 

Is Immigration Reform DEAD ? - 2nd Term Blues

Lets Get Real:

The Republicans should be crafty, they should agree to the Senate Bill, 100% of it, but, and there is always a BUT folks, as the price, ObamaCare has to go on ice in till signed in law again by the new US President on 20th January 2017.   Either way the Republicans WIN, if Obama agrees then he gets immigration reform and the Republicans get rid of ObamaCare, if the Oval says NO, then it will be seen that the ego of Oval is more important that a real immigration deal, this would be a perfect and crafty Chicago move folks, it would be down to the Oval, no Democrat is going to run in 2017 on agreeing to the mess that is ObamaCare, thus the Republicans WIN.  Lets hope the Republican House can be that crafty, the ego of the Oval could not take such a move, it would be perfect folks. 

The US and Egypt - Crisis in Egypt

BBC News: Reports that the US will deliver four F- 16 Fighters to Egypt, this is part of a deal for 20. 

Lets Get Real:

This shows what the Oval thinks of President Morsi, the US can not afford not to give military support to the new Government, the Morsi Government was taking Egypt down the Islamic path, this would have been a threat to Egypt as a whole and to Israel.   The military support to Egypt is part of the Camp David Peace Agreement, any revoking of that would play in to the hands of the Islamic extremists who hate Israel.  In this Egypt Crisis, the Oval has been very smart, not saying much, not using the term coup, just allowing events to play out, lets see if it works folks.   The current of the Middle East on the whole tends to be negative for US Presidents, even the greats, and that does not include Carter. 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Chemical Weapons and Syria - Syrian Crisis

Lets Get Real:

This is why folks we have to arm the secular rebels in Syria, we need them to fight the Al Qaeda elements in Syria and then take down the Assad Regime, the Regime has already used chemical weapons, and the Oval has done NOTHING, this is why no one is afraid of President Obama, good on the rhetoric, a failure AT being President.   The Assad Regime has bought in support from Iran and Lebanon, thus their recent gains, and the West is still discussing giving the rebels small arms, and worrying if they can be traced.   If the terrorists get chemical weapons, do you really think they will not use THEM on Israel  and the West, thus this is the time for leadership from the Oval, the UK and France have to take the Oval by the collar and remind the Oval he is OUT in 2017, and history does not look well on weak Presidents, just ask Jimmy Carter.   Bush 43 had low numbers at the end of his term, but he now gets the same approval ratings as President Obama, a strong President gets respected, no one likes Carter, even Obama, so that should be a Chicago lesson for the Oval, lead and mean it, from Afghanistan to Syria, yes the left will hate you, but after the NSA leaks the left does not really have that much time for Obama, a strong President gets respect, a weak one has to build homes! And one does not see Obama as the type to build homes, his ego would never take it, so lead Mr President, it is your political interests in the long term. 

The Elite Media and Bush 43 - Immigration Reform

Lets Get Real:

Thus folks are you seeing a theme, most of the time the left wing media see Bush 43 and Tony Blair as War Criminals over Iraq, but this shows that politics is an ART, the left can turn on a dime when it suites them, not actually gushing articles, but both the Guardian and the CNN want to paint the worse picture of the Republican House, the talking points of the Oval, the left must think that the people are simple or thick, when this debate is over the left will go back to Bush/Blair bashing, but on this issue Bush 43 and the elite media is RIGHT, the House should pass either the Senate bill on Immigration or draw up something that is close but has a Republican print on it, its time to get a move on, the politics and the policy are right, its the House that is stuck on the wrong road, time to change lanes House. 

Bush 43 and Immigration Reform

Lets Get Real:

A almost positive article on Bush 43 by the left wing Guardian, the Senate Immigration Bill must really be trouble in the House, IN his second term Bush 43 tried Immigration reform, it did not pass, as Governor of Texas a border State Bush 43 understood the importance of Immigration and how political toxic it could be to Republicans, thus his try, those on the right recall 1986 the last amnesty bill, that was suppose to end this problem, it did not happen, it will never, the US to the poor of the Americas is seen as Shining City on Hill, thus they want to improve their lives, who can blame them, the US is a great melting pot, the Republicans should follow the lead of past Republican Presidents, Reagan and Bush and move to pass the Senate bill, it is right for the US and the Republican Party, thus a WIN WIN folks, the House should WIN one for the Gipper. 

UK and Afghanistan

BBC News: Reports that the level of UK troops in Afghanistan will fall to around six thousand by the end of the year. 

Lets Get Real:

The blunt opinion of the UK's role in Afghanistan has been clear in this blog since it started in 2006, Afghanistan is a hell hole, just after Vietnam if your going to fight a War, and its a War you cant and not willing to win.   There have been recent reports of a major political blow up in a video conference between Oval and Kabul, there are reports that the Oval might not leave any troops in Afghanistan, if this is true its one of the wisest things that has come out of the Oval since the 20th of January 2009.   The idea to leave troops in Afghanistan is just plain mad, they would be a major target for the Taliban and Al Qaeda, every hit would be a PR victory for the terrorists,  thus the UK and the US should leave Afghanistan, rent bases on the border of the badlands of the Afghan and Pakistan border and send drones over time there is a threat.  Lets GET OUT, Afghanistan is not worth one more Western life.    On 0 reserve troops if true the Oval is 100% right, guess folks even a ego maniac can have a sound thoughts once in two terms.   

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Immigration Reform and the House

Lets Get Real:

The House Republicans should ask, not what the uber liberal NYT wants, put what that great President Ronald Reagan would have thought of the Senate Bill, it can be argued that Reagan understood that US and the Republican Party would gain from amnesty in the long term, the issue would be off the table, as this would have to be the last time, also it is the right thing to do,  also in the long term the Republicans would be seen supporting economic reform, illegals would pay tax, but also they would get paid well, now they are at the mercy of the employer, thus folks the Republicans on this should follow the advice of the NYT, yes folks, even the totally wrong, 100% of the time NYT gets something right, so Republicans vote for what the Gipper would have supported, pass Immigration reform, show that Government can work for the lowest of people in the US, also illegals want to get up the ladder, thus more votes for Republicans, its a win win folks, morale and political, vote for immigration reform. 

Muslim Brotherhood THREAT - Crisis in Egypt 3

Lets Get Real:

The Egyptian Army has to ACT fast, it has to suppress the Muslim Brotherhood, otherwise the Brotherhood will use deaths as PR to get the West to turn against the Army, then they could retake power and move Egypt down the road that Iran started in 1979.    Thus the Army has to ACT fast, either arrest leading supporters of the Brotherhood or exile them for life.  In any new elections the Brotherhood has to be contained, there have to be other centres of power, either through the Parliament or the Court system, the Muslim Brotherhood will use democracy but they will never give up power once they are given it or retake it, thus the Army has to be fast, smart, and keep the public on side, thus they need better PR, and not to shoot people in public, its not smart or good policy, make people think that they should support the MB.    Thus better strategy and PR from the Army, do not give the opposition the tools to beat you, this is the time to win and make it stick folks. 

The Left and Egypt - Crisis in Egypt 2

Lets Get Real:

This is typical of the left, when things get difficult they bail, the left  mocked Reagan when he called the USSR an Evil Empire and when he called on President Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall, the left in the US and UK were opposed to the Reagan taking on the USSR in the 1980s, they just wanted an easy life and to appease the USSR.  Reagan understood the need to get his hands dirty, supporting freedom fighters from Afghanistan to Nicaragua, the man in the Oval has to expect to take decisions that the left will hate, on the whole the left has not gone after Obama when it comes to Egypt, but should the death toll raise expect the left to call for Morsi to be released and given back the Presidency, no matter that Morsi was removing Egyptian Democracy and was no friend of liberals.   The left is WEAK, lets hope the the Oval is stronger, the left are NEVER right when it comes to foreign policy, if the left had been in charge in the 80s the Berlin Wall would still be up, some on the left still think the USSR was a good idea, yes folks they are that far gone. 

Obama and the Egyptian Coup - Crisis in Egypt

BBC News: Reports that the Obama White House is refusing to call the Egyptian Coup a Coup.

Lets Get Real:

This is what GIVES politics a bad name folks, it was COUP, a military coup, but it was a coup that was needed to protect Egyptian democracy for the long term, it was in the interest of Egypt and the West for Morsi to be ousted.  If the US blocks its grant of 1.5 billion it will have no influence in Egypt, even worse the Russians could come in to offer military support and  money, Obama could not afford to have the Republicans throw the charge that Obama had lost Egypt, as Truman was accusing of losing China at the end of the 1940s.   Thus the Oval is right not to use the term COUP, Egypt can not afford to be lost, also the Egyptian Army did the Oval favour by getting rid of Morsi, as the Muslim Brotherhood was a threat to Israel in the long term, this is when Obama gets his hands dirty, he can not blame Bush 43, Egypt could be his Iraq, not in losses of troops but in how the US is looked upon by the rest of the World, liberals who support Obama, will have to twist the English language  as to keep supporting the Oval, Obama is doing what every President has done, with the exception of Carter, support the suppression of democracy for US interests, well Obama wanted the job, well here comes the dirty part, that liberals hate, and Conservatives realised is the REAL WORLD. 

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Blair vs. UK/US - Egypt Crisis

Guardian: Reports the following on the different perspectives between Tony Blair and the present leaders in the US and UK when it comes to the Egyptian Coup , " Taking a different approach to both President Obama and William Hague, who have expressed reservations over the military takeover  ".

Lets Get Real:

One can argue from a left wing view that you either trust democracy OR NOT, if your from the right you always support the Government that supports your political interest in a region, thus the US supported right wing military dictators in its backyard and looked the other way when they removed threats without a trial, it what had to be done to keep the Communists from taking power, it was nasty and bloody folks, and normally course of events you would be appalled at such actions, but they were your SOBs, thus you supported them, the left of course went bonkers, it is nice to see that TB has gone further to the dark side from the view of the left, from the right he 100% right, one wonders if you had told the TB of 1997 that he would be so RIGHT WING, would he have thrown you out of No 10.   Power can corrupt folks, but it also shows you the real world, you have to get your hands dirty in a political sense, even accept the death of thousands, if at the end of the day your are protecting democracy or the interests of Western democracy for the long term.  Life is a B*tch folks, then you grow up, and become right wing. 

Blair on Egypt Coup - Crisis in Egypt

BBC News: Reports that former Labour PM Tony Blair has come out in support of the Army Coup in Egypt. 

Lets Get Real:

Lets see was this blog right to support the Egyptian Army in their coup, Tony Blair has come out in support, that is a joke folks, of course Mr Blair is correct, the Egyptian Army faced the breakdown of civil society, the Muslim Brotherhood was taking Egypt down the road of Iran,  as noted in the Sunday Times the Egyptian Army was worried that President Morsi was getting to close to Iran,  this was seen as a threat to the Army and to the secular society of Egypt.   Lets get real here folks, the millions of protesters in Egypt gave the Army the PR cover it wanted, one can postulate that the Army would have taken over one way or another, the Army has to write a secular Constitution, make sure that the Muslim Brotherhood can not take part in future election, and even if they do take part that there are other power centres to make sure that they can not rule by themselves,  create a US system of checks, nothing gets done in less other centres approve, fix the elections before they happen folks. 

Friday, July 05, 2013

Egypt Update - Crisis in Egypt 3

Lets Get Real: 

This is the threat folks, that Egypt will become another Syria, think of that folks, the Syrian Civil War has seen a death toll of a hundred thousand, the use of chemical weapons, Syrian refugees overwhelming Jordan, causing problems in Lebanon, Iraq, the growing power of Iran in the region, this leads to Israel coming under threat in the near future.  What if Al Qaeda gets a base in Egypt, this will return the Region to the bad days of the late 60s and 70s, Israel would be under constant threat from the Countries on its borders, but also with the added threat of Al Qaeda in to the mix, thus folks the Islamic threat has to be crushed, wiped out, otherwise the Oval will have a nightmare three years and half, look how old Jimmy Carter looked due to the Iran hostage crisis of 1979 - 81, President Obama already looks old, does he want to look ancient in 2017. 

Day of Violence - Egypt Update 2

Lets Get Real:

The question that those reporting and commenting on Egypt have to ask, do they want a secular, moderate liberal Egypt, or do they want to see Egypt become another Iran, this could lead to the break in the Camp David Peace accords with Israel, a Islamic Egypt combined with the threat of a nuclear armed Iran would force Israel to act, thus it might be forced to strike Iran before it goes nuclear, these are the threats if the Muslim Brotherhood gets back in to power folks, thus the Egyptian Army will have to be tough, that is the nature of democracy, to preserve a future for a democratic Egypt the Army might needs a hand of steel in a soft glove.